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the ravings of a teenage nobody


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i just read your first post and ur lifei is about ten times more interesting than mine. (im also 17_) its beginning to inspire me to restart a journal but i alwasy fizzle out with those things.


Oh I would love it if you started a journal, especially as there arn't really many teenagers on here! I would definitely read it. Haha you think my life is interesting? thats crazy lol.

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yes i think ur life is interseting. maybe coz we're in the same age strata, to put it pretentiously hehe. so u would read it? how cool! ok ill write one up write now stranded247...speaking of which, have u heard htat song stranded by the saints? (aussie punk band circa 80's)


ps. i can totally agree with u on the tea part. you know whats really simple and delish? mix some honey in with black tea. mmm!

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yes i think ur life is interseting. maybe coz we're in the same age strata, to put it pretentiously hehe. so u would read it? how cool! ok ill write one up write now stranded247...speaking of which, have u heard htat song stranded by the saints? (aussie punk band circa 80's)


ps. i can totally agree with u on the tea part. you know whats really simple and delish? mix some honey in with black tea. mmm!


Yeah thats probably why, I'm enjoying reading your journal. No I havn't heard that song, I might search it up on myspace though. I got my name from a song called "lost" by a french rock band named noir desir lol the chorus goes: "I'm lost but I'm not stranded". Haha I've tried that actually, it is good.

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I just came back from the london youth games championships. I was in the senior team with two good looking guys who were really quite skilled in comparison to me but they were really nice to me.

Basil was the best- I got a lift to the stadium from his dad. We fenced the bourough of "kensington and chelsea", obviously a very wealthy area and my god they were arrogant. Their jackets and breaches were lined with stripes to show they had won international awards and they marched upto us and said in a very pucker accent: "Do our stripes intimidate you? We've fenced overseas in Italy, Czechoslovakia and Spain." Basil wispered to me that he wanted to kill them haha. We all did. But they were pro's of course and they slaughtered us. And each time one of them scored a hit at me they would do this little dissmissive wave with their hand to imply the lack of skill on my part or one of my team members. We lost all three rounds against three different buroughs so of course we didn't make it to the semi finals. Although at first I was quite intimidated by such fierce competition I regained my confidence and in the last matches we played against a group of french fencers I beat the crap outta them. Although we almost won, they beat us by one point when basil fenced. He's an excellent fencer though. I'm still buzzing from the competition. If there is one goal in my life it is to become seriously skilled at fencing and to beat the hell out of those arrogant toffs so I can prove them wrong. Tournaments are sooo much fun!! Through basil I've discovered that there is another fencing club where I live on tuesdays and wednesdays for two hours in the evenings so I will start that next term. I was begginging to feel rather bored by fencing but this tournament reminded me how much I love fencing. The thrill of winning a fight is such an uplifting feeling. There is so much skill and beauty in fencing, I am really determined to improve. I did actually do well considering I only got two hours sleep last night because I spent the evening with ben and then I came home and searched my bedroom for my british fencing membership card which I couldn't find, only to discover I didn't need it!! Plus I quit fencing during my GCSE's and I've only been fencing for less than two years and my competitors were much more experienced, most of them having fenced for at least five years. I really loved it. Also I discovered that my team mate this very american looking tall blonde guy, Jesse, goes to my new school which I am going to tomorrow for the induction week. He's 14 but damn he doesn't look it. People kept on asking us if we were brother and sister. I found that quite a compliment hehe. So yeah I got a ride back from him and his parents and he was telling me all about my new college, he's in the school but I will be in the sixthform.

And last night my friends all flaked out on me except for Ben who invited me to his house, cooked me pasta and we watched 28 days later. He is sooo modest, he always made out that his house was just average-that place is SO NICE. He looked quite attractive last night, he was really sweet to me too. I met up with Pedro on thursday and he said he thought ben liked me and that everyone was saying so and why wasn't I going out with him and that I should give up on dave and go out with ben. I adore Ben but he's not 16 till july and I'm already 17-just no! I mean he looks older than me and everything but at this age its still a little wrong. It is nice to be adored though, I'm so glad I have ben. He's been the best friend I've had this whole year.

