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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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I do need to get some ankle weights and wrist weights too- I think the ankle weights would be good for walking and jogging, as you mentioned- and the wrist weights would add some extra upper body challenge when I am on the elliptical crosstrainer machine at the gym.

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Today's workout of 30 minutes of running was totally unplanned and rather painful because it happened while I was wearing a dress and a new pair of high heeled sandals that I am wearing for the first time today (but of course, isn't that how it always seems to work


I was on my way to the office and I saw a big, black shepard mix crossing slowly and extremely bewildered accross 4 lanes of oncoming traffic on the main road. Some dogs are "street smart"- this one wasn't. It was almost getting hit and seemed very confised. It also was favoring one side/one hip when it walked.


After seeing that -there was no way in Hell I could keep driving on to work. I waited until it got accross the main road, and then followed it. I pullled over and parked on a side street and tried to get it to come to me but it was scared stiff of me. (I don't blame it lol- at first I was calling it a "good girl" but it wasn't even a girl, I noticed that part later when it peed on a tree -oops)


I literally played a game of cat and mouse with this dog, chasing it for 30 minutes on the streets and into people's yards. It looked so scared and confused- but not aggressive at all- just distrustful and unsure. It would run away and then look back at me in a rather pathethic way. I originally thought it got hit at first with the way it was limping, but when I got closer I saw that it was just tired and was a very old dog- plus shepard's are prone to hip issues.


Finally it went near a yard and another dog came out and scared it by barking aggressively, which sent it directly toward me- I squatted down and put out my hand calling it to come and it finally trusted me enough to smell my hand. The true test would be when I tried to pat it's head- I would either get bit, it would take off, or it would submit. I tried to remember everything I've seen from the Dog Whisperer show about "calm assertive energy" lol. Well the sweet little thing submitted and I took a hold of his collar and looked at the tags. His name was "Buster". From that point on he was so cooperative.


The owner of the other dog that scared Buster came outside and I explained why I was randomely on her lawn with a dog and what was going on. She went inside and got one of her dog's leashes for me so I could secure him and keep him from getting away again.


We called the number on his collar tags but no one answered. She left a message. She told me that she has never seen this dog before, but knows where the street address on the tags is. So she walked there with me and "Buster". It was only a few blocks away, thankfully. When we got there we rang the bell. No one was home- "Buster's tail was wagging like crazy when he saw his house though. We saw how he escaped. He pushed open the gate to his fenced in yard. There were no cars in the driveway so his owner must have been out or at work. We put him back in the yard- made sure he had adequate food, water, and shade (the owner left him plenty and we saw his bed set up on their porch). Then we made sure the gate closed tightly and we also put a garbage can in front of it just in case he ever tried to push it again that day.


I definitely got a good workout in- but my little toe on my right foot paid a major price, in the new shoes. Ouch! They are not intended for running. ](*,)


This has taught me one lesson- I need a pair of resident sneakers in my car and also a resident leash. This isn't the first time I have gotten into this kind of situation and I know it won't be the last.- I might need to keep some dog treats and a tennis ball too in case the next one is stubborn like my friend Buster.

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Awww, I love that story.


I was about to comment on the wrist weights and then I became engrossed in your dog chasing story. LOL


Buster and his owners should be so lucky that you happened upon him and got him home safe and sound. Did the lady happen to leave your name and number on their answering machine? I hope the owners would at least be appreciative enough to call you with a big thanks.


Now, let's talk wrist weights. Love em'! I bought some (2lb ones) and put them on when I am on the elliptical. It's funny, you don't think 2 lbs is a lot, it doesn't feel like a lot but when your arms are going full swing on the ellipitical, you feel it. I haven't tried the ankle weights, but I could only imagine what the legs would feel like after a session with those.

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The woman that called left her cell phone number. I hope they will call her later on so she can tell them exactly what happened. The street he was originally crossing was a busy street with 4 lanes of traffic at a high rate of speed. If he kept acting that bewildered and trying to cross that road slowly he would have been hit. Where I originally spotted him was rather far from his home- but as I chased him he apparently moved closer and closer to home. The walk back to my parked car was painful.


The woman who helped with the leash and the owner have no idea who I am. I'm just glad Buster is home safe. My toe is busted from Buster.


Now, let's talk wrist weights. Love em'! I bought some (2lb ones) and put them on when I am on the elliptical. It's funny, you don't think 2 lbs is a lot, it doesn't feel like a lot but when your arms are going full swing on the ellipitical, you feel it. I haven't tried the ankle weights, but I could only imagine what the legs would feel like after a session with those.


I will pick some up. The closest place I can find them is probably Walmart- a trip there is almost always disturbing in some way- but I will brave Walmart and get some cheap wrist and ankle weights.

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Sunday 8/8 Gym workout


Cardio Ellipitical Crosstrainer 35 mintues HIIT


Stretching (lower body): 5 minutes


Upper Body 2 sets of 12 on the shoulder press machine. 2 sets of 12 using 15lb weights for Biceps, Triceps, Pecs


Lower Body: 2 sets of 15 calf raises off the edge of step


Abs Captains Chair 2 sets of 15, Ab machine 2 sets of 15



Monday 8/9 exercise


We went boating for the day and I walked the uneven terrain of an very rocky island for a couple of hours, then went swimming and snorkeling.


