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At Your Funeral...


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I'll admit I am a morbid person... But I honestly don't mean to sound morbid here...


Who has really sat and thought about their funeral? Because there have been several times in my adult life that I have. It doesn't upset me, it puts things more in perspective. I think about who will show up and what they might say... stuff like that. Oddly enough it helps me feel better when I get depressed.


This sugesstion will probably be misunderstodd and piss some people off, but to all the depressed people on here, maybe you should try it.

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I thought about it recently--I was at my uncle's memorial service. He was such a great guy and everyone really loved him b/c he was so full of life and character and fun. The person conducting his eulogy said some incredible things about him, things that I hope people will say about me one day. It's not morbid at all to think about I think. It puts things into perspective--how do YOU want to be remembered?

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I've thought about it--usually, I wonder what my friends and family would say about me, if they would be visibly devastated, or composed...how they would feel inside. I usually think: "gosh, I hope I don't put them through anything terrible. They don't deserve to be sad."

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I do once in a while, but a lot more often in years past. Lately I've been exploring the concept of focused intent and manifesting one's destiny...meaning in a nutshell, if you dwell on something (good or bad), you make it more likely to happen. So, now I try to imagine being healthy, sassy, and mobile at 100+ years of age!


When I do think about it though, it makes me cry.


By the way, I don't want a stupid, wasteful, expensive coffin, and I don't want to be put in a concrete vault before being buried! And NO formaldahyde. Just wrap me in a shroud, and place me in the ground. And then plant a tree. Kthxbye!

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By the way, I don't want a stupid, wasteful, expensive coffin, and I don't want to be put in a concrete vault before being buried! And NO formaldahyde. Just wrap me in a shroud, and place me in the ground. And then plant a tree. Kthxbye!


Me too - cheap all the way, let the living spend their money enjoying themselves. However, cremation all the way for me. I have a morbid fear of being buried alive!!!


Donating organs to those who need. Except my liver...ahem.

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By the way, I don't want a stupid, wasteful, expensive coffin, and I don't want to be put in a concrete vault before being buried! And NO formaldahyde. Just wrap me in a shroud, and place me in the ground. And then plant a tree. Kthxbye!


Neither do I... I actually plan on donating my body to science.


Idk... the idea of everyone standing around looking at my lifeless corpse is just unsettling. I don't know why. I don't like when people stare at me now, why would I want them to then either.

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Neither do I... I actually plan on donating my body to science.


I'm seriously considering this. They'd have a field day.


I do have a donor notice on my license, so they can take my organs. Though I'm not sure they are in the best shape. I hope they are, and I hope they can check somehow.


Otherwise, this is rather against the religion of my birth, which states, that I should be buried whole and intact.


Yes, I've thought about it quite a lot, but it seems the part I get most hung up on is what music I want played. I can't seem to decide what assortment I'd like, and what to ask mourners to wear. I don't think I want black. And I want LOTS of music. My songlist keeps changing.

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Well I think its ok to think but now dwell on these thoughts. But I have thought about it like i'm sure most have.



Try this on for size...my dad told me to put "DON'T CRY FOR ME..i'm outta here" on his tomb stone! Talk about a comedian!



If I was buried (which I won't be...) I had a few good ideas.


"Satan says hi and he'll see you in a few years."


"Have sex on my grave all you want, but I'll be watching."


"From down here I can see straight up your dress."




My girlfriend came up with the best one though "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead."

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I think about this all the time.


I don't want a funeral at all. When the bucket is kicked, throw me in a hole in the ground somewhere and fill it in. Or just wrap me in ice and send me straight to the nearest medical research center.


No fuss, no tears, no deceitful, boring speeches about what a great guy I was.

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If I was buried (which I won't be...) I had a few good ideas.


"Satan says hi and he'll see you in a few years."


"Have sex on my grave all you want, but I'll be watching."


"From down here I can see straight up your dress."




My girlfriend came up with the best one though "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead."




As for the peeps staring at your lifeless body...you might have other things to worry about at that point...or maybe not, who knows!

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I have. I want to be cremated to save my family money. My bf's mom recently died and for a bare bones funeral and casket, over $10,000! This was without a grave and crypt. She already had that paid for. If you can't afford that, they bury you in an unmarked county plot. None of that for me or my family. Cremation, under $2,000 and a hundred or so for the urn.

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One of my close friends recently passed away after a long struggle with cancer. Towards the end of her struggle, I actually organized a get-together at her house, where I asked everyone to dress in white & come to celebrate her life. We all had written a letter to her, that we read out loud individually. She got up and told each and every person there (about 50 of her close friends/family) what she felt about them & thanked everyone for being a part of her life. It was the most touching experience ever. It made it much easier to accept her passing. Her family was against the idea at first, but they thanked me later, because they were so happy she got to hear the eulogies from everyone she loved.


Now most of you might not agree with this, but I know I've always hated funerals, & I know that if I knew I was going to die, I would want to spend my final moments above ground with my friends & family, alive, breathing, listening, crying, laughing...I wouldn't want to be remember laying in a casket & having people crying over my lifeless body.


Ugh...*shaking head*...

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I think much about it. Thanks for posting this. I really need to get some papers drawn up and whatnot...


I just hope if anything should happen to me, I get to wear a nice outfit and my make up doesn't look crazy!


No really...... I have lots of worries and thoughts about if something should happen to me as I have little ones.

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