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So my induction week was pretty cool, the college is HUGE like 2000 kids That kinda excites me seeing as I've only ever been to an all girls school with a maximum of 400 pupils. I made some friends etc we exchanged numbers all making a plan to possibly meet up next week. I doubt it will happen but it would be cool if it did.


I'm really annoyed though because the college doesn't do Russian so I asked if I could do Russian as my fourth AS Level choice alongside 3 AS Levels within the college. My form tutor said this was not possible unless I did it as my fifth AS Level. I would have possibly contemplated this but I am taking so much on next year. I'm going to be working in the store everyday, doing 6 hours of fencing a week, I'm going to be a member of the debating team and the investor challenge scheme-it would be too much. So yeah I didn't want to do Chemistry any more even though I made the Chemistry list whilst others got rejected. They said if you have any doubts about Chemistry and don't love it-DON'T DO IT! So I'm not doing it. I'm taking English Literature&Language, Economics, French and History. I'm good at all of these subjects but I just don't think this is a very useful combination, oh well at least I will enjoy them. I can't guess how good I will be at Economics but I'm hoping I will be good at it. I noticed that all of the guys didn't really mix with the girls at the induction week unless they were already at the school. I think that changes in September hopefully. Anyway I'm going to see Morrissey today at the 02 wireless festival with Ben, Adam and Patrick, it should be awesome!

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The 02 wireless concert was so much fun, Ben made us a little late but I got to see most of the bands I wanted to see. We saw Lightspeed Champion, The Rascals, Dirty Pretty Things, Black Kids, Guillemots, The Wombats (only a little of them because they turned out to be pretty bad) , Beck and The legendary front man of the smiths: Morrissey. I'm not a Morrissey fan as I find him far too depressing but he played some of the old smiths songs like Ask and I Am The Sun, I Am The Air (charmed theme tune). It was fun. At one point whilst Beck was playing and I was jumping to the music I felt myself jumping higher and higher until I realised someone was lifting me up by my waist and then I turned around thinking it was either ben, adam or patrick playing around only to find a bunch of guys in their twenties trying to get me to crowd surf at which point I was just like "ahhh!!! let go!!". Crowd surfing looks fun but not my kinda thing heh. I bought a lot of merchandise, I now have a morrissey hoodie and a cool white beck t-shirt and then I bought another pair of sunglasses but this time they were pink wafers instead of white. They are quite cool, they make me look like a "Lady Penelope" out of thunderbirds especially with my blonde hair.


Then on saturday I was expecting to just chill, went to the last fencing lesson where we had a little end of term "tea party" and I talked to this guy Jesse about my new college, he goes there too and is really nice, I think I mentioned that he gave me a ride back from the fencing tournament last week. I got home and just had a nice relaxing meal with my dad and a glass of rose, as we were just sitting down to watch "I Am Legend" together I got a text from Ben saying how lonely he was and that he wanted me to come over and we could watch 28 weeks later. I felt kind of guilty leaving my dad but he seemed cool with it. Ben collected me from the station and we went back to his. There was so much tension (I posted a thread about it on here in fact). He started to tell me about Louis' new girlfriend who was really pretty and how she gave him blow jobs everyday and how he was really jealous. Then he went onto say that he only ever seems to fancy girls who have boyfriends. He said "I literally only seem to fancy girls who have boyfriends" and then he went on about how he had quite high standards and there I was thinking..err why are you inviting me over to your house alone?! But when we were watching the movie he kept edging closer until he was practically on top of me and then several times during the film he creeped up on me and tried to scare me. And when we were walking home he made me guess the way back in the dark and everytime I guessed wrong which was practically the whole journey he held me by the shoulders and lead me the right way. Then we had this play fight and he ended up grabbing my chest (I think this was accidental). Then as we said goodbye there was this long lingering hug and when we realeased he had his hand on my backside and mine around his waist and he was just staring back at me, had we been closer it would have looked like one of those kissing moments. Anyway I dont know if Ben does like me, so many people have said he does and I've come to realise I must like him back because the idea I wont see him for a month terrifies me, I know I'm going to miss him so badly and I always find myself looking forward to talking to him every evening and when he's accross the room I always find myself sneeking secret glances. Pedro asked me the other day if I liked him and I said I wasn't attracted to Ben, what a lie. The thing is everything he does with me, well we are practically a couple apart from the physical side of course. I mean before all my exams he checked up on me, when I was ill he sent me texts asking me how I was and on my birthday he did this whole hourly countdown and he bought me a present when none of my other friends did. Whenever I complain about something or I'm sad he's always so sweet to me and when I'd lost my concert ticket, he said that if I couldn't get in he would wait with me.


