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Women with big boobs...do you always turn heads?


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This is very true.... but being a strong real man... is being able to control it...


I fight with it everyday..... LOL


How do you fight it? How do men fight this? I ask, because every man that I've ever approached in any physical capacity has told me that he can't resist the temptation. I'm not saying this to prove myself as some beautiful woman or something, I'm just curious. How do you fight it when the need hits you like a ton of bricks?


Even honorable, strong men can be defeated by sexual lust, so I'm just wondering.

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And this is some kind of revelation. Of COURSE men are going to treat attractive women differently. They're wired that way. They can't help it. Cruel or not (to less attractive women), it's simply the way of things. For me, once I hit about sixteen or seventeen, I found that men were suddenly falling all over themselves around me, and as I got older, it just got more and more pronounced. Whether or not men SHOULD be this way, they just are. Men have a hard time controlling their sexual response when they encounter a beautiful woman. Guess the blood is rushing from the rational brain and heading south.


Well, this makes me feel like my life is not worth living. Sometimes I feel so invisible and as if I have no purpose at all. I want to mean something to somebody. I want to get noticed and have men fall all over themselves when they see me. I don't even want to go outside anymore. I hate going outside and not having one man look at me and ask me out. I feel so unattractive when they don't even look my way when i walk into a room. I get very sad

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How do you fight it? How do men fight this? I ask, because every man that I've ever approached in any physical capacity has told me that he can't resist the temptation. I'm not saying this to prove myself as some beautiful woman or something, I'm just curious. How do you fight it when the need hits you like a ton of bricks?


Even honorable, strong men can be defeated by sexual lust, so I'm just wondering.


Well first i am a very sexual person. LOL.. and women are absoulty beutifull, everything about them... so yes it very very hard for me... lust does take over many times.. and i have fallen to lust and chased after women and gotten there that way...


but something inside my brain.. prob from when i was growing up.. i had great parents growing up in oregon.. my dad taught me how to be a man.. and most importantly mom showed me the way to RESPECT women...


so when i see a women and lust is jumping all through my body.. my head tells me to show this lady the respect she deserves and that will take me and us further then if i didnt.. thats just how i am.. always show women respect but i am no pushover.. i am agrisive but flexable about things.. its a balance of everything and it has taking me very far in life...


one of my exs coined a name for me sweet/badboy... i know how to treat women with out being a doormat.. and still being a man...

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Well, this makes me feel like my life is not worth living. Sometimes I feel so invisible and as if I have no purpose at all. I want to mean something to somebody. I want to get noticed and have men fall all over themselves when they see me. I don't even want to go outside anymore. I hate going outside and not having one man look at me and ask me out. I feel so unattractive when they don't even look my way when i walk into a room. I get very sad


Honey,CONFIDENCE is the key.

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Well, this makes me feel like my life is not worth living. Sometimes I feel so invisible and as if I have no purpose at all. I want to mean something to somebody. I want to get noticed and have men fall all over themselves when they see me. I don't even want to go outside anymore. I hate going outside and not having one man look at me and ask me out. I feel so unattractive when they don't even look my way when i walk into a room. I get very sad


Please don't think that way of yourself. It's rare when a woman gets that kind of attention ALL THE TIME. So you're not alone. I have frustrating days when it seems like no man is taking notice of me ... it's life, it's par for the course, it's reality.


Please be kind to yourself. Sounds like you're dealing with some depression. If so, know that the feelings and despair you are suffering stems from depressive thinking, and depression's most lethal symptom is convincing the sufferer of the veracity of its lies. Depression lies. DON'T believe the lies.

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That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the insight. That's pretty much what I assumed and have been told by other guys. I know that lust and beautiful women are very difficult things to have to struggle with. You're very lucky to have had such wonderful training from your parents.


What happens when you lose the battle and chase after the girl? How often does that happen?

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What happens when you lose the battle and chase after the girl? How often does that happen?




It happens are certain occasions... examaple i am 28.. more longer rel that i put myself in are with girls 24-28.. this is for many reasons typicaly girls 21-24 tend to be more flaky and not ready for a rel i know i wasnt.. many threads about it...


it happens when say i go out with my friends.. and i meet girls 21-24.. who are looking just for fun.. there looking at me in a lust way themselves.. and if we both have that anaimal attraction towards eachother.. but we know it prob wont go further then FWB... that is when i usallly lose to lust...


women, that dont look at me that way.. but are intrested.. and make it clear that there ladies and wanna be treated like ladies is when i control myself...

