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i cracked. im an idiot.


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vouge, I thought we already agreed that I am not an imprisoned pervert who downloads pictures for a collage who can track down where you live via satellite IP address tracing.


haha, YEEAH RIGHT! gooooooosh is it 6 yet!!! I just want to get this over with.


We will either be OK after tonight or we won't be..........


Im nervous.

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I want you to be strong, and no tears. Even better would be saying that you are "reconsidering your future options" as well.


Do you think you could do that for me?


I am going to try and be strong, no tears. When expressing myself in such a matter - it's hard for me not to get emotional. But I did pretty good today and I think I can do it even better tonight.


I want for this to work out so bad. So I know that I need to be strong.


Reconsider my future options?

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Reconsider my future options?


Yes. Even though you and I both know that you want to be with this guy until the end of time, he doesnt need to know that. You need to get him back on the "hook" so to speak, like it was before, when it was YOUR idea to break up.


Otherwise, even if you get back together, he knows he has you wrapped around his little finger, and he will not treat you like a woman with your personality and looks deserves to be treated.


So make him guess at whether or not YOU want to even take him back. Make HIM be the one who doesn't know where "things are at" with you two.


I know its not easy. But you can do it!

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Yes. Even though you and I both know that you want to be with this guy until the end of time, he doesnt need to know that. You need to get him back on the "hook" so to speak, like it was before, when it was YOUR idea to break up.


Otherwise, even if you get back together, he knows he has you wrapped around his little finger, and he will not treat you like a woman with your personality and looks deserves to be treated.


So make him guess at whether or not YOU want to even take him back. Make HIM be the one who doesn't know where "things are at" with you two.


I know its not easy. But you can do it!


You're right, It's not easy. All that I want to do when I get the 'chance' to talk to him is to pour my heart out to him. Lay it all out on the line, because I think that's the only way of getting through to him. Even though it's the wrong thing to do, I can't help but do it.


Im afraid if I turn the tables around like you say to do, then he'll just get frusturated and say forget it

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All that I want to do when I get the 'chance' to talk to him is to pour my heart out to him. Lay it all out on the line, because I think that's the only way of getting through to him. Even though it's the wrong thing to do, I can't help but do it. Im afraid if I turn the tables around like you say to do, then he'll just get frusturated and say forget it


You couldn't be more wrong. Of that I am 100% certain. Especially part about pouring your heart out to him. If you can't pull back and do the "distant and aloof" thing, at least don't do the "heart pouring" thing. It's the last mistake you will make with this dude.

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But if im right, I will regret it forever. I will be kicking myself in the a$$. Why are you so certain???


it's human nature vogue. that's why. at the end of the day we all have some traits alike. and the outcome of this and him NOT getting frustrated if the tables turn is easy to predict...


look, say your in his shoes. he is always chasing you and you have him around YOUR fingers. you dont appreciate him as much right???

what if suddenly, you realise or see one day you don't have the same "power" or control over his actions as you used to?

are you gonna walk away???

no... you probably try and chase him b/c you suddenly realise what you had infront of you all along and you took it for granted. Yeeeaaa.... things COULD turn out diffrent but in this case I highly doubt, like 99% sure.

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Because after 13 pages of this, I know you better than your mommy and daddy do.




I guess we will just see how this goes. I've got 2-3 more hours to go. 2 hours until im off and probably another hour until he is off.


He is going to pick me up and we'll take it from there.


Im like a little kid at the dentist. The thoughts freaks me out, but once I do it it's not so bad.


I didn't think this morning was going to turn out 'so well' and you know, it wasn't so bad. It eased some pain. Sooo yeah!!!!

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I wish you luck when you talk to your boyfriend this evening. I hope everything works out for you, I really do. I will be thinking about you and I will keep my fingers crossed.


When you see him KEEP YOUR HEAD UP. Be strong. I know it will be hard, but try, try, try not to tear up. If you do, wipe em fast lol!


Speak your mind. Give him a chance to talk too. He's bound to have something to say.


Please let us know how it goes. Im really concerned.


Good luck Vogue!


(((lots and lots of hugs and good thoughts are being sent your way)))


xoxoxo Barbie

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Thanks BBG!!!


I get off in 15 minutes and then I'll go home and freshen up & then wait!


My heart will drop to the floor once I see that he's there to pick me up. I'll get the butterflies I just know it.


Ok..........thanks guys! Wish me luck! Im off until after we talk............


Cross your fingers!!

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Not sure if this is an off-topic question, but the OP brought up about her bf not being able to look her in the eyes when he was with her, or talking to her. When someone doesn't look at you in the eyes when they talk to you, is that a sign of something bad?


Just curious.



Oh, it's not OT. Yeah, it's a sign of something bad. At the very least it's a sign of self confidence...at the worst, it's guilt. For thinking or doing something that they don't want to tell the person they are looking away from about.

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It's not much unlike a drug addiction....she has her fix back.


VI not much more I can tell you on this so as long as you feel happy at this point i wish you luck.


Yeah, the says it all. For now, all is peaceful. Until the next time...


vouge_idea, I'm glad it went well. Just realize that there are problems here, and if you don't work them out, the relationship will continue with these ups and downs, and these "breakups" or whatever you call them.


It's not good for you.

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