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People "dissing" girl name I have chosen!


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Remember that Daria's sister Quinn was an airhead... do you want your daughter's name to be associated with an airheadish ditzy character?


As a matter of fact I do... I would love for my girl to be a freaking idiot ](*,)


I got then NAME from the show, I dont base it off the character... I love the name Quinn... its a name I have liked since hearing it. My cat meant more to me then most people do, I guess im the only one here that sees their pets as family members. Goodness, lets just pretend I never said I named my cat Quinn..


Im sure everyone here has a name that was once a character in a movie, tv show.. somewhere.. who cares seriously.


Its a name, and I like it... I think its weird people have to go so low to diss a babies name.

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I didnt expect to come on here and get the same ignorance as other people on the streets are giving me.


You made a rude statement about Daria and thinking people will think my kid is an "Airhead" since it has the same name as the character.



It won't grow up to resent you for giving it a silly name


Im sorry that you must resent your family for whatever reasons.. people made fun of my name all the time because it was spelled differently, I dont resent my mother for it you moron.


Anyways thanks to the people who had NICE things to say... for everyone else, dont feel bad when your kid comes home crying for whatever flaws it may have.

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Im sorry that you must resent your family for whatever reasons.. people made fun of my name all the time because it was spelled differently, I dont resent my mother for it you moron.


My parents gave me a well-thought out name, in the classically homophonous 2-2-2 syllable pattern. They are degreed intellectuals and knew what they were doing. So much for your insinuation that my comment was based on some sort of ill feelings toward my family. As far as your own name drawing more than its share of negative attention, one would have hoped that this experience would give you pause before handing a lifetime moniker that stands out for its humorous quality to a child with no vote in the matter who has done you no wrong.


What I said, if you would care to read my post over without that boulder on your shoulder, was that your daughter may resent the name. Rhyming phrases tend to come off as goofy.


It's funny to me that you're fretting and expressing indignance about well-meaning people trying to dissuade you from giving your future daughter--whom you may never spawn to begin with--the handle of a prematurely expiring pet that you named as a child, while totally ignoring the fact that your husband will have a say in the process. Never mind that the consensus here is that the name pairing is somewhat other than artfully crafted... and yet I'M a moron for offering my honest thoughts, which you laid yourself open to in the first place by creating this thread. Pfff, so much for the 'Minnesota nice' quality that I posted about last night.


But hey, it's ok. Whatever floats your boat. Do your thing with your own offspring.


Just pray that you don't marry a guy with the last name of Quinlan.

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I'm not that fond of the name, but I might have an issue with you seeming to name your child after your cat. How do you explain the cat with the same name to your child in ten years or to a sensitive 14 year old.


She named the cat the name because she thought she would never have kids. The cat is dead now. Although I do agree that the name was sort of used already unless you say Quinn lynn the second. LOL

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Honestly it is up to you what you want to name your child. There is nothing wrong with the name Quinn Lynn and as you said no one really knows people's middle names anyway. I got from your post that you aren't actually pregnant and that this is just the name you would use should u get pregnant with a girl. Who knows maybe when you do get pregnant or see your little baby you will choose a different name altogether. hope this helped.

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I say name her whatever SUITS her best...Whenyou see her, you'll know.

Personally, I would probably choose a different middle name (but i just dislike the name Lynn in general)... but it's just my opinion.

Just ignore people's comments... it's YOUR baby and none of their business what you name her(him)

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Never tell anyone what your name will be, everyone has an opinion. No matter what name you pick, someone will be critical. It's much better to just not say anything. Name the baby what YOU want to name her. Nobody's opinion really matters in the end, just yours and the baby's father.


People will always say hurtful things, you just have to learn to pick and choose what you take to heart.

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