I found out somethimg very disturbing though that will have me thinking twice about boating this season. Great white sharks have been seen in the water less than 25 miles away from where we were swimming. They are not common to my area AT ALL-


I am petrified of great white sharks (Thanks to Jaws) and would have never been snorkeling if I knew they had been spotted that close. They can easily travel 25mph when they swim- and all they have to do is mistake me for a seal or get really hungry in these waters which they are not used to and I'll be a dead or limb-less shark snack.


It's not a very comforting feeling, at all.


My husband says that they would never go into a cove as shallow as the one we were snorkeling in, but I don't trust him on this one.

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They are more common in Cape Cod due to the seal population there. There are usually sightings in Cape Cod- But when they get as close as 25 miles from our usual boating areas....that's when I panic. I guess it's good thing I didn't know about it yesterday because I had a good time.


Actually I will still go on the boat- I'm just not so sure if I will be diving off it carefree in the middle of the bay any more.


I may also want to go to any island using an inflatible boat now, instead of just swimming to it after anchoring, like I usually do. I value my legs.

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LOL Sidehop and Bella!


Ok, Bella, I'm scared of sharks. Have been since I was very little. It keeps me from swimming in the ocean much where my family goes to the beach since sharks are very common there (though shark attacks are relatively rare).


However, my fear is completely irrational, and (I mean this in a loving, helpful way) yours very likely is as well. Shark attacks are exceedingly rare, even in areas where great white sharks are common. More people die every year from falling coconuts than from sharks attacks (my cousin who is a marine biologist told me this). She also gave me some shark attack prevention tips:

- avoid sunrise/sunset swimming (shark feeding times)

- do not wear jewelry while swimming

- obviously no open cuts/wounds

You really have very very little to worry about, and it would be a shame to let the shark report ruin your summer boating fun - which, by the way, sounds ridiculously awesome! Snorkeling, islands, swimming in empty coves ... I want to join!

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Thanks sophie. I'm still scared though. Second to none other than airplanes, sharks are almost a phobia for me. I will try to be more rational.


Last night's Gym workout


Cardio 35 minutes HIIT on ellipitical


stretching - 5 minutes


Abs- 2 sets of 15 captain's chair, 2 sets of 15 ab machine, 2 sets of 15 standard floor crunches, 2 sets 15 obliques each side. 1 set of 15 cross crunches


Upper Body: 2 sets of 15 shoulder press machine. Free weights 2 sets of 15 using 15lb free weights: biceps, triceps, pectorals, shoulders, lats


Lower Body: 3 sets of 15 calf raises off edge of step, hip adducter machine 2 sets of 15

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I'm really quite scared of them too, but I try to go in the water anyway because I don't want it to own me.


I have two funny shark stories, which I am now going to share (sorry for the OT):


I went on a sea kayaking expedition in the Bahamas a few years back, where we kayaked from island to island and camped on a different island every night. Anyway right at the beginning we were all sitting on a dock on the main island, and this shark was swimming around in the water below us. We were all taking pictures, etc ... and then the instructors tell us it's time to practice capsizing our kayaks, so we're all to go into the water (where the shark just was) and practice tipping out of our kayaks. I was like "You've GOT to be kidding". Nope, 100% serious. When it was my turn to roll my kayak over you better believe I got back into it as fast as possible, while looking around for that shark!


Second story: As I said where we go to the beach, sharks are pretty common. One time my sister and I were out there swimming with my grandfather and cousin, and, not too far away from us, we see fins swimming towards us. 3 of them. My sister and I ran out of the water screaming "SHARK SHARK", and of course everyone else on the beach took notice and starting running out of the water too. We turn around: the fins are now jumping in the water - they're DOLPHINS. Oops

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Awww Dolphins. You know, even though they are cute I'm not sure if I would want them near me either- unless I was seeking them out on purpose and knew they would be there. I don't like any fins coming in my direction in general.


When it was my turn to roll my kayak over you better believe I got back into it as fast as possible, while looking around for that shark!
You are a braver woman than I!


Supposedly the sharks have left my area now. That's what the news is saying. But how the Hell do they know for sure that every single one is gone? I'm still scared lol

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roflmao Sophie. What kind of sharks were they during the kayak practice?


Dolphins are beautiful...I saw a group of them on the way back from Okinawa, swimming next to the ship we were all on.


Supposedly the sharks have left my area now. That's what the news is saying. But how the Hell do they know for sure that every single one is gone? I'm still scared lol


You be the guinea pig & stick your feet in the water.

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Not 100% sure what kind it was. Not a super scary man-eating one, to be honest, but still! I still have the pictures though.


By the way, never google image "shark". There are some disturbing results.


I want to have one of those dolphin experiences where they snuggle up to you and you can ride on their backs! I know it's not really natural, but oh well.


Bella - just dip your son in if he's misbehaving and wait to see what happens ...

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