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One more reason to like Cali

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Oh, bah. Well, maybe with the strong Canadian dollar it will be harder, but I'm sure we could do it.


Speaking of how awesome Canada is- I was talking to one of my Canadian friends the other day, and we came up with the idea that Canadians should be allowed to vote in the U.S. presidential election to prevent any more disasters from occurring.

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Oh, bah. Well, maybe with the strong Canadian dollar it will be harder, but I'm sure we could do it.


Speaking of how awesome Canada is- I was talking to one of my Canadian friends the other day, and we came up with the idea that Canadians should be allowed to vote in the U.S. presidential election to prevent any more disasters from occurring.


we are more level headed LOL

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hahahah that was funny. Actually I didn't get it from there. It was something that I read long ago that I remembered. I think I could dig it up somewhere. When I watched that show I thought, Wow they copied what it said!

But I don't know which one came first. heheh

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thanx for be respectful with your responses annie. It's nice to know their are some mature people on here. I agree the preist thing gives christians a bad name, but of course, if you are following christ, you're not going to molest little boys. And the Bible speaks about those who claim to preach in the name of God and go and sin horribly. They will be judged. But I'm sure some gay people could be good parents, it's just I see it as really confusing for the child, and in a way missing out on what it's like to have a "normal" childhood. I loved having a mommy figure and father figure growing up. I needed them both very much, and having both aspects of a mother and father was essential to me, as I believe it is to most kids.


Well, I have a father (he has changed only a little since I was younger) who hit my mom and drank a lot. I was scared when I watched those acts when i was a young child. I would have much rather have had 2 moms or 2 dads that did not do such a thing than a mom and a dad who fight constantly. So i truly believe that if anyone, gay or straight, are capable of being good parents.

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As for children being raised by a gay couple, I have met three such individuals, they are happy, well adjusted and successful individuals. That is not to say that every homosexual couple will be able to raise a child well - but it's no different with heterosexual couples. And for those of you that are saying children will have a hard time and be mocked, it is up to SOCIETY to change its attitudes, not homosexuals. We should be educating our children that it is wrong to mock and hurt others, not let bullying go on regardless - THAT is the real issue there, NOT homosexuality.


And you're right, it's up to god to judge what is right or wrong, not you.


Very good post.

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My God is not legalistic at all. he is very loving and freeing actually, I used to be like you (in the world) and THAT was so binding! we are no longer under the law, so I don't know where you are getting legalism from. And you must not believe in the God of the Bible because you already saw what he said about homosexuality. Making up your own God won't do you any good. My God is loving and loves homosexuals, but wants them to get out of the sin their living in. He doesn't want them to go to hell. But he will judge if he has to, and that is written in there too. So you can go on blindly beleiving in your convienant God who has no problems with anything, but that is living in ignorance.

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I thought we were not supposed to get into religious discussions on this forum. I'm not sure about the current policy. I mean I am wanting to respond to that last post, but I won't because I don't think this forum is really set up to deal with that kind of debate.

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I'm telling you that I will make mistakes and repent and truly try to turn away from them and live differently afterwards. Never said I'll be perfect. And I don't see myself as above anyone, so stop assuming. And NO the bible doesn't still feature slavery,sexism and violece in the new testement. Get your facts straight. And the Bible is the inspired word of God. God spoke to those who wrote it, it's not just made up. And it is applicable for today compleatly! that is the whole point of the Bible, to help us to continue to live using those words, they are just as effective today as ever. I didn't say I was going to judge gay people, I'm saying GOD is going to judge, just as he will with everyone one day. I'm just going by what Gods word says, not my own.

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The Bible has no standing in American law so no one has the right to impose rules on anyone else simply because of something they believe to be a moral injuction mandated by the Bible. Most religions are unopposed to gay marriage and many are actually for it. Why should one religion dictate the laws and beliefs of a whole country?

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