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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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It is making me sick and irritable. They need to let me know by the end of this week. I don't think I can take it anymore. I have that tight-chest, frog-in-throat feeling whenever I think about it too much. Universities have some of the most long, drawn-out, over-killed search processes EVER.

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So I still haven't heard. Ridiculous.


On the health/fitness front, I've decided to do Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet for a couple of weeks. I am completely addicted to carbs at this point and I need to get them ot of my system and life for a bit. to reset my metabolism. I went to the grocery store and stocked up on lean protein, nuts, lowfat dairy, and a variety green veggies.


Usually it is like Hell for the first week and I feel tired and cranky, but then I feel so much better by week 2 and get a surge of energy and the cravings for carbs and sugar goes away.

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bah. so i'm about to sound like a debbie downer..... but at this point, i would assume the worst: that they aren't going to pick you. it's possible that they've already offered it to someone else, and are waiting to hear on that person's decision. it's possible your boss could have sabotaged you. i might start mentally preparing for a rejection. and if you get good news, then that's great and you can throw a huge party. It could be that this whole delay has to do with some ridiculous paperwork issue that you know, happen all the time at universities.

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Yes, I am mentally preparing myself for either possibility at this point. But I don't think they've offered it to anyone else. It was down to me and one other person who works in my department. She asked me today (to my surprise), if I've heard anything, then she said she didn't hear anything either and she said she is losing her mind with all this waiting. (Sort of like me! haha) But I played it cool and acted like I wasn't worried.


I get the feeling that my annoying boss is the reason the process is slowing down. Anything he touches moves at a snails pace. I will really start to lose hope if I don't hear before the end of this week.


I've decided that if I don't get it, I will continue a job search- as I've outgrown my role, I'm tired of my boss' BS, and know I could make more money elsewhere. No matter what I am ready to make a change.

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ok, well, that's good if she hasn't heard either - that means you are still in the game! oh, so your boss could be sabotaging BOTH of you. how lovely.


i think continuing with the job search is a good idea. if you come accross some interesting ads, they can help redirect your focus to doing something active instead of just sitting and waiting and being passive.


hugs. i really hope you get this!!!!

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What I think is happening is that they want to hire me for it, and he is trying one last ditch effort to keep a piece of me working for him. I think he is pulling political sneaky BS.....like trying to convince them to let him pay for .25 of my salary so I can do .25 work for him and .75 work for them. I don't think he'd be able to pull that off easily, as it is a union position.


He's doing something that is interfering. I just have such a strong gut feeling about it. If they do give me an offer and give me a choice to still "belong" to my boss/current department for .25 of the position or or whatever, I will say no, and I want the position and job description I applied for.


He's trying to screw with something, I'm pretty sure of it. He thinks he is slick, but I can read him like a book, and will be one step ahead.

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Thanks!! I'm just so elated. A major weight has been lifted off me and I feel so enthusiastic about the future of my career.


I'm looking forward to the pay increase too of course! lol



I tried to contact my current boss by phone today to tell him I got the other job, and talk about a start date. I followed up with an e-mail. Of course he was passive-aggressive and ignored me. Oh well.


Sayonara is what I say! lol


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Of course he'd be passive-aggressive he didn't want you to get the job, because he is a jerk. BUT YOU GOT IT! And now you are your own BOSS, and he doesn't get to boss you around! Ha ha smileeee Bella!


Oh and get a cleaning person


Winning is sweet and all those new outfits were worth buying

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As for diet- Got through Day 3 of no carbs much easier than Days 1 and 2.


A day of eating for me right now looks like:


Breakfast: 4 lowfat slices turkey bacon, protein shake (sugar free)

Snack: part skim string cheese

Lunch: Turkey and spinach sandwich, made with lettuce and not bread

Snack: Almonds

Dinner: Chili made with lean gorund sirloin, garden salad with olives lite balsamic vinaigrette dressing

Snack Sugar free popsicle


92 oz. water per day

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Of course he'd be passive-aggressive he didn't want you to get the job, because he is a jerk. BUT YOU GOT IT! And now you are your own BOSS, and he doesn't get to boss you around! Ha ha smileeee Bella!


Oh and get a cleaning person


Winning is sweet and all those new outfits were worth buying


He can't handle anything that isn't "his" idea. Yes, me likes the idea of being my own boss. lol


I think he's really pissed because whatever politics he was trying to play didn't work. I got it fair and square, but I also had a few tricks up my own sleeve politically to counter any BS that he brought into the situation.


Definitely enjoyed buying the outfits. I am glad the investment paid off in the end.

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So it's been 9 days with no carbs. Just lots of lean protein and greens.


I have to say, I feel really good. I've lost the feeling of craving. The only time I really get it is first thing in the morning (i.e. craving a giant muffin, bagel, or piles of toast lol) but then I am fine once I have some protein for breakfast.


My stomach feels so much flatter. Jeans went on without a hitch-- that is always the truw test. I know part of it is due to actual weight loss and part of it is due to the fact that when I don't eat carbs I don't get bloated, at all.


I always wonder if I have issues with gluten.

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Carbs are my enemy. When ever I eat carbs I feel like crap. I've been eating mostly a gluten-free diet now because of the H.Pylori and have cut out carbs and sugars ( I love chocolate/sweets/cakes etc so sugar is really hard for me to give up) and I definitely have noticed a change in how I feel. Last night I made the mistake of eating mushrooms and with H.Pylori that's like a slow death in your stomach because mushrooms are fungi, and today I feel like CRAP! I am convinced it's all about right foods and exercise, but more food than anything.

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Some carbs are good for you- complex carbs. I wouldn't give them up entirely because when you start eating them again you'll just gain the weight back. Eventually an all protein/ veg diet will catch up to you and you'll start to feel sluggish. I would have carbs with one meal maybe dinner.

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So tired. I want the laudry fairy to come and wisk all of my laundry away. I'd also like the grocery fairy to stock my cabinets so I don't have to go to the store. I'd like the temporary hearing impairment fairy to help me tune out the sound of motorized toy trucks in my face.


I think I will need a spa day soon.....feel it coming on. It's been a while.

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