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The Complete History of Jack the Ripper by Philip Sugden.


So far? Scary and weird.


Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper by Patricia Cornwell is a pretty interesting read about Jack, too. I've read a few different books about the cases, each presents different theories. They are all a bit creepy!

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Reading is one of my hobbies. Or an obsession. I guess either term would apply. I read when most people would be watching TV....or sleeping.


Current book: Fiery Heart - Richelle Mead (almost done!)


So do i, i read so much i fall asleep by 9 because my eyes get tired. Maybe its because you read novels, i am trying to read things i need to memorize for games or mechanical stuff for work.


I started drinking coffee again so i can hang out at the local cafes (yes, i just said that like a dweeb)... i am going to be soooo cool with my nook!

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So do i, i read so much i fall asleep by 9 because my eyes get tired. Maybe its because you read novels, i am trying to read things i need to memorize for games or mechanical stuff for work.


I started drinking coffee again so i can hang out at the local cafes (yes, i just said that like a dweeb)... i am going to be soooo cool with my nook!


You just need to throw on some hipster glasses and some Cons, you'll fit right in. (Don't throw things at me!! That mental image was kind of funny.)


I only post a small portion of what I read here.


Schematics, workbooks, and actual textbook-style reading... I don't count toward my overall, and don't figure most people will want to include in their pleasure reading...maybe I'm wrong! I do plenty of that, too. I take a few Coursera courses each year. Speaking of which, you might enjoy... as might others. I've been pretty pleased with them. link removed


Current reads:


The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

The Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz (re-read)

Atlantis Rising - T.A. Barron


Also, Goodreads is an awesome way to track your reading. And find new books that are along the lines of your interests.

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You just need to throw on some hipster glasses and some Cons, you'll fit right in. (Don't throw things at me!! That mental image was kind of funny.)


Hmmm.. I am not sure i like the hipsters, or can tolerate them enough just yet to try to fit in


But, they brought some really cool places over here!!


I only post a small portion of what I read here.


Schematics, workbooks, and actual textbook-style reading... I don't count toward my overall, and don't figure most people will want to include in their pleasure reading...maybe I'm wrong! I do plenty of that, too. I take a few Coursera courses each year. Speaking of which, you might enjoy... as might others. I've been pretty pleased with them. link removed


Current reads:


The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

The Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz (re-read)

Atlantis Rising - T.A. Barron


Also, Goodreads is an awesome way to track your reading. And find new books that are along the lines of your interests.


I know about coursera, i remember looking up mechanical classes. They dont have any


I usually dont read more than one book, but i have forced myself to read more books now lately. I am actually remembering a lot more from things i have read now, maybe because i am not doing my old marathon reading of one book anymore.


Do you get sleepier? I fall asleep by 9 sometimes.


Oh, and i bought the simple touch nook. I read at work now too. I am going to read technical manuals, one hobby book, and maybe some book on the supernatural/powers.

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haven't read for awhile, but reading a business book right now and this


The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide: How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life

Francine Jay --- basically taking advtange of the fact that I'm moving to a different country and getting rid of most of my worldly possessions, want to basically own a few t-shirts, pants, etc

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I've been reading more poetry, and for some reason I think I'd love the idea of someone reading poetry to me in another language. Instant melt. I need to get this chick thing out of my system, maybe I should change genre to a boy type of genre like horror instead of reading romantic poetry. I'm digging myself into a hole, aren't I? Seriously though: I have gone marking the atlas of your body / with crosses of fire. / My mouth went accross: a spider, trying to hide. / In you, behind you, timid, driven by thirst.

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Posting on this again, hm. Starting up a new book tonight: The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis. I picked this one up at a music store. Yeah, went in a music store and walked straight to the books, that's how I roll. Always to the books.


Ahhh, C.S. Lewis. Love that man. I have not read The Magicians Nephew though. I'm sure it will be excellent though, naturally. I'm impressed that your music store also carries books...and good books too apparently!

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Ahhh, C.S. Lewis. Love that man. I have not read The Magicians Nephew though. I'm sure it will be excellent though, naturally. I'm impressed that your music store also carries books...and good books too apparently!


A friend said this music store was really famous so maybe that's why it also carries other odd stuff. Not complaining. They had another book there, not gonna mention the name because it's kinda corny, that I had to buy because it... Spoke to me. Haha. It's a funny book though.

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Posting on this again, hm. Starting up a new book tonight: The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis. I picked this one up at a music store. Yeah, went in a music store and walked straight to the books, that's how I roll. Always to the books.


All of the Narnia books are a worthy read.

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"Where'd Ya go, Bernadette?" Cute but shallow. I expected more. Would recommend to a friend's mom but not a friend.


"Never let me go". Sad, melancholic, and eerie. I liked it. The "twist", I always saw coming, was beautifully done. Like it was always there, visible yet unaddressed. It was a dread that I didn't want to face and that's exactly how the author planned it.


