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Fiance' assumes I'm cheating , what should I do?

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Ok I don't like what I have seen on here in my thread so far. I mean goodness some of you are really sounding like I shouldn't even be happy and some of you are saying that he doesn't love or that I'm not engaged.


Let me tell you all something, I am happily engaged. I do love my S O. I do trust him. Him and I are fine. We are getting along a lot better.


ANd if I even tell anyone where I met my SO you all would just laugh at me like some of you been doing all along.

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No-one has been laughing at you, just trying to figure out why you keep lying and your story is not adding up. That is all, if your story made any sense whatsoever, we could easily help you out with advice but so far everytime we ask for more information you start getting all defensive and start going all crazy on everyone.

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Ok I don't like what I have seen on here in my thread so far. I mean goodness some of you are really sounding like I shouldn't even be happy and some of you are saying that he doesn't love or that I'm not engaged.


Let me tell you all something, I am happily engaged. I do love my S O. I do trust him. Him and I are fine. We are getting along a lot better.


ANd if I even tell anyone where I met my SO you all would just laugh at me like some of you been doing all along.


I read that you met him online

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If this is the guy she mentioned before (from the military) she went on one physical date with him, he dumped her and left for the military.


So she may have at least met him once.


Let's say she's met him and spent time with him. Knowing someone for 6 months and then wanting to get engaged to that person is kind of rushing it. I mean, yeah, it can happen, but does she REALLY know him.


If he doesn't want her talking to other guys, that's pretty controlling and if he's cheated on her before or cheated (in general) I don't think that this is a healthy relationship already

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Thats the feeling I'm getting,


and that she has never met him, but forgive me if I'm wrong Princess, feel free to clear that up.


Its upto you who you date, has he ever taken you out?


Yes I've met him in real life and in person. That is how I got the ring. Him and I have been on a lot of dates ( before he got deployed) .

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Hope, No he didn't dump me either. Besides your surposed to be a monitar and not putting ppl down. Gee Thanks a lot Hope. I really thought that you were my friend.


Why do you get crappy and always accuse people of "putting you down" when they either try to point out things in your story that isn't adding up or try to get more information. If you want help, that isn't the way to go about it.


So yea, i'm with musicguy, when did you meet him and when did he get deployed? From what I can tell he has been deployed for months..

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Hope, No he didn't dump me either. Besides your surposed to be a monitar and not putting ppl down. Gee Thanks a lot Hope. I really thought that you were my friend.


You posted a thread about a guy you were dating late last year. You said you went on one date with him, and he broke it off and went into the military shortly after. You in fact posted several threads about heartbroken you were that he ignored you after that one date. That was early last November (supposedly a month after you got engaged???)


You also posted in November that when he did contact you from his military leave, he told you he was only using you for sex and he wanted you to be his 'sex slave'. You were heartbroken and looking for advice. Later, you said you were disgusted at how he behaved and weren't going to talk to him anymore. This is all supposedly after you got engaged. From your previous post time lines it looks like you first met him in October, he broke it off after one date, left, you fought with him over the phone some time later and were not together. You have since deleted those threads, but I do remember them.


Are you saying this is a different guy?


Can you clear this up for me?


Princess, I can help but think you are lying about something because there are just too many inconsistencies with your stories, and your time lines just don't match up.


Do you need some help with this? Do you want to be honest with us?


We can't help you if you don't tell us the truth.

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I remember those posts too. She was heartbroken because he told her not to wait for him after he was deployed. I don't understand why she is lying.


I also remember her saying they met a couple times and then he told her in front of his friends that he was using her for sex.


Why would you marry someone you've only "known" for a few months who has treated you so badly?!?


What is going on here?!?


I would love to see a picture of this ring.

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I remember those posts too. She was heartbroken because he told her not to wait for him after he was deployed. I don't understand why she is lying.


I also remember her saying they met a couple times and then he told her in front of his friends that he was using her for sex.


Why would you marry someone you've only "known" for a few months who has treated you so badly?!?


What is going on here?!?


