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Everything posted by luminousone

  1. Interesting about the kidney info. I think I had had an underlying UTI-turned-into kidney infection for months following the viruses I had last year. They never did quite figure it out, but after two antibiotics I began to feel so much better! But when I had my CT last month, it had shown my left kidney was “puffy”. Considering I had just finished the antibiotics, he told me to track my temp and he had me refill the antibiotics just in case. But my culture was clear then. And my bloodwork on last Wednesday showed that my kidney is functioning fine. So who knows what it was, but it seems to be better now. I have been working from home, and either order no contact grocery pickup from the parking lot, or grocery delivery from Costco. My doctor asked me how I was doing, all cooped up because of COVID- but really, I’m a bit of a loner. And mostly content with things for now- but excited about being able to do more after the vaccine. He said he was surprised that I was so positive, haha. I told him I always try to find things for which I am grateful - a job, good health insurance, a roof over my head, great health care, friends, and family... I do go to the cancer center once a month, but that is unavoidable. So - I did go to the outdoor 20 minute graveside service. Just 20 of us there. I stayed away from everyone and also upwind. Afterward, they told us to go straight to our cars. I wore two masks, and when I got home I did a saline nasal/sinus rinse. So I think it worked out. What I am more concerned about is going into an enclosed space with a lot of people to get the vaccine. Friends and family got to go through a drive through vaccine event last week, for state caregivers and people with disabilities. But the tv showed that educators are receiving their shots in gyms. Ugh. I’m in that group, but haven’t received the email appointment yet... I cancelled my teeth cleaning appointment that was on my calendar for next week. I rescheduled for August. Presumably I’ll have had the vaccine by then. The dental office lady said that half their staff gets the shot next week, and the other half the following week. Crazy times!
  2. Wow! Thankful you didn’t take the bait.
  3. Hoo boy, those parents are in for an awakening! However, it is really good for her that she is with you at daycare, and at least the concept of sharing is introduced...
  4. So here is the story on the burial tomorrow. My ex called to ask if I would please come to the graveside burial. I hadn’t planned to, because of COVID. And they are limiting who comes because of COVID. My ex was sobbing and said she would have wanted me there because she loved me so much. So I felt like I should - especially to support my son (who was there when she died, and has never had to deal with death before) and to support my father in law. My ex has his girlfriend to lean on. So I requested a few hours off of work. Which meant that I had to inform someone I work with that I wouldn’t be at a meeting. And then she cried a bit and said she wanted to come- I just totally forgot that she was my sister-in-law’s former partner for 10 years. So she is - essentially- another former daughter in law. And then my ex husband was annoyed with me because they can’t have too many people because of COVID. So now this poor woman is hurting because she can’t go but I can. I feel so bad. I just didn’t think, and I didn’t know they had a hard limit on numbers of people. So I told her to call my SIL for info. (And the next day said she couldn’t go). Anyhow, they will have the real memorial service this summer after people have been vaccinated. I asked my doctor about going, thinking he might say no - but he didn’t. Anyway, I really really need to support my 20 year old through this, because they are all deep in grief where he is living on the farm. (With his dad, grandpa, and his dad’s gf). It was a traumatic day for them all. So I guess I am going. And then we have a long weekend from work. And so hopefully it will blow over.
  5. Doctor visit today. Numbers were good. He is waiting on some of the longer blood test results, but he was pleased. Fluid seems to be gone from my lung and abdomen. Bones are healing. Kidney seems fine after an issue last month. I asked about the vaccine - he said to get it when offered. I also asked whether I should go to an outdoor burial service at the cemetery tomorrow. He said yes, wear a mask, stay outside, stay away from others. Which will be hard - no hugging!!! it will probably be raining, so it will be a short service.
