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This was so hard to write


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After numerous breakups with this girl due to her inner confusion I finally have the strength to entertain the thought of not being with her. I would always wait and she would always call after a few days and let me know that she has made a mistake. This is an email that I sent her this morning.


When we met I didn't know what I did to deserve you

I would thank God for sending you to me

Now I just don't know what I did to deserve this


I gave you my heart time and time again

I gave you my ears to listen to your fears

I did all I could to make you feel special.


I let you into my family and you were accepted as one of us

You made them feel like you were the one for me, and me the one for you

They gained your trust as you did theirs

And you are throwing it all away for what…. I don't know


All I have ever wanted was to be there for you

And I feel like I have

I wish I could find out what it is that makes your mind toss and turn so quickly.


But I think that it is time I started to stop thinking that way

It's now time for me to take control and stop waiting around for you to see all that I am and am going to be

I am a good man someone who deserves to be treated the same way that he treats others

I can't wait around for you to figure out what is wrong with you

I'm sorry but I can't go through this anymore

I release myself from you as hard as that is to admit

I will no longer entertain the thought of you and I together

I have learned a great deal from our time spent together and will cherish it always


I don't want to cry anymore

I don't want to feel that pain in my chest when I start to see your distance

I don't want to have to try so hard to show you that I would never hurt you

All I ever had for you was love nothing more and nothing less

I see now that you needed more

I don't know what else I could have given to you


All I ever wanted was for us to lead a simple life

I am a simple guy underneath it all as you know

All I require is a hug and a smile nothing else

It's starting to come out and the feeling is so liberating

I will miss you and the things that we have shared

The hugs, kisses the love

I think that most of all though I will miss our talks

When we would pour out our hearts and leave nothing on the table

That is what I will miss most of all

I hope that you can find the inner peace that you are searching for baby girl

That's all that I ever wanted for you and for us

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I'm very sorry that your relationship had to come to such a painful end, but from the sounds of it it was for the best. Chances are you might regret writing that email but just keep reminding yourself that there's no point in being in a relationship if the bad times are more frequent than the goods...

Best of luck to you.



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  • 1 month later...

i can see why it is painful to write something when your talking about raw emotions and letting them go. i can understand what you say and believe you have done the right thing, you may cry a little longer than after sending this, you may feel sad when knwoing of the distance but because of this and understanding what you should do, you will find it easier *smiles*


amazing poem, i especially liked the lines on pouring your hearts out and leaving nothing on the table, you really were there for her!


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