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It happens are certain occasions... examaple i am 28.. more longer rel that i put myself in are with girls 24-28.. this is for many reasons typicaly girls 21-24 tend to be more flaky and not ready for a rel i know i wasnt.. many threads about it...


it happens when say i go out with my friends.. and i meet girls 21-24.. who are looking just for fun.. there looking at me in a lust way themselves.. and if we both have that anaimal attraction towards eachother.. but we know it prob wont go further then FWB... that is when i usallly lose to lust...


women, that dont look at me that way.. but are intrested.. and make it clear that there ladies and wanna be treated like ladies is when i control myself...


Well, that's wonderful that you're able to control yourself around beautiful women ... not many men are able to do that. It's funny, but tonight, as I was getting into my car, I actually got "hit on" by a man who was being respectful and not sex-crazed. I'm used to the aggressive, sexual approach by men, so when this guy was respectful, I found that much more attractive and I took him seriously. I'm in a relationship, though, so it didn't go further than that, but if I were single, I would have considered going out with him.


Another question, because this subject really interests me, and I've talked about it with past boyfriends and guy friends: What is the immediate reaction you experience when you see a gorgeous woman. Do you immediately picture her naked? Imagine having sex with her? What is going on with your thoughts and your body at that point? Again, just interested!

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Well you see what the boobs do to their outside shirt, so then you have to imagine what they're shaped like underneath to have that effect on the shirt. But then you also have to take the bra into account, so you have to take away a little on the end result there. Nipples are kind of hard to estimate though. It's more of a matter of lucky guesses then.

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Well you see what the boobs do to their outside shirt, so then you have to imagine what they're shaped like underneath to have that effect on the shirt. But then you also have to take the bra into account, so you have to take away a little on the end result there. Nipples are kind of hard to estimate though. It's more of a matter of lucky guesses then.


So you only visualize a woman's breasts? Nothing else? And how does visualizing affect you? Does it make you desperately want to have sex with her?

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So you only visualize a woman's breasts? Nothing else? And how does visualizing affect you? Does it make you desperately want to have sex with her?


Well, since this thread is about breasts, I decided to focus on them. But I like visualizing the whole thing.


If I decide in my mind that one woman would look better naked than another, then I reckon I would be more sexually attracted to her. Maybe not exactly to the desperation level. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to function in outside society.

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Just makes me think "Nice Pair."


Not ready to rip her clothes off or anything like that.


P.S: It's funny that you mentioned Vivien Leigh in the other thread, my Early Shakespeare teacher told our class she had a steamy affair with the guy who played Romeo when she was Juliet in that film adaptation. Because of you I know who she was talking about, lol.

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Well, since this thread is about breasts, I decided to focus on them. But I like visualizing the whole thing.


If I decide in my mind that one woman would look better naked than another, then I reckon I would be more sexually attracted to her. Maybe not exactly to the desperation level. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to function in outside society.


Heh heh, well, I didn't mean "desperate" as in pathetic loser. I just meant do men ever get so aroused when they focus on an attractive woman that they don't know how to deal or make it stop?


And what about when you happen to glance a woman who doesn't know her shirt is unbuttoned, or she bends down in a skirt and reveals more than she intended. What's the response there?

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Heh heh, well, I didn't mean "desperate" as in pathetic loser. I just meant do men ever get so aroused when they focus on an attractive woman that they don't know how to deal or make it stop?


Well I don't think it's gotten so bad that I've lost my composure, just my eyes will dart down there a little more often (and maybe I'll try a little harder when conversing with her )


And what about when you happen to glance a woman who doesn't know her shirt is unbuttoned, or she bends down in a skirt and reveals more than she intended. What's the response there?


I try to get an eyeful but without getting caught.

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Just makes me think "Nice Pair."


Not ready to rip her clothes off or anything like that.


P.S: It's funny that you mentioned Vivien Leigh in the other thread, my Early Shakespeare teacher told our class she had a steamy affair with the guy who played Romeo when she was Juliet in that film adaptation. Because of you I know who she was talking about, lol.


Yeah, she had affairs with Lawrence Olivier, one of the greatest actors of his day, and they eventually married, but I think they divorced later, despite the fact that Olivier was obsessed and madly in love with her. If I remember correctly, he never got over the loss of her.


And, c'mon, your nineteen years old and you've never felt the compulsion to walk up to the woman and start making out with her? You're lying. I've never known a man like that.

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A man who likes to avoid lawsuits


I was just kidding.


C'mon you guys, you aren't really answering my question. Not in detail, anyway. Seriously, how do you deal with a strong sexual attraction? I've had guy friends admit that when it gets really bad, they have to go to the bathroom or something and, uh, "relieve" the sexual tension. Others have said that they have to focus all their strength on NOT getting physically hard. Still others have said opposite things. I'm just very curious about this subject. Call me sick -- I'm not, I have no agenda -- I just want feedback from guys outside my own Seattle-ite social circle.

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