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Everything posted by Ace90650

  1. Well the deal is I got a job working 12 hours a day and I started school. I would work from 7pm-7am and then I would go to school from 8am-12pm. So my girl I guess started feeling neglected. I would work tue-sat. Well basically we started ro argue alot at the end and I started using some illegal substances that impaired judgement. Basiically on a thur night I called my girl around nine to check in from work and she was getting ready to go to a hotel party and she bustes out with we need to talk that she saw more of her girls b-friend than me. I said so what u wanna break up. She was like I don't know. And I said fine whatever call me when ur not busy. She said but I can't call u after 2am I said right cus I needed my shut eye for school. Well while under drugs I wrote her a e-mail stating I'm going to make this easy on u were broken up. I said some other stuff that I really don't recall. But that was the basic idea. I was expecting a call back but it never came. So I called her the next day and she was just so cold anyways a bunch of other stuff happened and now she wont even talk to me. I was a bad guy towards her and I explained that I wasn't myself to her but it just made her angrier. I kinda want her back well I really do want her back. I sent her flowers and a bunch of other stuff like that but nothing. I know I fd up. Do u guys think she would/could take me back after my radical behavior. And if so how can I go about winning her back. We were together for a little over a year. We spent almost everyday together.
  2. Dude just tell her how u feel about her and she what her response is. Just don't be to pushy u know. Don't get all obsessive girls hate that and it pushes them away. Kinda ignore her in a way. U know just be polite to her and nice. If u see her struggling with something go over and offer ur help only if u know what ur doing though. That way when she needs help or simply wants to talk or bond with u she will use this subject as a an excuse. Just play it cool basically. Telling her how u feel is ok just as long as u don't get all dramatic. Just tell her how u feel and don't ask or expecta reply just go on about ur business after that. If it means something to her she will let u know. In the meantime just be cool.
  3. This goes out to all the guys in california around L.A county. If u guys are tired of feeling like crap and thinking that all this was ur fault man we're on the same boat. If ur friends are lame like mine are and are of really no help in the sense of going out and meeting people(females) then hit me up. (ace90650@link removed) I would like to start a sort of a frienship club u know were u just chill with guys that know and feel what ur going through. Kinda gay I know but hey us guys need this sort of stuff to. So guys if ur ready to stop or want to stop feeling like the world has no meaning without her then we can all help each other out.
  4. OK this used and it depends what turns him on. If ur moaning turns him on then when u guys are alone just smoothly make moans and sex breathers and play it off. And wear skirts as much as u can that drives guys crazy easy access u know. Just dress as sexy as u can and look as good as u can. Make sex jokes anything that will get him thinking about it. Just as long as u don't think about it ur cool. Also us guys have kinda of an advantage we can service ourselves.(lol) Well that's pretty much all I can think about for right now but if something else crosses my mind I'll give u a holla.
  5. Hey Man U know what u gotta do. And that's get over her. Believe me I know it's easier said than done. I just broke up with my girl who I was with for a year. She did something and said that made me mad enough to do it. The thing is I did it over an e-mail. Then when I came to my senses it was to late to regain her. The point is if they want they know they can come back. The thing u gotta figure out is do u want her back by the time she's done making up her mind. Will u take her back after she has been with somebody else. And if u do will u be able to deal with the fact that she had to test your love and u didn't. Man I know it's hard these girls they get u so co-dependent then they drop u like a bad habit and we still love them for it. Just do ur own thing man try to forget I know it's so hard to do I'm still trying and will keep trying to forget. It's been over a month but life goes on. Hit me up anytime u wanna talk homie. Late.
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