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Day 6.


I'm feeling pretty good today. Better than I have since I restarted this challenge. My resolve to start focussing on getting back into shape and study harder has helped me structure my days without her and I'm feeling quite proud of myself. I'm happy to be ending 2012 on a positive note as it was, for the most part, a great year for me and by far the one where I really feel like I've grown a lot.

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Day 10.


And except for that little email exchange, it would be 13 or so.


If it weren't for counting on ENA, I wouldn't even know how many days. Glad to have done this before. Its amazing how much easier it is. It is also amazing how much I grow each time.


His purpose in my life was to remind me that its not just mad skills I require, also I require being cherished by my partner. A bi-lateral cherish festival.

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Day 7.


About a quarter of the way through now, well today was pretty good. I don't know what it is, maybe it's the new year and the idea of a fresh start or maybe I'm just getting used to structuring my days without her once again. I've been enjoying a couple of new videogames I got for Christmas and they've been keeping my mind off things aswell as being a blast (Heavy Rain and Catherine for whoever might be wondering haha). Apart fro that, studying still eating up a lot of my time. I don't really have much time to think about her. So pretty good today.

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Day 1.


I was originally on a week of no contact, but each time a week passed we spoke to each other. Well, he has a new girlfriend (hoping the rebound...) so hopefully itll be easier to do no contact. I just need the strength to not look at his social media. Thats my problem. Let's see how it goes.

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I accept the NC challenge Day 1. Wondering what have I done and questioning my decision regarding ending the relationship. Trying to recall and remember if I told him everything that I wanted him to know. Did I tell him that I love him, did I tell him I wanted a commitment, did I tell him how wonderful I would be for him and then I realized yes I told him all of this during the course of 5 months but obviously it wasn't enough to cherish and respect me or commit to me. I tried NC for a week before and he scheduled an out of town trip and joined the gym. I caved in but he didn't

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Just found this thread and wanted to join in the challenge. Hope y'all don't mind.


It's been almost 3 months since we broke up, but I've responded to occasional contact from him. So, today is day 13 of NC. Feeling ok at the moment. Still think about him most of the day.

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Right, for the third time i'm back to day 1. *cries* I can do this, I know I can!


Had to be a little harsh with him and tell him where to go. He just would not leave me alone, despite me being clear I needed space he kept calling and texting, so I asked him to leave my life completely. It's the only way although its not what I want. I can't believe he dumped me yet won't leave me alone! God my head feels messed up right now. He's playing such horrible mind games


Here's to reaching a happier place 30 days from now.

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Day 9. Bad. Terrible. I woke up thinking about her again and that's never a good start. She's been popping into my thoughts all day and all the old feelings or misery and anger are coming back for her turning her back on us. I honestly wanted to send her a message telling her how I honestly hate what she's become. I hate that she changed from the sweet caring girl who was loyal, strong and felt that a kiss should be saved for that special someone. Now she's this vain shadow of herself who only cares about instant gratification and random hook ups whilst getting drunk and clearly felt less love for me as my love for her grew. That's all she is now, a shadow of her former self. I miss the old her.

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