  6. I read the longer post. Thank you for your first hand perspective! And what you are describing is what he was worried about - especially given our govt has dropped liability or accountability sanctions if it should go wrong. I get that. But - I think there are so many eyes on this - internationally- that I think that it is likely safe enough. I am trusting my doctor, my ER doc friend, and my other medical friends and relatives (one of whom works at the CDC). There are known risks for COVID, and they are discovering more as we go. So I’m taking my chances on the vaccine, so that I can try to live more normally. (Despite my cancer). I so appreciated my sons’ pediatrician when we lived in Portland. She did not follow the vaccine schedule that others did - she spread them out. And explained why. oh goodness on your little one - 5 at once!!!! But I’m glad you didn’t do 11!! Im not going to worry about my son. He is being mostly safe - lives on a farm. He does outdoor workouts at a local gym - some risk, but not too bad.
  7. My son is stubborn. I talked with him a bit. And I listened. He is worried about them using the messenger RNA, and thinks there will be issues and side effects years from now. I suggested he talk about it with our ER doc friend, or my brother (retired doc), or even my nephew’s girlfriend who works at the CDC. But - he is too entrenched in his beliefs and won’t listen. At some point he may be required to get the vaccine, in order to gain entrance somewhere. Anyhow, he can’t get it right now because he is young and there is no vaccine supply for his age group. So it won’t be an issue for a while. Still shaking my head...
  8. My ex and father in law have appointments for the vaccine because of the caregiver status. I asked if my 20 yr old son would qualify since he lives there too. But apparently he is afraid to get it. He has been reading up on it and is choosing not to get it. And he was trying to convince his dad not to. How on earth did we end up raising an anti-vaccer? Sheesh! Must be stuff he read on the internet. I keep reminding myself that his frontal lobes are not yet fully formed... It is fine that he is not getting it now, since his dad and grandpa will be. And at some point I will be too. But at some point, I think he should. His dad tried to talk some sense into him, to no avail. This is a kid who is very bright - got As in physics and math as well as language arts. At some point I think I will talk with my ER doc friend to see how to approach the topic with him. He respects her very much, and she knows him well.
  9. Forgot to say that despite Oregon loosening up their requirements so they could get kids back in school, our school decided to follow the science more closely. So no in-person instruction until all staff are fully vaccinated with both doses and not until the immunity kicks in. Which they said is about 5 weeks. It helps that our board president is a scientist, and their spouse is an ER doc. They knew I wouldn’t be back until next Fall (if I am vaccinated), but at this point it looks like it won’t be until Fall for everyone else... Unless they actually get ahold of some vaccine supply soon.
  10. Okay here is what I do with my wiggly students. Buy some exercise band elastic and tie it around the legs of a straight chair and the kids bounce their legs on it. All. The. Time. Another idea- get one of those peddle exercisers that you use while sitting. Like an exercycle, but you have your own chair. Also, there are smallish treadmills that are made to pull up to a standup workstation. Good luck through your shutdown!
  11. Similar to other plans all over. Except wacky Oregon, who thinks seniors should be farther down the line. Anyhow, if they don’t have any supply, it doesn’t make a difference where you are on the list until they get some in. I’ll get it when they offer it. It may be a while.
  12. It has been an emotional few days. Yesterday my ex was calling me when I was testing some students. Thought he was calling about business stuff- tax forms and such. I texted him that I was with a student and he replied “OK”. And then I forgot for a few hours. I called him on my lunch and he answered, sobbing, that his mom had just passed away. I was so shocked. I guess she took a fall (86 years old, and has fallen frequently the past few years) and hit her head. She thought she was fine but woke up the next morning with a headache. My ex and his sister (who had just gotten there from her place) decided to take her to the hospital. Unfortunately she passed out on the way there and never regained consciousness. What was weird was that they called her death, so my ex went out to call me and a few others, but then she started breathing again. She died an hour later. She had a brain bleed at her brain stem so she would not have made it. One of my sons was there too. I called and let my other son know (out of state) and told him to call his dad. And then, of course, I had to get on Zoom and carry on my lessons for the rest of the day. Which was a good distraction, and she would have wanted me to do that. (She used to teach). I haven’t called my former father-in-law yet. I’ll do that tomorrow. He is going to be so lost without her. I am glad that he is living with his son in town, although the reason they moved there was because of her medical difficulties. He still owns a cabin an hour out of town. Anyway, I worked with students again today, but once I got a phone call from one of her friends at church, it brought it all back. So this weekend I am going to dig through some old pictures of her and scan them in for the family. She was a wonderful grandma to my sons. I miss her already.