One thing is for sure, if he doesn't like me, he has seriously led me on. He complained the other night that I didn't ever invite him over to my house so I've invited him to come over this week. He said we could go out for something to eat and then I suggested making him watch a really scary film. The advice I've gotten from the majority on this forum is that I should show him I like him by kissing him or something. To be honest each time we see eachother alone there is more and more tension and each time I feel like we are closer to breaking down that wall. At the moment I'm not scared, I'm going to show him I like him. I know I've said this so many times with guys as generally all the guys I like tend to be really shy but with Ben I actually feel like its quite likely. Well I dont know, I might as well try, as my friend he will at least care enough not to hurt my feelings too badly if he doesn't like me. I dont know, I just need to act now. He's leaving for summer camp to israel next monday.

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So despite all the hype of ben liking me and all those cutesy thing he said to me, it turned out he "only likes me as a friend". I can't believe he spends so much attention on me when he views me as just a good friend-it is weird, if that is how he treats all his good friends who are female how will his future girlfriend feel?


I'm no longer upset, to be honest I never liked him that much, at the beggining I found him annoying, his persistance with me just sort of made me like him. But I am humiliated, especially as I told adam that I liked him and adam insisted I told him to his face as he was convinced ben liked me. I sort of feel like I'm not pretty enough or not skinny enough. Seeing as this is going to be very awkward, Ben being in my social circle and all. I'm going to improve myself over the summer. Today I went for a three mile run, with my Ipod on full blast, it sort of made me feel less bad about myself. I've never been rejected face to face. Its a horrible feeling. The temptation to sit there and cry and eat ice cream is quite great but I'm not going to do that. I'm just pissed off because now Ben is going to always treat me like I'm in love with him. And he is so overly affectionate for someone who only views me platonically, and now he is toning it down it feels weird and cold because I've only ever known him to be smothering with affection. And once more he was so innapropriate when I said bye to him, I said bye to him without hugging him as he had just rejected me and then he goes: "err ummmm" and so I just went "yes?" and he said "err I'm gonna miss you". I wanted to kill him.

Anyway long story short-i was outright rejected. But I'm glad I had the guts to tell him I liked him. Its still kind of a shock though, every morning I wake up with this new painful memory and how I wish I hadn't told him. Life would have been so much easier. Anyway my plan is to do loads of exercise and get a hotter body and I'm going to dye my hair back to brunette because I'm sick of being a peroxide blonde, my hair no longer shines and because my eyes are kind of green the contrast between dark hair will make my features stand out more I guess. But I cheered myself up today by going for a run and then I spoke to this nice guy Will, who I've only met a few times, last time I saw him we danced at a party and had a lot of fun. He's friends with my friends so we were talking on MSN about france, he's in france at the moment. I really like him, its funny how easy it is to take your mind off a person if you try. I realised I just needed to do things instead of think about it. Some of the greatest people in history have been rejected. I mean everyone gets rejected at some point. I just blocked ben on messenger, I realised talking to him at this point isn't going to make me feel good. I got a nice surprise this morning though, my mum said she would take me to Paris in august and next week we are going to the south of france for three weeks so my journal will not be filled. We are renting a villa in south west france with a pool. Its kind of a lazy holiday, we do a lot of swimming, cycling and some water sports such as wind surfing and canoeing and we out every night in pretty classy restaurants. I spend my time reading a lot of books or watching films. I wont have internet connection and my mobile phone wont work either so I do go a little crazy but I've got my brother. And he was so sweet to me yesterday when I told him about ben, he told me he's an idiot and that one day I will walk in looking really pretty and he will kick himself and he said he would kick him for me if I wanted lol. He then made me a smoothie and told me about how all his friends had the hots for me, and said I had huge melons, they added me on facebook and are apparently asking my brother for my number. I found that hilarious, its quite flattering really, I mean at least someone finds me attractive. My brother has the most beautiful friend though, he has model looks, its ridiculous, everyone mistakes my brother for him though, but I think he is better looking than my brother. But James is nice and tall and skinny and he's got a very preppy public school look about him, I've noticed girls giving him the eye up-its hilarious.

