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Day 5

Feeling a little more confident about sticking to NC. Ive been able to stay positive today, more so then any other day. I'm sure the little bit of alcohol i had helped that a bit, but i refuse to let myself transform into an alcoholic over this. I'm starting to convince myself more and more that the situation arose out of frustration and irritation. I think when those thoughts and feelings towards me die down, ill hear something from her. If by the end of this month of NC i do not however, im going to try and initiate some friendly contact, open up with something like "how have you been doing" or just simply asking whats up. If i still get no response then im going full time NC and will accept the fact that i probably wont talk to her again.

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Broke NC yesterday, bad move, got very down yesterday, she was so cold towards me, only a text message and a phone call but it was like talking to a stranger. She has buried her head in the sand and I will have to actually see her in the next week or so to collect all of my stuff. Not looking forward to that. However, once I have moved everything out, then I have some kind of closure and I can go proper NC, that is at least a couple of weeks away.


I don't really know what I expected but after not talking for 24 days I thought she might be a bit warmer. She told me that she had good days and bad days and that she had often thought of contacting me but did not want to discuss, 'us'. Guess it's really over and I now have to move on and get on with my life. I know that in the 9 years we were together I changed her life, I opened her eyes to the world and spoilt her, I gave her my heart and was an easy touch. I did not deserve this.

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OK...DAY 1...( well, not really day one..more like 4 hours-longest ive gone without me not sending him any messages!)


Far out this just sucks..theres no other word for it..hmm..well, right now im laying in bed (on HIS side) crying in HIS pillow..we broke up only 3 nights ago...i thought we were happy and high on love..how wrong i was I am so sick with the stupid flu-i cant even go to work to get my over working brain to stop thinking about him for a few hours..i love u and miss u alot x

m looking forward to reading my posts next week and seeing if anything has changed...good luck everyone

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2nd day of nc because i broke it on monday!

sucks to the max.. i went to confront my friend ..im so scared she'll tell the ex even though she says she wont?!

and now she knows that i still care about the ex a lot im so afraid she wont ever let us meet

i tried to be nonchalant but guess i was too weak .. ??

somehow i dont even know going nc was the right way to handle my situation

i wonder if its a good time to talk about trying again and giving another shot and time to be honest instead of acting non chalant and going nc

honestly i dont feel hurt any more.. and nc's mainly for getting past the pain right??

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Day 45 of NC at her request. After day 14, I still wanted to get back together right away. By day 21, after reading some relationship books, I knew I was not in the proper emotional state to do that. Too much healing and improving needed to be done on myself.


Day 30...starting to have mixed feelings about getting back together. According to the Imago Theory, we were perfect for each other but I don't think she would buy into that. I know I will be a better person but it makes me wonder if she will change her ways. With that in mind, it makes it easier to move on with my life. I will never say 'Never" but at age 46, how long does one wait?

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