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Dangerous having 2 dates with different women on the same weekend?


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So, those of you who may be reading my threads know I've been talking to 2 potential bachelorettes. Well, as things have it, I have 2 dates this weekend. My first date is with bachelorette #3 on Saturday. She's the fun one but often not very engaging conversation wise. In any case, I was thinking about just having dinner with her and then????


I have a date with bachelorette #2 (my friends favorite) on Sunday afternoon for some Sushi and then?????


My question is two fold. First of all, should I not schedule dates on the same weekend with different girls? And, what are some fun, low stress things to do after the meal?


At times I feel like I'm a really boring person. I just want to go home and play with my dogs, or go for a hike, or watch a movie, or work in the yard or in my shop, etc. Arrrgghhh. I'm nervous now about both of these dates.



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I used to do this kind of thing often, but age has done something to my thought process... I had an opportunity recently to have spend some time in the am with a guy that had plans in the pm - of the same day... I ended up asking if his pm plans were with a lady, because I got a very strange feeling....


But as long as 'you're' OK with it and the girls no you are not exclusive with them and get the names right... why not?

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Well, see, this will be the first date with both bachelorettes. I tried to set one up with #2 last weekend but those plans fell through. I was just going to have a date with #2 but then #3 started asking me about this weekend. So I thought to myself if I could have a date with one on Sat, and the other on Sun, then why not?


On the other hand, despite having no commitment to either of these women, I feel like I'm being a player. It's probably more in my head than anything else. But I can't help but play through scenarios where say I date #3 on Saturday and things are going REALLY well and carry on over into Sun, or maybe not carry over, but say she wants to meet up on Sun again. Do I tell her, Yeah I had fun too, but I have another date on Sunday, lol.



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I used to do this kind of thing often, but age has done something to my thought process... I had an opportunity recently to have spend some time in the am with a guy that had plans in the pm - of the same day... I ended up asking if his pm plans were with a lady, because I got a very strange feeling....


But as long as 'you're' OK with it and the girls no you are not exclusive with them and get the names right... why not?


I had a woman do the same thing to me years ago.....i agree with livi....go for it

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I don't see anything wrong with doing so. On the same day? Yea.. for some reason it would irk me if a guy did that and I found out.

Also.. Don't worry man. I'm sure you will work your charm with them and by the end of the date it will be a bit more clear what to fill in the "???".

You can't really plan out dates b/c as cliche as it sounds.. it always ends up diffrent.

JUst see where the night takes you and if you both even want to see each other again.


Good luck.

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I don't think it's wrong to have 2 dates with 2 girls in one weekend. As for the "and then???" parts, make sure to have something at least in mind...I don't like when a date ends and then there's the "so...what else do you want to do??"...it's a date! Plan something! Of course, if dinner goes well, you can always just hang out there and keep talking or something (just remember to tip accordingly for camping at the table! ). I always enjoy doing that. But at least have something in mind to do after--movies are a bad idea b/c I think it doesn't allow the freedom to continue to get to know the other, and essentialy, you're just sitting next to a stranger in the movie theatre. But a walk in the park or something is a good idea too if it's a nice nihgt. Can't wait to hear how they go!

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Thanks for the support everyone. A big part of me is just plain nervous. Good tip on having something else to do besides the dinner thing. I tried to suggest minture golf to bachelorette #3 (saturday date) but she declined saying she was no good at it. In any case, I'm needing some ideas on what to do later. Suggestions?



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No one is good at miniature golf, that's the point


I would be a bit worried she is not too much for fun and laughing at herself (I think that's important!) if she did not want to do that!


Did you ask her what she would be interested in doing?

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No RayKay I didn't ask what she would like to do. I know, it is lame she doesn't like to play miniture golf. I thought it was a good idea frankly, but was shot down. Oh well. So stick to dinner then maybe coffee or a walk, or something like that. I've just out of the dating thing for so long I don't know what to do or where to go.



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I would be a bit worried she is not too much for fun and laughing at herself (I think that's important!) if she did not want to do that!



I agree here. Who is good at miniature golf? You can use that though as a joke--"are you a sore loser?"--or something flirty, but yeah, RayKay has a point--she probably isn't much fun.



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lol I've done that in the past -- I booked 3 dates on the same weekend But they weren't on the same day though!


I had fun on all of the dates but towards the end I was exhausted.


Fun things to do after the dinner would be grabbing a couple of drinks at a local bar or something. Or, depending on where you guys are, I think it's nice to stroll around or sit on the bench and talk somewhere, that's always nice.

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