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he called me his ex's name!


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Yesterday whilst opening presents infront of my boyfriends family, he accidently called me by his ex's name. Everyone fell silent and it was a bit awkward, but suprisingly i wasnt angry.


My boyfriend split up with his ex over a year ago and we have been dating nine months. Anyone else find it strange that i didnt get angry? I only felt embarrassed on his behalf.


Views appreciated.

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Yesterday whilst opening presents infront of my boyfriends family, he accidently called me by his ex's name. Everyone fell silent and it was a bit awkward, but suprisingly i wasnt angry.


My boyfriend split up with his ex over a year ago and we have been dating nine months. Anyone else find it strange that i didnt get angry? I only felt embarrassed on his behalf.


Views appreciated.


You now represent feelings of closeness and love from him. Nothing to be angry about. It only means that you're well thought of and not that he wishes you were the ex.


Think about it this way... if someone called you "a delicious hot-fudge sunday" then you'd know exactly what they were talking about. And you wouldn't feel jealous of the metaphor. This was just a metaphor slip. In the past, he felt in love and caring toward a person that was important to him. Now, you are that person he loves and feels caring for. You are his delicious hot fudge sunday. Rejoice.

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I know in my case when my ex talked about her ex she wasn't fully over him. But we started dating a week after her and her ex of a year broke up so we were asking for it.


This may not be the case with you.


I'd get pissed. But im very irrational. If this is the first time he said it i'd chalk it up as an accident.

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I don't. I was with my ex for 4 years and sometimes when I talk to my bf I almost call him by my ex's name. I've never actually called him by my ex's name but my mouth was fixin to say it. I think it's only natural that he would think of his ex on a special holiday like Christmas because they probably spent alot of Christmas's together and he probably thought of her alittle bit.

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Demolition, I wouldn't worry about it.


I've accidently said a previous ex's name to my most current ex, he didn't get mad, he knew I'm not into him, and your boyfriend doesn't appear to be into his ex either, because he has you now.


So short answer, don't worry about it!

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Yesterday whilst opening presents infront of my boyfriends family, he accidently called me by his ex's name. Everyone fell silent and it was a bit awkward, but suprisingly i wasnt angry.


My boyfriend split up with his ex over a year ago and we have been dating nine months. Anyone else find it strange that i didnt get angry? I only felt embarrassed on his behalf.


Views appreciated.


IF he was with his ex a good while I dno't find this strange at all. Force of habit.

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It doesn't mean anything, you handled it well I accidentally called my girlfriend my ex's name and she accidentally called me her ex boyfriends name before. I even accidentally called her one of her friends names before but I guess we came to understand eachother.

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I guess you feel secure with him. That's cool.


But feeling embarrassed for him, I don't think I'd ever get to that place! Or helping to make him feel better about it. If I were in that position, I would be thinking "ok, he's going to get it for this later!" with an evil smirk.


Playful, not cruel "getting it". But he would be teased.

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Yeah lol. I just gave him a playful nudge. Nothing serious.


I have been with my current husband four years and still on occasoin have to stop myself yelling the ex's name. The good news is i only do it when i am mad about something. LOL I was with my ex a long time and like i said before old habits die hard. luckily my husband is good natured about it and knows it is not because i am pining away for the ex.

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It wouldn't piss me off. I think it was a simple slip of the tongue. I call my sister by my daughters name all the time and visa versa. It happens no big deal! You handled it as a mature adult, same way I would have.


If hubby callled me his sisters, moms, our kids names I'd be cool but if he called me his ex's name........ oh boy.

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Well, at least you werent having sex when he said it.


That's what I thought this thread was about when I first saw the title! haha!


I think you handled it well. I'm really not sure if it would make me mad or not... If I was still with my ex, and he called me his ex's name - yeah it'd make me a little mad, I think. Maybe not *mad* as such, and I probably wouldn't show it, but I would bristle. I certainly wouldn't have handled it the way you did!


But if I was with this new guy I've been talking to, and he called me *his* ex's name, I wouldn't be mad. There have been times when I think about things I can say to him, and in my head I say "*ex's name* do you think..." and then I think "woops! lucky that was only daydreaming!" haha.

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I ran into an old family friend. Not seen her in years.

I went up to her and said, "I know I should know you but for the life of me I can't recall your name."

She smiled back and told me that she felt the same, and didn't recall mine either.

We both laughed. I said "Carla" she said "Of course!"

We talked about our families and our lives even discussed my sister's problems. I waited for her name and was too embarrassed to ask again.


When she'd spoken to My sister she complained Carla didn't introduce me to her new husband.... I laughed. Told sis the situation and and how could I have introduced her if I didn't have her name.

Oh well maybe next time I'll remember.

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A few years ago, I was sleeping next to my girlfriend and I was like "I love you, (insert name of hot girl living in my dorm on the same hall)." She was like WHAT! WHO? I was half asleep, and she nudged me. I said sorry, and then I did it again. I was like, "I love YOU, Michelle!" My girlfriend's name was Jocelyn. LOL.


Oooooh, she was pissed.


Before you even go there, NO I was not messing around with this other girl. It was just a slip, but my girl got FURIOUS. I was so devoted to her. I apologized and she was still so mad. She wound up cheating on me anyway.


Thought I would give people a good laugh. Glad you didn't overreact. This stuff happens.

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