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People "dissing" girl name I have chosen!


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Ok well, ever since I was about 18 years old I had a girl name picked out if I were to ever get pregnant and have a baby girl, but now people are mocking it saying the kid will be tortured in school, and I think im the ONLY one that doesn't see anything wrong with it, besides it Rhyming..


Anywho the story goes, I wanted to name my daughter Quinn with the middle name of Lynn... so Quinn Lynn (Then the last name of course which doesnt rhyme thankfully) Well I never thought I would ever have kids, so I named my cat Quinn Lynn... anywho, she died very unexpectantly on Feb 13th of this year at only 5 years of age, I was crushed. So now that the name is open again, its my first pick of girl names, I wouldnt of named her that if my kitty was still alive. Anyways, people laugh at me when I tell them, saying that Quinn is cute but dont use the middle name Lynn cuz other kids will call her names.. I was like... "WHAT NAMES?" How could you get a name for that seriously, and honestly most people dont even know other peoples middle names, I thought it would be no big deal that it Rhymed...


So anyways, its discouraging me so much that I almost dont want to use it anymore, but im sooo attached to the name and has even more sentimental value now. What to do!


By the way other girl names are, Morgan, Madison, or Raegan. All with the middle name Marie.


What does everyone think.. is Quinn Lynn really that dumb of a name?


Oh and on another note, Quinn is an Irish name for a girl and im 90% Irish.

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Sorry, I'm not trying to be mean but when I first read this and read Quinn I thought Quinn medicine woman I don't know from where, but Little house on the praire? If anything, if kids knew this then thats what they would make fun of.


Shannon Quinn is alright, I like Madison Marie. That sounds cute.

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Shannon Quinn? Both irish.



OMG I love that Shannon Quinn that is very nice.



Anyhow back to the actual post...


I think Lynn Quinn is fine and people need to get over it. Someone from somewhere is always going to have a gripe about a name "they" didnt choose. Truth be told, kids are clever, I don't care what you name them....there will be some smart butt who will find out a funny version of it.



However, that darn Shannon Quinn is just gorgeous.

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I'd say use it. I like it. And yes, its true that most middle names are never really used or heard of unless your daughter insists on being called "Quinn Lynn."


At least your best friend didn't steal your ideal baby name if you had a boy. My friend did that to me. Funny thing is she never planned on having kids nor did she want them and now suddenly she is pregnant. I used to tell her the names I had picked out for my kids and I mentioned that if I had a boy it would be named Aidan Richard. (Richard being after my father who passed away.) Now suddenly she is saying that when she has her kid next spring and IF she has a boy, she is naming him Aidan Richard. I was pissed. I told her oh thats cool. I will STILL name my kid that if I have a boy mainly because I always had it in mind. Honestly I don't care what others say.

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Well thats good, I mean it totally and completely sucks because you have a reason to use that name. Aiden is a really cute name!! Well at least refrain from telling her a girls name or a second boys name just incase!! heh


OH you know what I cant remember for the life of me what this kids name was, but I knew someone who was dating someone they had been like oh if we stay together and have a kid I want to name it this. Then the person I knews BROTHERS WIFE just took that name when she got pregnant and it was a boy.

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I think that name is fine! I seriously doubt she'd be teased. And honestly, if she grows up to not like her middle name with her first, she never has to use it. How many people outside your family really know your middle name anyways? The only time people really use both the first and middle name is just after birth and she won't care what people say about it then! As long as you and whoever you're raising the kid with like the name, go for it!

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It's really best in life to think about someone other than ourselves, and what we want. That's what having a child is all about. At this point, I'd give her a name that means something and is not just a fixation that you have. I can hear her now in school - "Oh, my mommie named me after a dead cat that she loved sooo much". Quinn is a fine name, but I can't understand the obession with a 'word'????????

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Call her Quinn Lynn.

It's a beautiful name, ignore peoples comments. No matter what you do or name your child, people will always have thier opinions...(I had no idea how many opinions i would hear from people have till i had my baby)

Plus they wouldn't be so stupid as to make of your baby's name when you do name her.

And you are totally right, kids don't know middle names anyways.

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Thats a very good point, if you wanted to eventually name your child Quinn Lynn, than sorry you shouldn't have chosen that name for your pet. Cuz that poses a big problem if its brought up. It all depends on what your partner wants as well, your not even pregnant are you? You have plenty of time to make up your mind and when you do have a partner he will have his own opinions on it. It's something more for you and your partner to decide on. Its all good to get others views but you cant start saying things like this when it may not work out that way because your partner may want something else.

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lol. Yeah, it can be made into some vulgarities. Like others said though, most any name can be made fun of.


Meh. Don't worry about it? When you are pregnant and are faced with having a baby girl, you'll know. And probably it won't be such a big issue for you either!


My impression? Personally, don't much care for the name but it could be worse. I am bias, though. Don't much care for many Irish-sounding names at all.


So basically do what you want. lol.

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The only thing I would say is that in Britain, Quin sounds an awful lot like a very very vulgar name for female genitalia (quim). I think it's only in Britain that it's used, and not that often, so probably okay. But just to let you know...


I didnt know that, but I cant recall as to why I keep thinking Quinn medicine woman from something. It is nice to use but I would opt for Madison thats just lovely!

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I'm not that fond of the name, but I might have an issue with you seeming to name your child after your cat. How do you explain the cat with the same name to your child in ten years or to a sensitive 14 year old.


The cat has shuffled off this mortal coil.


I think Quinn Lynn sounds pretty. If you're worried about the rhyming scheme maybe you could combine the two names into one: Quinlyn. Just a thought. I think it's a lovely name regardless.

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I think Quinn Lynn sounds pretty. If you're worried about the rhyming scheme maybe you could combine the two names into one: Quinlyn. Just a thought. I think it's a lovely name regardless.


I kept thinking that when I first read this post too. Quinlyn or Quinnlyn or Quinlin. Don't know. Sounds nice though.


And It was Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and it was a show all in itself. It was on the air for a few years with Jane Seymore as the role.

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As a matter of fact I do not yet know if its a boy or girl... I find out on August 20th.. weird thing is... if its a boy his name will be Aiden (funny that someone mentioned stealing the name earlier.. yikes)


I would also like to mention that I did state I wanted to name my first girl Quinn Lynn BEFORE I even aquired the cat... at that time I never saw myself even having children, so I named the cat Quinn... people name their children after deceased relatives all the time.. I dont see a problem with it.


Quinn Lynn will not be said together anyways, unless of course by me (you know how mothers are) So basically people will know her by "Quinn and the last name"


I would like to thank everyone who thinks its a pretty name, because I believe it is... and I actually got the name off of the show "Daria" it was Darias sister who's name was Quinn...

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