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I might cry


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It isn't your job to teach him a lesson or how to be respectful towards you. If you had a girlfriend that pulled this crap how long would you keep her as a friend? Is this the way you want to be treated? Obviously not. I don't see this relationship going anywhere with this kind of selfish behavior from him. I think you need to rethink what YOU want and see if he meets those wants in any way.



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You know, everyone dates someone like this. You ask the question, how do i end up with people who treat me this way? And the answer is, you LET them treat you this way.


For someone with self esteem, if you got a guy who did this a few times, they'd be told they do it again and they get dumped. So they don't end up with someone like this, because if they get someone like this, they have enough self respect to dump the guy and find someone who treats them well.


So if he has done this forever, and you've tolerated it, then by now it is a self inflicted wound. The only cure is to put him on notice if he keeps doing this to you, you'll break up with him. And if he does keep doing it, break up with him and find someone who really cares about you. This guy doesn't if he keeps this up.


It's sad to discover that, but now you know, and the answer to fixing this is to find someone who does care about you enough to actually show up on time.

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Blue I have been in ur situation before while dating (not in a relationship), until I met my BF now I thought all guys acted this way and I just "expected" to be either stood up or him running late. When me and my BF started dating I always assumed he will stand me up at least ONCE or be late (for no reason) at least once but nope. Never.

For those that stood me up or were late - they never made it pass the 3rd date with me. Because if they are capable of acting this way when things are suppose to be good and fun then god only knows what else they have up their sleeve.


I learned that if someone wants to be with you they will not stand you up or run late without an explaination. They will call you if they are running late and they will apologize. They will treat you with respect and you will never have to question if they will or will not show up.


Im sorry but I think you need to move on from this guy - he isn't treating you the way someone should be treated. You have a lot to offer and being miserable, crying and wondering about him while being in a relationship with him is just pointless. You will be better off without this guy.

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He came over and said all this 'Im sorry it'll never happen again' 'I just didnt think'


And I Was like 'If you cared it wouldnt happen, you wouldnt be capable of treating me like this time and time again'


He just kept saying he was an idiot hes sorry and it wont happen again. I just told him to go and leave me be for a while..


right thing to do>?

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OK, now you have his word it won't happen again. If he does it again, then you need to follow thru and not be there waiting for him or calling him or texting him. Just be off somewhere else, and don't talk to him again until he apologizes.


And you need to be firm, as in, if it happens again, tell him you will break up with him if he doesn't treat you with more respect (and do it if necessary).

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Thank you guys.


Oh I will. I've had this before and I wouldnt put up with it again for much longer. Yeah now hes promised I can take serious action if he breaks it because hes been given the chance.


And I didnt want to let him off and let him stay after he'd done wrong. I think thats the right thing. I just told him to put himself in my shoes.


He was genuinley mortified and upset, he even apologized to my mum because he knew she was upset at him for making me cry which was quite sweet.


But we'll have to see, hes on his last chance.


In every other respect hes perfect but even if hes perfect every other way I cant just settle and let this go.

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