  13. Lol I lost my thread - it was buried somewhere. But I found it through recent comments. (Thanks for that- saved me some scrolling).
  14. Wow that’s a long time! In Oregon they are prioritizing day care and school employees before the elderly. Which doesn’t make sense. They want to get kids back in school and I get that, but kids can’t be vaccinated yet - only adults. So there is a potential for kids to bring it home to their parents and grandparents... And that is the problem I see with that plan. That said, as an educator, I will go get the shot when they offer it to me - which will be anytime next week when they can get some supply in. Strangely I qualify for the vaccine as an educator before they are offering it to cancer patients. I have friends that received it - one dental hygienist, two nurses, and one ER doc. So glad for them, they have been on the front lines! Oh, and my 99 year old mom and her caregivers at least got the first dose.
  15. Yay hooray! What a long ordeal for you!
  16. CT results were good. They showed healing in the bone. And I’m feeling a lot better too. My sister had her third chemo on Friday. No school tomorrow as we have the day off due to MLK Jr holiday. So I was lazy today, knowing I have tomorrow to get it done (cleaning, yard work) My brother said that my mom’s care center all had the vaccine last week, so I’m happy about that. She will be 100 years old in a month! No vaccine for me yet - maybe in February if they get some supply. But I’m staying home and getting groceries delivered right now anyhow. At some point I would like the vaccine so I can fly out to see my mom - if and when they start allowing visitors. That will be a while. And her health is tenuous (frail). At least I hope my brother can get in to see her as soon as he can get the vaccine, since he lives nearby her center. But he doesn’t think he can get the shot until February either. He is next in line, but supply is an issue in his state too.
  17. So sorry about your sweet cat. After mine passed away, I kept thinking she was in the other room or around the corner or in the hallway. And then I would remember...
  18. Oh my goodness! Yes, you would think it is illegal. Thank goodness you are no longer there. They have no souls...
  19. I hadn’t been on all week and it has changed again! But I’ll figure it out...
  20. ??? I need to pop over to her journal to read what happened!
  21. First day back to work. Just a planning day. It was actually a short day for me, because I had to go get my CT scan first thing. (I had missed my appointment last week because my car battery died). Anyhow, that took a few hours, so I started late. I mostly worked on low key stuff- emails, planning and scheduling. Tomorrow students are back. Oh, and my battery jump starter thing was delivered today - so if my battery dies again then I can jump start my car.
  22. A Facebook acquaintance of mine (our kids were in Cub Scouts together years ago) still thinks it is a hoax. And when the news reported about people getting the vaccine, she called them “sheeple”. But - she is a school bus driver, and so is currently unemployed. I bet if they required her to get the vaccine in order to go back to work, she would. I don’t think she has ever been an anti-vaccer. Just a supporter of our current administration. So I’ve kept her as a FB friend all the way through, because I feel it is her right to express opinions that are different from mine. But now her posts (and re-posts) are becoming more and more filled with vitriol. I usually just scroll on past. But it is starting to get to me.
  23. I think my sister had her second chemo treatment today. I’ll have to call her tomorrow to see how she is feeling. My book group met tonight, briefly - but didn’t continue, because one of us was out sick. With COVID. Ugh. She is nearly 80 years old. Hope she is okay. I have two nurse friends that have received the vaccine, and I presume my ER doc friend has gotten hers too. I have been hearing about people that have been going about doing things (in rural areas) and for months, somehow not contracting COVID!! But now - this week - COVID has hit those communities, so people are coming down with it. Sadly. Family members of friends of mine. Now they believe in it! We just have to hold on a bit longer! On a different note - While it is not yet the new year here- many of my friends and family are in the New Year already, being in a different time zone. There are periodic bangs outside from fireworks. My cat is not happy and is hiding somewhere in the house. Our city has an ordinance against fireworks for much of the year - but they are legally allowed today. So only one day of it. And it will be increasing for the next few hours until midnight. Here’s to a much better New Year- with health and abundant peace!
  24. Thank you! Happy New Year too!!! And good riddance to this year.
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