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Posts posted by avman

  1. Dear members,


    At this time we have concluded our investigation.


    Upon contacting our sources and reviewing our information, we have determined that this appears to be a hoax and there is no evidence or any other reason to believe that this death has occurred.


    Our apologies for the length of time that has passed but we did want to make sure we were thorough in checking our sources.

  2. While revenge might feel good in the short term it will not satisfy long term. Plus you may have to deal with the fallout from that revenge long after the satisfaction is over.


    For example, lets say that you go ahead and send that letter. Now lets say that woman decides to sue YOU for defamation and libel. Now you get in the middle of a real mess that you just don't need. Or lets say that your husband decides to bring that letter up in your divorce proceedings and paints you as an unstable, vindictive person that has damaged his future earning potential. Now this could affect your ability to get spousal support, property division, and all sorts of other things you hadn't envisioned.


    Your husband has done wrong. Be the bigger person and let him live with the consequences of his actions. Stooping to his level only brings you down.


    You might want to consider some counseling to get through some of these feelings that you are having. I can totally understand your anger and hurt. Just don't make things worse by acting out of those emotions in an unhealthy way.

  3. Many of those shelters have counselors available. Perhaps if you went with her at least to visit the counselor so she could talk about what is happening and get some support. They'd probably make you wait and not listen in on the counseling, but at least you could take her there and be there for her.


    I do agree with Shadows though. She probably hasn't completely hit rock bottom yet. Perhaps you can convince her to act before that happens, or perhaps not. But give it a try.

  4. I'm really sorry to hear this. Of course it isn't your fault. It was an accident and these things just happen. It would have been nice if the driver had stopped but perhaps he just didn't see your dog or even have any idea he hit something.


    Have a memorial service or something to remember your dog by. Go ahead and cry and let it out. This is certainly going to hurt.


    My deepest condolences.

  5. I know you are afraid, but ignoring the problem will not make it go away nor will it make it less likely you will end up having cancer. Early detection and early treatment is the key. You've already taken the first step and that is confessing your fear.


    We're here to help you face it.


    If she doesn't see this, I recommend you PM RayKay. She's been through a very similar situation and I know she can share some words of wisdom.

  6. There is no law against dating. There are only laws against sexual contact.


    In Minnesota, you must be within 48 months of the younger person if they are between the age of 16 and 18 and you are in a position of authority over the younger person. You are only 24 months older and I'm assuming you are not in a position of authority (police, teacher, boss, etc).


    From what I read here it doesn't sound like an issue.

  7. Doctors are humans just like everybody else. Some of them are better at their job than others. And some just plain aren't any good at all.


    If you don't agree with a doctors diagnosis or you continue to have problems, don't let that stop you from seeing someone else and getting a second opinion. When your health and well being is at stake you need to be your own best advocate.

  8. Why not put that energy you have while you are missing him into a gift for him when he returns? Make something special that he'll really like and remember. It need not be expensive.


    Then you'll be doing something constructive with your time instead of letting the loneliness drive you crazy.

  9. This post is now closed for the obvious reason that leaving it open will no doubt lead to a riot.


    We at eNotalone have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards sexual abuse. If you had posted stating you had a problem and needed help, then I would have worked my hardest to find you a treatment program. But that is not what you posted. You posted trying to justify the sexual relations between adults and minors and claiming that people misunderstood, entraped, bashed, or otherwise should agree with your views.


    This to me indicates you have a serious illness and you require treatment. It also tells me you represent a danger to our underage members and I and the other moderators will not allow them to be placed in harms way.


    If you would like to get treatment, then please contact me privately and I will honor my offer above to find you a treatment program.


    However, from this point forward I will be monitoring all of your communications on this forum including your private messages. If you make even a single attempt to contact an underage member of eNotalone [anyone under the age of 18] I shall turn you over to the F.B.I. and your local law enforcement for immediate prosecution.

  10. Sorry I agree. You are being completely selfish and you are writing as if the world revolves around you. You are doing nothing but complaining about how you can't have what you want, when you want it and that he hasn't dragged himself through machine gun fire to buy more cell phone cards.


    Portraying yourself as a martyr to your partner isn't going to earn you any points. It will create resentment as you have highly unrealistic expectations of what kinds of sacrifices you want from them. When you don't get it, then you get hurt and angry.


    Love your boyfriend the way you want to show it, but let him love you the way that HE does - not the way that YOU'D do it. He is not you and you don't have the right to expect him to be.

    • Like 1
  11. Although I realize it looks bad right now, kids heal amazingly fast. Not to mention her life isn't over just because she can't do gym temporarily. Even if it is for six months, you and she will adapt to whatever the situation becomes. Nearly every sports star out there has a story or two about a very bad injury they sustained. So don't write everything off just yet.


    Call your friends. Talk to them. Have them come over for a visit.


    Regarding the bills, talk to the hospital and arrange a slow payment plan. You are not the first person to have trouble paying those astronomical bills. Lots of times they can waive some of the fees to make it more managable for you or they can find programs that cover some of what is left over after the insurance pays their part.

  12. You might start doing some things on your own and develop some of your own interests and friends outside the relationship. Take a class, join a club, enroll in a sports league, etc. You need to develop a sense of yourself so you do not lose yourself completely in the relationship.


    I don't think it is healthy for two people to spend ALL of their time together. That can be suffocating and can lead to a lot of boredom in the relationship. Get out there and be who you are meant to be.

  13. I think you are all totally missing the point of doing no contact. It's true purpose is not to get the other person back - it is giving the person who was dumped time and space to heal. It also is to allow the person who dumped them the opportunity to miss them and MAYBE come back. But ultimately the real reason for doing it is for healing.

  14. Well she JUST had a baby. You need to cut her some slack. If she's calling from the hospital to tell you she just gave birth I think it is unreasonable for you to expect her to have a counseling session with you right then and there. She's just been through a tough ordeal, a lot of pain, and was probably completely exhausted. Not to mention she's now got the added responsibility of a new baby. That takes a few weeks to adjust to.


    I don't mean to minimize the problems you were having, but you are way out of line with your expectations of your friend. After all, you could have seen her at the baby shower but you chose not to.

  15. All my children did the same thing. They were dreaming so they'd laugh and giggle and make the most adorable sounds. It was the most wonderful thing while they were sleeping on my chest or somewhere that I got a front row seat for it.


    Isn't it a fantastic age?

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