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Friends Want Me to Partcipate in Threesome


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I am a male and have two good friends (a husband and wife) who want me to participate in a threesome with them (nothing gay, just with her). I am conflicted by this. I find her attractive (and would like to have sex with her). They also have experience doing this, so it works for them. On the other hand, I really don't want to have sex with a woman with another guy present (particularly one I know so well) and I am concerned about long-term ramifications of our friendship. I am looking for advice for people who have been through this. Thoughts, suggestions?

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I don't know... it could be quite weird. If you are already friends, there could be lots of conflicting emotions there that have nothing to do with casual sex.


How important is the friendship to you, and how badly do you want to have sex with your friend (with a man watching). If any of that doesn't appeal to you, don't do it because you can't take it back if it doesn't work out or feels weird.

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You're not looking for my advice really since I've never engaged in anything with a man present participating, but I really think this is a very bad idea, especially considering that this is your buddy. Do you really want to cross the friend/lover line with you male friend? Because that's what you'll be doing. I know that my friends screw each other, that much is obvious, but I've never felt the need to present for this, let alone put my junk in the action.


If it's already putting you off then maybe that's a sign?


I got invited to one of these once - sort of. I was having a party at my apartment, and I was in my room with the both of them. I can't remember what we were doing at the time. Suddenly, the girlfriend, after close-talking me, just put her tongue in my mouth and went to town with her boyfriend sitting on my bed watching from 2 feet away. Whoa there tiger!


I didn't really do anything at all. I just didn't move. I waited for her to stop, then tried not to look too shocked. Was he going to hit me? Was I going to offend her if I just yanked myself away? The truly shocking part came directly after this "makeout session" when the guy says "If I were you, I'd do whatever it is she wants you to do."


Hahahaha. I just pretty much got up and walked out of the room.

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tried that with my female friend and her bf. they are 'sharers' by nature and i was attracted to both of them. it was fun while it lasted, but i hated waking up in the morning with no one holding me. to make matters worse, the two people i was sharing a bed with were holding each other.


i don't know, i kind of felt like an object.


didn't screw up the friendship too much, but definitely changes it. be wary.

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Never done it but if you have doubts - don't do it.


I was just going to say the same thing. Once it's done it can't be taken back, and if this is one of those things you are not 100% comfortable doing, I wouldn't go there.


There are plenty of single women whom you could consider having sex with alone.

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hmmm.... i think since you are uncomfortable with the thought, you shouldn't do it. maybe they would be better off asking someone who is not their friend to be part of their 3some. if you do go through with it, discuss ground rules and don't break them!

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