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I was mistaken in my counting. Today is day 31!!!!!!!!!!!


It has been over a month since I sent her my last email!!!!!!!!!!! And before then was about 30 days too!!! Only 1 attempt in almost 2 months!!!!!


I was going to post about how I feel good this morning, but now I am so excited. I completed the challenge. This is the longest time I have went without communicating with her in 3 years despite our numerous breakups.


Next goal is 90 days. So that will be November 8th. I know I can accomplish that. The last two months have flown by and so will the next two.


Feels so good to finally accomplish this challenge after many failed attempts.

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Day 1


Sigh. We agreed to no contact 4 days ago and I emailed him yesterday. I just wanted to apologize because I think it's my fault we had to move to no contact in the first place. He hasn't responded so I will try to continue to give him space even though I really want to talk to him. Bah!

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Ah, day 5 since we haven't talked. And 8 days since I have not messaged him. I am not even tempted to message anymore. Why would I? Anyway we see each other all the time randomly. Plus, if he has something to say, he will make the effort. Still sad and wanting to see him, oh, a lot but I will not be as friendly anymore... he made his point and now I will make mine.

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I didn't say anything even happy birthday to her even though I saw her on Monday (Her Birthday), texted her today saying "Heyy, happy belated birthday, sorry I didn't hit you up on Monday, hope you had a great day She almost instantly responded with "Thanks.. it's ok... Means a lot u sent now =)" and I didn't text her any further. I know the object of no contact is to get over the person and improve myself but my days are full with all kinds of enriching myself, having a blast with friends/family, etc. but I still want to get back with her and I feel like if I'm not at the very least civil that won't happen. What do you guys think?

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erm Day 1


signed up just to track my progress, very interesting thread


infact my last contact was only 10mins ago but that was the final way of saying goodbye and starting proper NC


we have been split up 3 weeks now, 2 of those weeks she has been in a rebound relationship and tbh as much as i want her back im just gunna take a step back, get back to the gym next week and let her get on with it


since i only txt her 10mins ago will wait till tomoz to see how im really feeling

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And 9th day since I last sent him a message. 14 days since we were last together.


I thought I might see him last night but I didn't. He did not come. I was really disappointed but it is better this way. He said he wants to be alone and I will give him that. It is so hard not to send him a message.


Does he think about me?? I wish I knew. Maybe sometimes. Does he miss me and our evenings and nights together?? Does he already miss my presence or is too early?

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He called yesterday to confirm it was over. I should've been thinking like that when I dumped him 2 months ago. If I had taken the NC challenge then, I would be that much closer to recovery right now.


So, Day 1.



welcome to day one, even tho the split happened a while back the loss comes flooding back when you know for sure its over, can i ask as you was the dumper why you have regrets about dumping him, i presume this is why you are back on day one of the challenge?

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I'm starting NC today! Things were going slowly but well, then the last week he said he was very depressed and wasn't leaving the house or talking on the phone (I know this is true). But i wrote him an email today that said that I needed him to give me SOMETHING. even if it was a quick phone call or meet for coffee. And that he was blowing it with me (his term).


I haven't heard back so i guess my only option is NC correct? I said my peace via email, it wasnt' mean it was just that i deserve someone who wants to spend time with me, and that I want it to be him, but he has to meet me somewhere near halfway.


I hate NC but i know its the only thing that works. If he's done with me there's nothing i can say that will change that.

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Alas.... back to day 1.


I NEED TO GIVE UP WINE! Everytime I've broken NC, it's been because of alcohol. It only takes 2 glasses of wine with dinner to loosen my resolve. No more glasses of wine with dinner, and if I go out with friends to drink, I will give somebody else my phone to hold.


Checked my email a few days ago to see that he responded to mine last week. It was basically one long list of all the things he hated about me and our relationship. Of course, I had to retaliate (but I did so very tactfully). I also had cheated and checked my web traffic to see that he hadn't checked my site in 9 days after I outed him. Now, back to NC.


1. No checking my abandoned email account to see if he's responded/written.

2. No checking my website traffic because the only reason I do that is to see if he's been reading it.


Ultimate goal is 6 months. But I'm aiming for 30 days at the moment to make it more manageable.

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