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He sent 102 texts to a co-worker.


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We have a family plan so I am able to see the usage history. My boyfriend doesn't text or use the phone a lot. Usually only to call/text me. But today I checked the phone log and there was a total of 102 texts back and forth with a female coworker. It went on for 3 hours. I called him out on it. He said they were just I don't know if I can believe that and we got into a big fight. Am I crazy for making a big deal about this?

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We have a family plan so I am able to see the usage history. My boyfriend doesn't text or use the phone a lot. Usually only to call/text me. But today I checked the phone log and there was a total of 102 texts back and forth with a female coworker. It went on for 3 hours. I called him out on it. He said they were just bullsh*tting... I don't know if I can believe that and we got into a big fight. Am I crazy for making a big deal about this?


Well there is a possibility he is telling the truth, and there is a chance he is lying. Do you trust him? Has he been acting weird or strange lately? Is there any sign at all that he could be doing your wrong? If not... wait it out. Cheaters always get caught some way or another.

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I think he may well be telling the truth. But then again, I do not think that exchanging that many messages with a co-worker (of the opposite sex nonetheless) is acceptable. I dont think I would send that many texts to someone unless I was otherwise interested.

I think it is very normal that this is making you feel uncomfortable and I feel your boyfriend should understand that this is not acceptable behavior (a bit immature in my opinion).

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A lot depends on what was being said and how bored he was and what he was doing at the time he was texting.


I sometimes IM coworkers for fun when i'm trapped on long boring conference calls at work where i must participate, but most of the call isn't relevant to me. Not interested in any the co-workers, and texts are just fun chit chat we do to relieve the boredom, no flirting.

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He wasn't at work. He was at home just hanging out. He was also texting me the whole time he was texting her... cuz that's what we do all day cuz he works evenings and I work days and I can't talk on the phone at work.


She initiated the texting. I was there when the first text came in cuz we were at lunch. She had asked a question about work.


I mean.. yeah of course he can talk to other females.... but it's just the amount of texts that is alarming to me. I guess I will just have to keep an eye out on the phone log... too bad I can't see what happens when they are at work.

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Nope, different girl. After we got back together, I told him the next time that girl contacts him, he needs to let her know we are back together and that out of respect for me, he would appreciate it if she didn't contact him outside of work anymore. He did it and he showed me the texts as proof. He said he doesn't talk to her at work anymore and I believe him.

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that's good it wasn't the other girl, but either way 102 texts is alot. No matter how you look at it. I have sent text to co workers when I was bored or had to ask something but I dont think it EVER went up to 102 LOL. That's what we have IM for. He wasn't a work and if she had a concern about work or a question - he could have called and answered not send text back and forth forever. It doesn't seem like it was work related at that point because usually if that's the case you need to know an answer almost right away NOT after 100 text. I dont know...I would ask him about it.


They can be just friends but considering you guys just got back together and had that incident during your break, he shouldnt be so involved with another girl even if they are just friends. that's just my 2 cents.

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oh trust me. i look thru it as much as i can. but unfortunately for me, he deletes everything. we have iphones so each individual conversation stays in one log and the only way to delete a message is to delete the conversation with that person entirely. i asked him to show me the texts but he had already deleted her. i believe him because the only conversations he saves is with me and his two best friends. anyone else that texts him he deletes once the conversation is over. the only thing i can do now is to keep an eye on the phone log as it updates each day on the website. so far no contact with that girl. but who knows what happens at work, right?

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We have a family plan so I am able to see the usage history. My boyfriend doesn't text or use the phone a lot. Usually only to call/text me. But today I checked the phone log and there was a total of 102 texts back and forth with a female coworker. It went on for 3 hours. I called him out on it. He said they were just I don't know if I can believe that and we got into a big fight. Am I crazy for making a big deal about this?


Hmmmm.....I'd be suspicious...very suspicious. What possibly could he have to say to a co worker that involved 102 messages?

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I don't know...it could go either way... when I worked, I would constantly be texting coworkers. Nothing flirtatious just sheer boredom. Sometimes the co-worker would be at work, sometimes I would be, sometimes we both would be. It was just banter and a TON of messages. My co-workers became good friends too... so I don't know...

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