Its just sad this boy doesn't have an older brother, oh well hehe I can wait till he's older and its okay lol! tomorrow I might try and buy a bikini for France and go for another run. I want to lift some weights but its so boring, at least when we get to france there will be a pool so working out will be easy.

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David introduced me to this other guy who kept on talking to me and tried to have one on one conversations with me. He was a nice I guess but I wasn't attracted to him. He was not bad looking at all but he just lacked substance and all he talked about was his band and he just went on about himself and he was boring. But he managed to get one of my friends to give him my msn address, hmmm. I just wanted him out the way so I could talk to david more. And david was just sort of standing on the outskirts waiting for him to finish talking. How ironic it would be if it turned out david didn't like me but the other guy did. That would drive me insane!! I mean he's a nice boy and I wish I could like him but I dont,



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you know what? (you dont mind my constant barging in do you??) i think ben likes you. he is in denial. i mean, he obviously likes to beat around the bush; i just reckon he hasnt got the balls to properly ask you out on a date and all that. which if anything, is a sign of immaturity to a certain extent. you're right, do other stuff....and you definitely have a lot of guts to have told him how you feel and the wahtnot, i admire that... completely envy you going to teh south of france btw, how beautiful!!!!!!

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you know what? (you dont mind my constant barging in do you??) i think ben likes you. he is in denial. i mean, he obviously likes to beat around the bush; i just reckon he hasnt got the balls to properly ask you out on a date and all that. which if anything, is a sign of immaturity to a certain extent. you're right, do other stuff....and you definitely have a lot of guts to have told him how you feel and the wahtnot, i admire that... completely envy you going to teh south of france btw, how beautiful!!!!!!

No I love the barging in, hehe it makes me feel like I'm not talking to myself.

I thought about that and I honestly dont think he is in denail, its really embarrassing actually because we've both been going to a mutual friend and confiding in him about the whole dilemma and our mutual friend keeps telling him things I said and me things he said. Apparently he is not shy at all and if he likes a girl he will tell her within a week. What is even more embarrassing is that my mutual friend told him about how I'd mentioned this lingering hug we had and I'm cringing here!! Also I only liked ben for a certain amount of time and I can tell that now he is going to be all arrogant and condescending about it and think I've fancied him for ages when it was only something I really properly considered recently. I feel really fine about it, but its when my friend Adam keeps reminding me about it and making me feel awkward. I honestly am laughing at the situation but I do feel humiliated because now all my friends are going to find out and because they are guys they arn't going to be as sensitive to my feelings. But I'm seeing Adam tomorrow so I will tell him that the best way to not make this awkward is to pretend like it never happened.

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I'm so happy, I just found out my cousin Nick is getting married to his girlfriend Clare!!! I met her last october, in fact I think I wrote an entry in here about meeting her. Oh here it is:


Last night was great, nick's girlfriend is really pretty nice and clever, I think it will go somewhere which is great.

So wow they are getting married!! After being to about 10 funerals I will finally get to go to my first wedding, I can't wait!! But they arn't getting married straight away so I shall have to wait maybe a year but I'm still really happy, I think she will make him very happy.

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So yeah thats where I am going for three weeks. Au revoir ENA.