I would love to see a picture of this ring.


ooo me too. It's probably HUGE like the Titanic.


There are as many inconsistencies to her stories as there are as many ex husbands of Elizabeth Taylor

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even at page 17 of this thread I'm still confused about princess's relationship with this person.


Glad i'm not the only one.. my head hurts just trying to understand and put things together.. It makes no sense whatsoever to me.


There are as many inconsistencies to her stories as there are as many ex husbands of Elizabeth Taylor


and I couldn't help but laugh at this.. LOL

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Princess, I can help but think you are lying about something because there are just too many inconsistencies with your stories, and your time lines just don't match up.


Do you need some help with this? Do you want to be honest with us?


We can't help you if you don't tell us the truth.


Princess, I agree with what Hope75 wrote above. I think you really do need some advice but it is impossible for us to help you if you are fabricating events and timelines. If you can be honest about what is going on here perhaps we can help.


I remember your prior threads as well and nothing is adding up. Perhaps there are somethings you are embarrassed to admit, but I can tell you that it will help you much more to just be honest and clear up the confusion and hesitation everyone has to believe your story and it will help your situation more to get advice based on the actual facts.


I think you are a confused young lady looking for help but you are not quite sure how to go about it or perhaps afraid to share the truth fearing you might be judged. At this point since you have already shared so much I urge you to just give us the facts so we can better help you.

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We started talking dating wise on 9/12/07 we have been talking ever since. We went out on our first date on 10/30/07. We got engaged in December of 07. Between November and December he was on his leave. I called his work and they told me that he was on his leave and was laughing in the background. So when I did get to talk to him when he came back, we got into it on the phone. Broken up for a little while and then got back together. In January he told me that all he wanted from me was sex b/c he was still angry at the argument that we had recently. We've made up and have been dating/engaged ever since. He every now and then assumes that I'm cheating. When really I'm not. Yes I have guy friends but that is all. I would never cheat on my fiance'. I Love him very much. Yes, he has put me through hell but...... true love travels on gravel roads. I hope this makes some sort of sense now. If not then I will try harder to explain.

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Princess, I know this is not what you want to hear but you got engaged to a man you didn't know. There is no way even a superhuman could know a man well enough in two months. If you first met him face to face at the end of october and were engaged the first of december that is not even two months...more like one.


You are going thru these issues with him because neither of you know each other. You have had such limited face to face contact. Even if let's say he was never deployed and you saw him consistently since October that STILL woudln't be enough time to know if you are compatible for marriage.


Are you even SURE and CERTAIN this man is in the military? You mentioned laughing in the background when someone at his job said he was on leave. You mention that beacuse it seems an important clue to you I would imagine. I think a part of you feels he is a sham and a scam and I think that would be correct.


I think he has avoided you and maybe the engagement was because he didn't know what else to do at the time. I think this is wrought wtih disaster and I think for your own good you should release him and find a man you can date and see often face to face so that not only true feelings can grow, but also trust and familiarity with who that person is.


This man is really a stranger to you. There is no way even the most perceptive of people could know a man well enough in one month to get engaged to him.


He has put you thru hell you say and look...it's only been a couple of months since you first dated him! That is NOT how a good relationship works Princess.


I urge you to rethink this. As for the responses here I don't think anyone intentionally wanted to badger you they were just very confused trying to follow your story and your outrageous claims that someone hacked your account. Try to write your posts when you are not quite so upset and emotional becuase those emotions show thru the post and makes it difficult to understand. I have found that when you calm down and write a post it is much easier to decipher.


Hang in there Princess. You will find true love with a guy who respects you.

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We started talking dating wise on 9/12/07 we have been talking ever since. We went out on our first date on 10/30/07. We got engaged in December of 07.



You started dating in September?

You got engaged in December?

Yet earlier you stated you have been dating for 6 months? (from September, that is only 5 months)

and you also said you have been engaged for 4 months (that is only 2 months)

Hmm maybe math has changed since I was in schoolor maybe I just forgot how to count?


Once again stories dont add up.

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