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My boyfriend is so stupidly unreliable. We were supposed to see eachother yday after he finished work at 3pm wasnt here till 6pm, not long ago he stood me up for dinner and today he was supposed to be over at like 1pm and now i can't get through to him on his phone and he hasnt showed up.


Hes so nice when were together hes just so unreliable

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My boyfriend is so stupidly unreliable. We were supposed to see eachother yday after he finished work at 3pm wasnt here till 6pm, not long ago he stood me up for dinner and today he was supposed to be over at like 1pm and now i can't get through to him on his phone and he hasnt showed up.


Hes so nice when were together hes just so unreliable


Does he have valid reasons why he stands you up or is he just doing it out of lack of respect?

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He just says sorry. Never gives me a good reason, he'll be like we'll spend the day together or I got the afternoon off and then still I dont see or ehre from him until like 6pm...I dont get it


That is extremely rude and inconsiderate. But, does he know how much it bothers you, or does he think it's just not a big deal?

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He's showing you very clearly that he thinks his time (and his latest whim) is much more important than you are. He doesn't care that you are sitting around worried and waiting for him, or he'd stop this.


So the answer is to stop waiting for him. Decide how long you will wait (15 minutes or half hour max), and if he doesn't show, don't call him, don't text, don't do anything but leave and don't be there when he comes around. And if he tries to show up and you are at home, tell him he didn't show on time, so you're not letting him in.


He's allowed to see you when he treats you with respect, otherwise you have better things to do than wait around for him (and show him this by just stopping being available when he is late or doesn't show).


He'll either start showing up on time, or else you'll realize you don't mean all that much to him if he's always got better things to do than you.

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Yea I dont care how bad you are with "time management" being 3hrs late or even an hour and not calling to let you know is just disrespectful or ignoring her calls and texts? What is he doing that he cant pick up?. Especially if he never has a good reason. If this is happening all the time, there is something going on.

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Thank you bestrongbehappy. Its so tough. Its like my ex all over again. One or two tiems is forgivable.


Yesterday we planned our day off together then he said he needed to pop into work for an hour. I didnt see him till 6pm. Today he says he has the afternoon off and will see me at about 1pm it is now twenty past four. He stood me up at a family meal. He pciks me up late. He never shows up on time..


It just hurts. Im worried about him now even though I know its probably a case of him just not showing up.

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No I said to him before.


the other night he said he'd pick me up from work when I called. I called, he didnt pick up, he eventually called backa nd was an hour late picking me up.


I told him it upsets me when he says one thing and does another and he said he wouldnt do it and now he has


Talk to him about it again. He was late picking you up?

I hope you don't work in a shady neighborhood...that could be dangerous.

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How can he not know? He's the one doing it! This is not out of his control, and a clear choice on his part to disregard your feelings.


I think at this point you just need to quit waiting around for him, and be less available to him, and not available at all whenever he runs really late and doesn't contact you to tell you what is going on.

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So the answer is to stop waiting for him. Decide how long you will wait (15 minutes or half hour max), and if he doesn't show, don't call him, don't text, don't do anything but leave and don't be there when he comes around. And if he tries to show up and you are at home, tell him he didn't show on time, so you're not letting him in.


I also agree with this.


Right now there are no consequences to his late/MIA behavior because you're there waiting for him. If you had agreed to meet for dinner at 6 and it gets to be 6:20-6:30 and he hasn't shown up or called, go get your own dinner. That way when he does show up you 1. may not be around and 2. he has to figure out his own dinner since you'll have already eaten. Consequences for the behavior can make a bigger impact than asking him to stop it.


If you were his employer, and he consistantly showed up late, there would be consequences -- his pay would be docked or he'd be written up or (eventually) fired.


Come to think of it, does he get to his job on time? If he can do that, he's got the skills to get to planned events with you, too.

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I think you need to be more vocal about this issue, this is a big problem. You keep letting him do this, that's why he continues to do it. After he tells you he doesn't know why he's late again what do you say? I personally wouldnt let anyone treat me like this time and time again. Its one thing if it happened once or twice but with him its constantly. Are you ok with this?

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Im just sat here crying cos Im sick of being let down time and time again.


WHy am I alweays the person that gets let down>? he wasnt apologetic or anyhting just like 'oh well'#


Other than talking to him about it what are you DOING about it?


If you take action you start to take control of the situation. If you start to take control of the situation, you don't feel like a victim.


I used to have a real flaky friend who'd cancel last minute or not show about 75% of the time you made plans with her. For a while, I'd always get upset about it. Then, I realized she was a complete flake. So when I'd make plans with her, I just knew there was a good chance she wasn't going to show or she'd cancel. I didn't expect her to follow through, so when she didn't it wasn't a disappointment and when she did it was a pleasant surprise.


Eventually, though, I stopped making any plans with her altogether because I thought I deserved to be treated better than that.

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