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Should I mention that I am bald in my online dating profile?


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No, I would not mention that you were bald on your dating profile. If the girl sees this as an issue, you will find out about it after the date. Besides, it's not as though you were entirely bald. You can also see where it leads to - and whether or not she likes you for you.


Not only that it gives the reader of the profile the impression that he is insecure about it....like he is apologizing upfront for nature or something. Even if she might have been very ok with it otherwise, bringing it up may make her think he is too self conscious ...


Women don't mention 'i have vericose veins' if she plans on wearing a skirt and has them, etc.


It is always good to be realistic in your pics but those things that just do not and will not show up naturally in a pic should not have to be disclosed. Somethings that are more obvious that could cause a bit of surprise or shock out of the person you are going out with such as being in a wheelchair, you could show a pic of yourself in one, or if a person is blind it should be mentioned, but otherwise quirky things like a bald spot on top of the head are just not necessary to disclose. And i only mention the part about handicaps if the person wants to avoid any big surprises...disclosure and hwo much is certainly up to the person.

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For your specific situation, online dating would be like hopping on one leg in a marathon - slow and painful. You just wouldn't be able to make the gains quick enough to prevent you from this cycle you're in of continuously getting discouraged. So I'd use online dating as a supplement if I were you.


Now if you wanna run this race full speed, a PUA bootcamp would be like getting a running start.

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Now if you wanna run this race full speed, a PUA bootcamp would be like getting a running start.


Ever since reading "The Game" I've wanted to go to one of those, think it would be a blast. May reward myself one day for meeting a goal of some sort.


Gry seems to be doing well enough, though, his frustrations have been at flakes, not at being able to approach or get numbers, and that's simply a matter of upping the approaches and giving off an aura of more social value.


On topic, no need to mention the bald spot.

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I would put a pic that is rly clear how you look. I just hate it when ppl I meet online, look totally different when i meet them rl (not dating,Ive never done online dating).... just cuz they hide something about them, or they put a pic where they look very better, etc.



I dont think it will be a deal to many women that you have a little bit bald, maybe some, but I wouldnt try purposely hide it on your pic, only for the women.....So write it in your profile if you like (But I wouldnt do that rly), but especially put a pic where ppl can clearly see your face/body. Otherwise some girls might be disáppointed in a meeting.

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Gry, I think you should wear your hair however you want, just have a picture that shows what it looks like. No need to announce it in your profile. If you can't tell from a normal picture, then forget about it. if a girl has a problem with it, she can take a hike. Don't mention it in your profile, it will make you look insecure about it and that's unattractive.

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  • 2 years later...

You need to mention it before you meet, balding,short, fat whatever. Why because it will save you a ton of time and money. Some try to hide physical attributes in the attempt that once they meet the person the "real" you will win them over, big mistake for onliners. People like what they like period. Some folks won't be attracted to someone overweight, oh well, but if you are why waste time and money, find out first. There are cases where people's personality sway someone, but that is usually in an environment where the other gets to know you over a period of time. That is rarely going to happen in the world of online dating.

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