Halfway through "Doctor Sleep". Boring. There were some minorly creepy moments in the beginning with Danny but it's pretty lackluster. The true knot are not scary. This is my first Stephen King book and I'm pretty underwhelmed. I'm determined to finish what I started though.


Halfway through "Divergent". Meh. I understand why teens like it but it's also pretty shallow. My sister will want me to take her to the movie when it hits theaters so I thought I should just read it real quick.


Just started "Blood Meridian". I love Cormac Mccarthy. His detached, masculine style is so inventive and beautiful. Hopefully I can power through it by the end of the week.

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Did you know Anne Rice has a couple of newish books out? I just came accross them in the library last week and picked them up.


The Wolf Gift and The Wolves of Midwinter, are the titles I think. Can't vouch for them as I haven't read them yet... but it's Anne Rice!


Current read: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchett

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Current read: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchett


Top ten favourite books of all time! Maybe even top 5. I couldn't stop laughing the entire book and was actually depressed that I couldn't read about Crowley and Aziraphale anymore. =(


As a side note, the second title is "The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch". "Nice" is used here in the archaic meaning of the word which means "stupid".


If you like it, check out "Discworld" by Terry Pratchett. While Gaiman coauthored "Good Omens", Pratchett was the man behind the wit. There are like a 50 Discworld books and while many of them have reoccuring characters and subplots and should ideally be read in order, you could really just pick any of them up as they are more episodic than anything. I recommend "Going Postal" and "Small Gods" but if you really want a good read, just go through the whole thing starting with "The Colour of Magic".

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Did you know Anne Rice has a couple of newish books out? I just came accross them in the library last week and picked them up.


The Wolf Gift and The Wolves of Midwinter, are the titles I think. Can't vouch for them as I haven't read them yet... but it's Anne Rice!


Current read: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchett


I've heard of Wolf Gift, forgot what it's about. I should probably check that out. There is actually one book of hers that I couldn't get into it. Maybe it's because I was 14 when I read it and couldn't connect. Hm. I forgot the name of it, but it was about an opera singer?

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I've heard of Wolf Gift, forgot what it's about. I should probably check that out. There is actually one book of hers that I couldn't get into it. Maybe it's because I was 14 when I read it and couldn't connect. Hm. I forgot the name of it, but it was about an opera singer?


Hmm. I always preferred the Mayfairs to the vampires. Which is saying something, because I love most things vampire-related.


Wolf Gift is about werewolves.

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Top ten favourite books of all time! Maybe even top 5. I couldn't stop laughing the entire book and was actually depressed that I couldn't read about Crowley and Aziraphale anymore. =(


As a side note, the second title is "The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch". "Nice" is used here in the archaic meaning of the word which means "stupid".


If you like it, check out "Discworld" by Terry Pratchett. While Gaiman coauthored "Good Omens", Pratchett was the man behind the wit. There are like a 50 Discworld books and while many of them have reoccuring characters and subplots and should ideally be read in order, you could really just pick any of them up as they are more episodic than anything. I recommend "Going Postal" and "Small Gods" but if you really want a good read, just go through the whole thing starting with "The Colour of Magic".


I actually think it might have been you that recommended it to me. It was someone in this thread, anyway!


I think the copy I've got might have both books in one volume...


I have the Discworld series on my list on Goodreads, but am pretty far down on the hold list at our library.

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Just finished Doctor Sleep. It was worth it for the ending. It wrapped up Danny's story really well. I like Dan a lot as a character but I could do without the rest of the book. I wouldn't recommend as it's kind of a drag and not all that scary. I even do this thing where I only read scary books after dark (I have a kindle so I'll sit in a pitch black room) and it still was barely creepy. Unless you really, really loved the Shining...just read 11/22/63 and ignore everything else he's put out for the past 5 years..

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Twelve Years a Slave - Solomon Northup

It is actually a hard book to read because of the content, it is fascinating but at the same time you have to take a breath and walk away for a bit because of the cruelty and injustice.


Not sure if I mentioned it in this thread but I love both " my dad says"and "I Suck at Girls" by Justin Halpern. When I'm down or just need a good laugh I grab the aforementioned titles and I end up in tears of laughter.




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Twelve Years a Slave - Solomon Northup

It is actually a hard book to read because of the content, it is fascinating but at the same time you have to take a breath and walk away for a bit because of the cruelty and injustice.


Not sure if I mentioned it in this thread but I love both " my dad says"and "I Suck at Girls" by Justin Halpern. When I'm down or just need a good laugh I grab the aforementioned titles and I end up in tears of laughter.




Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


I bought "12 Years a Slave" but I didn't get very far because it seemed really, really dry. Does it get better as it gets into the story? Because I was falling asleep in the beginning. I understand it's a true story but I figured watching the movie (and getting to stare at Fassbender) would suffice.

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