The past few days havn't been too shabby. I've done wayyy too much shopping, went shopping with bella on sunday, went shopping with adam on monday and he treated me to coffee and a pastry and then he bought me a necklace and sunglasses (they were cheap cos I wouldn't let him get me anything expensive, I gave him some euro's in return heh) and I went shopping with ma mere yesterday. And then I had a session with my natropath who said my body's stress levels had suddenly soared and I was very stressed, she wanted to know what had caused that. I just said it was a small argument with a friend, heh I didn't realise the whole Ben thing made me stressed. I guess it did. But I'm over it, I guess I'm just stressed by it. After my doctor's appointment I just hung out at Adam's and we planned our prequel, we are writing a book together hopefully but first we are writing a prequel of the story to see how our writing styles work. Adam is very clever and I've read some of his poetry so hopefully it should work. But it was really nice, Adam cheered me and we just talked a lot about the future and about a lot of things, he has become one of my closest friends, its a shame he is also ben's confidante-makes things awkward. Chloe sent me sheepish messages on facebook trying oh so hard to suck up to me, I blunty cut her off and she was frosty back but oh well she deserves it. I must go now, gotta flight to catch!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So the first two days of my time here in london have been pretty uneventful. I spent yesterday unpacking and hanging up my new placard posters, they are all old french adverts from the 50's. Then I pinned up some nostalgic american art by alain bertrand. I'm sick of my bedroom being so girlish. I'm tyring to make my bedroom the epitome of a 50's teenage girl/boy's bedroom. I need it to be very minimalistic as well, I hate clutter but I always fill my room with it. And today I saw liza and went to space NK and persuaded my mum to buy me some kiehls make up which is pretty expensive but really nice.


Anyway enough mundane details.The South of France was really good, it was for the most part a period of recooperation from my exams and from all the people in london. I spent the majority of my time swimming, walking, hiking and wining and dining and bonding with my brother now that he is finally a teenager. My dad tried to educate me about wine and took me wine tasting to countless vineyards pretending I was 18. So far I've aqcuired a taste for white desert wine (see how unsophisticated my pallette is?!) plus rose which i've always liked, they are paticularly brilliant in the valley of gaillac where we stayed but my favourite rose's are from bandol in provance. I also acquired a taste for foie gras, strangely enough I havn't filled out by doing so...this is unsual for me but ever since I've been seeing my natropath I'm feeling a lot better.


Anyway I've recently joined this penpal website and I've now found a french penpal called clement who lives in rennes. He is 19 and seems interesting, this should be good for my french. As I was checking my inbox I got an email from pedro who is in switzerland with his family, he told me that him and his girlfriend had broken up. I never saw this coming and I feel really bad for him. Here is what he wrote:



i aint in the mood or the sobriety to give you a nice long answer to your v.interesting email. Certainly not your fault, i just thought id say that me and (g/f's name) have finally broken up. I mean on top of that * * * * , right after all the girls i met this summer, i mean for f**ks sake seriously, thats just tactless. Im not feeling too * * * * atm (dont seem v.fussed) but im sure its just denial, by the time you reply im sure ill be reduced to tears,lol. That said though, this experience has given me some insane song writing materials, cant wait to get back into London. Id rather you don´t tell anyone atm, plz. I need some time.

Any thoughts would be great, till then.



He's so moody when crap happens which almost makes me feel worse for him. What I feel really bad about for him is the fact that his girlfriend decided last year that she wanted to transfer to his school for sixthform and now she is attending his sixthform, it will be so awkward. Adam and I both agreed that if they broke up it would be incredibly awkward for them. Pedro always said that if they broke up they would probably just get on fine but seriously I can tell his sixth form is going to be hellish next year. Its kind of hard to believe they will not get back together. He dreamed of marrying this girl. I know that sounds extreme but he was so crazy about her, for the past two years she's basically been his life, so for him to have to start over again like the rest of us will be a slap in the face. Having said that Pedro is incredibly arrogant so maybe this will teach him to have more humility. I guess life is a series of highs and lows and Pedro sure as hell had his highs. Maybe its time for a few lows before he shoots back up again...if that makes any sense at all haha.

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france sounds bee-yootiful! i envy you i really do. bonding time sounds likek it would have been pretty special. and yeah, break ups must never be easy. i mean, im only with my 1st bf, and breakup seems incomprehensible at the mo, but if it ever happens i dont even want to anticipate the agony that could accompany that...

