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that one song that shakes you to the core


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so.. maybe not everyone's like this.. but i'm sure a bunch of us are.. does anyone have that one song, or a few songs perhaps, that just shakes you to the core? it hits you so hard emotionally, you can't even listen to it. it gives you shivers and goosebumps and you clench your teeth and even just one bar of music almost brings you to tears.


it conjures up haunting images of the past, it makes your heart drop to the pit of your stomach, you simply cannot listen to it.


mine's (well i have a few) - but i think the worst one for me is "how to disappear completely" by radiohead. it has lyrics like "that there, that's not me", and "i'm not here, this isn't happening". that one is repeated a lot - it is very slow and eery... and well - it's radiohead.


it brings me to that exact time after i had just broken up with my ex.. the first week or two afterwards. while at the same time i was battling with insomnia, was on all sorts of different sleeping pills, and had basically been on an emotional rollercoaster ride until my heart was shattered to pieces.. (ha, not to be over dramatic, but that's seriously how i felt and how it was.. lies and cheats etc.)


it was mid june and so hot - and i just remember those first couple of weeks when i was so completely out of it - i was such a complete wreck - i hardly ate, hardly slept, i smoked like crazy, i did a lot of stupid things.. and that song always brings me back to that - that state of shock - that state of "i'm not here, this isn't happening" - that state of disbelief when you are suddenly and completely alone and that person's heart you latched onto for dear life, that person who enveloped you, who became a part of you, has now vanished. the surreality of it all. (god.. i am getting teary eyed just writing this blahghgh!) ..standing on the subway train feeling the air conditioner bring shivers down my spine on the way to the doctors and just feeling numb and so easily influenced to do anything.. sitting cross legged on my bed at night, bleary eyed, razor in hand.. listening to this goddamn song and having it suddenly make me bawl my eyes out and think terrible, destructive thoughts while i still tried to shakily take drags from my cig.


scary that a song can bring all of that to mind.. can have that much power..


oh and haha ps - i know not all breakups are like this but this whole relationship was one intense mother f*cker and she was my first love so the breakup hit me pretty freaking hard.


anywayyyy just felt like sharing-- it came on my itunes when it was on shuffle and i was like daym yo i cannot listen to this. anyone else got one?

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okay i have two.....(can i have two?)


First is 'thelo na se do' by Despina Vande, it was our song played for our first dance when i was married. Even though we're divorced now, good friends and have both moved on whenever i hear it makes me weep so hard. So if it comes on i skip straight past it. Its a typical greek pop song, full of heartache and undying love gestures. We used to sing it to each other when we were together...


Second is 'The Scientist' by Coldplay (i think its that one) my first boyf bought me the album just before we broke up and that single was released when we did. The lyrics 'nobody said it was easy, its such a shame for us to part' just really hit me, cause neither of us wanted to break up, but we couldn't be together.(looooooooong story). Even now 6 yrs later i can't listen to it. or if i do i get really really emotional.


There thats mine.

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For me it has to be Paul Weller and "You Do Something To Me". Great lyrics almost haunting when heard live.


I agree that Coldplay's "The Scientist" will relate to anyone going through a breakup but the Weller song hits on so many levels and can just make you think about and miss someone even though you are still with them.

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Street Spirit, Fog ,Bulletproof,Fake Plastic trees,Arpeggi, Scatterbrain,All i need,I might be wrong & many others by Radiohead.


Deftones - Be Quiet and Drive


REM -Leave


Shearwater-Leviathan bound ,Home Life,Lost boys ,I was a cloud(infact the entire album Rook is very poignant)


The Verve-The Drugs don't work


Nirvana -Something in the way,Dumb,Where did you sleep last night(& many others )


Grizzly Bear -Colorado, Knife,Central and Remote(I will recommend Yellow House )


Panda Bear -Bro's


Mark Isham -Sense of touch


Sufjan Stevens- The One I love, Chicago


That should be enough - i have written too many already

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goodbye my lover - james blunt

Drawn from memory - embrace - "I can see a time when I, won't be able to, feel the pain no more, and I can leave this town for other shores'


It seems that I really connect with both James Blunt and Embrace in alot of their lyrics - I listen to these words when I want to feel that sadness again to remind me of how painful it was and to some extent it still is.

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Oh man, I can think of several.


So Small by Carrie Underwood. It's just a beautifully done piece of music and it chokes me up.


Goodnight Saigon by Billy Joel. I didn't go to Vietnam. Too young. But this song has meaning to any Veteran who thinks of friends and what we meant to each other.


Look Away by Chicago. Any guy who's had his heart broken will know what this song is all about.


In My Dreams by REO Speedwagon. Loving somebody and knowing that person doesn't love you hurts.


Almost any song by TRIUMPH affects me. Songs of my youth. The 80's. The best music period ever. But TRIUMPH is special because their songs were, more often about hope. Fight the Good Fight, Magic Power, Somebody's out there. More uplifting than a whole hymnbook.



Thanks for this thread. It brought back some nice memories.

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Run by Snow Patrol.


One of the saddest songs I ever heard. I first heard it from a friend who was relating it to a loss in 9/11, so I always think of that when I hear it - if not, just the death or loss of a loved one. It makes my eyes water whenever I hear it.

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Bring It On by Nick Cave


This garden that I built for you

That you sit in now and yearn

I will never leave it, dear

I could not bear to return

And find it all untended

With the trees all bended low

This garden is our home, dear

And I got nowhere else to go


So bring it on

Bring it on

Every little tear

Bring it on

Every useless fear

Bring it on

All your shattered dreams

And I'll scatter them into the sea

Into the sea


The geraniums on your window sill

The carnations, dear, and the daffodil

Well, they're ordinary flowers

But they long for the light of your touch

And of your trembling will

Ah, you're trembling still

And I am trembling too

To be perfectly honest I don't know

Quite what else to do


So bring it on

Bring it on

Every neglected dream

Bring it on

Every little scheme

Bring it on

Every little fear

And I'll make them disappear


So bring it on, bring it on

Bring it on

Every little thing

Bring it on

Every tiny fear

Bring it on

Every shattered dream

And I'll scatter them into the sea

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