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france sounds bee-yootiful! i envy you i really do. bonding time sounds likek it would have been pretty special. and yeah, break ups must never be easy. i mean, im only with my 1st bf, and breakup seems incomprehensible at the mo, but if it ever happens i dont even want to anticipate the agony that could accompany that...


Haha thanks france really is lovely. Its alway incomprehensible but you have to live in the moment-well I think so. And also if breaks come which sounds very unlikely the way things are going with your boyfriend atm you have to realise that life always picks up.

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Oh I got the most wonderful surprise just now. I got a really sweet phone call from my good friend Kate who completely disappeared this summer. Its so nice to hear from someone you've missed. She said I was one of her favourite people and were going to lunch on monday and gonna see the x-files.


And that guy I drunkenly hooked up with wants to see me tomorrow. I know this is potentially * * * * ty but I just want a little summer fling-nothing more. God I AM SO NERVOUS ABOUT MY GCSE RESULTS! Results day is on the 21st of august and I keep having nightmares about it. I dreamt I got a B in English which is fine for most but for me it was such a horrible feeling because English is my best subject and its really my only strong talent. Also I really want an A in russian not a B. Not a B...just no. Its funny I've been feeling really happy and confident in my own skin but in the south of france I had several anxiety dreams which made me wake up in sweats or tears.


I went to Eli's tonight and talked to Julia, his mum who is basically a surrogate mother to me and my mum's best friend and she was asking me if I had a boyfriend and saying I looked really pretty and slim etc. And that she was surprised I didn't have a boyfriend. I had no idea what to say to that heh. I never notice these things myself.

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So I met James today in this sort of giant woodland area well its basically a huge park. He was with some friends and he had his dog with him. But as soon I came his friends pretty much left. He asked me what my predicted grades were for my GCSE's and I told him they were 2A*'s and 6 A's. And then he said "so you have brains and looks then". I just sheepishly replied that I didn't know about that. And then he said "you look really gorgeous today". And then we went to this hill spot where you could see the whole of london from but we were sort of in a medow like field. And he started kissing me and one thing led to another. But I told him straight away I wouldn't sleep with him. I wanted to know why he would want to loose his virginity to me when he barely knew me. He just said "because your sexy and fun". Ha what a funny answer. I think this situation might work as honestly I only have physical attraction to him.

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you know what though? physical attraction can always grow into an emotional attraction/connection. so we're all winners! haha


Your certainly right! I hope though that for my sake it doesn't-the last thing I want to feel is rejected again like I did with that whole Ben situation. This guy is confidence boost from that, I have to say.


Ben has been back in London since tuesday from his "jewish camp tour" (all wealthy jewish kids in London seem to go on these so they can be match made off at a very young age oy vey!) and it seems as though he has made plenty of new friends judging from his facebook but I still havn't spoken to him. I didn't send him a happy birthday message either oops! But he was on camp and I just thought it would look like too much if I did so basically I havn't spoken to him at all. I think what I did really buggers up a friendship. The honest truth is I have to laugh at myself liking him, just like when I first met him the idea of liking him was funny-well its the same now but I get the impression from Adam that he thinks I'm in love with him or something lol. To convince him otherwise might be tough.[/i]

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GCSE results are published tomorrow. I am to arrive at school at 10am to collect a white envelope which contains my results. These grades are supposedly REALLY IMPORTANT and if I fail I won't be able to go to the sixth form college in fall. I don't really believe I will fail but I've had AT LEAST 6 anxiety dreams about failing and so that has clouded my perspective. I have this horrible feeling in my stomach. I just hope I get good grades. I dont feel like i'm going to make my predicted grades oh I wish I could!

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haha thanks duppy!

Well I guess you were somewhat right! I am so pleased with my results! Here is what I got:

English: A,A

Science: A, B

Maths: B

French: A*

History: A*

Religious Studies: A*

Russian: A*

(A* in england means a score of roughly 90% and above ).

I am so elated.

Especially about russian!! I thought I would get a B in russian. Tonight I am going to celebrate with friends.

AHhhhhhh!!!! YAY!!

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