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Everything posted by luminousone

  1. Maybe leave out the party that she won’t be around forever. No one wants to think about dying... Just say that you would love an opportunity to get to know her, and that you hope she would like to know you too.
  2. Work was going well for me last week, although I was exhausted by the end of the week. I’m resting today. While I am working off-site (with support from admin) some of my coworkers are working in the building with masks, alone in their rooms, doing videoed lessons. One of my coworkers got really sick from the smoke from the wildfires. Eventually she flew to the east coast to get away from the smoke and is teaching from there in our time zone. I guess she got in trouble for that from work, but honestly if she is doing her job then they shouldn’t complain. She is over 65 years old anyhow, so I’m surprised they supposedly ordered her back to our building. She has doctor orders too. I’m sure there is way more to the story that I don’t know, but I guess by working from home I am missing the drama, which is better for me anyhow... Anyhow, she has now decided to retire at the end of the year... Which she could have done a few years ago... My admin is really really stressed this year and is not handling things well. Normally she does. So glad I didn’t get flack for working from home! Sheesh! In the meantime, we are trying to do the beginning of year assessments with the students- remotely. Some parents were trying to “help” their kids with the assessments, which really messed them up, haha! Silly parents... Now we will have to redo it. My students, whom I’ve not seen since the end of February, have grown so much!! And most of them somehow continued to learn, despite COVID. So things are way better than I had predicted. Thank goodness!!! Not much else to report. My cat loves having me at home at his beck and call.
  3. My fever finally went mostly down to 99.2, so I started my chemo back up last week. It was nice being off it for a bit, because I could actually eat! But - my cancer numbers started to creep back up, so it was time to get back to it.
  4. My youngest sister called me yesterday. She had a breast biopsy yesterday and an MRI today. Results aren’t in yet but looks like she may have breast cancer too. I live on the west coast, she is on the east coast. It all sucks. I can’t go help her because I’m sick too. She has a business that she started 3 years ago- hopefully her business partner can hold down the fort while my sister figures things out. I had done the genetic testing and was negative for BRCA 1 and 2. So this is mystifying. Especially because our dad lived to be 101, and our mom is 99 1/2. Neither ever had cancer, except some sun damage from summers in the sun. Crazy. I’m so sad she is going through this alone - she is single. But she is strong! My brother is a 10 hour drive away if needed, so there is that. She has not yet told my siblings - she is waiting for the reports and a plan.
  5. Great questions. The chemo I take has a side effect of increased risk of infections. Big time. Such that they do blood tests every month and monitor, and the minute something is off balance they adjust or pull it back. I’ve tolerated it pretty well, although they had me on a higher dose in March and they noticed my bloodwork was off. So he lowered my dose and that seemed to work until now. Also, I’ve had a low grade fever since January after the first virus I had. They did what tests they could (internist and oncologist) but it was just as COVID was coming on so they’ve been cautious about where and when they send me for tests. Anyhow, I could not go into any facility at all, due to my fever. So he had to just take a stab. The pharmacist and I spoke about it and he felt it was appropriate. In normal times they might have done differently but these are not normal. I don’t think it will hurt me to go through a round, although I am uncomfortable! Whether it was an infection or a virus, I seem to be getting better on the fever front so I truly hope I can go in for my appointments next week. I’m curious if it will go down below 99.3, which is where my temp has been parked all these months. We will see. As far as work guilt, my boss has been very cranky and weird about hours and money this year. I think she is juggling large budget cuts. She has been passing that stress down to us, which she doesn’t normally do. A couple of our staff members (one, a guy) teared up at one staff meeting because of it. She has never been that way before, so the strain has gotten to her. She is trying to be supportive of me, and she is, most of the time. Next week I will dutifully fill out sick leave for my doctor appointments.
  6. Other than that my life is quiet. I did work (from home) this week. Although I took a few naps midday because I couldn’t sleep that past 2 nights. Work will never know. And I have worked so many extra hours through the years, so I don’t feel too bad. I won’t be able to do naps soon, as I’ll be scheduled up for daily meetings. Had an intense morning with lots of questions and needs from coworkers yesterday. Today I tried to follow up on issues and never got any response to my emails to multiple people. Crickets... But I know my email works because a non-employee that advises us emailed me today. But - come to think of it, he didn’t answer back either! My coworker, who is also working from home, sent a cute email. Her elderly beloved cat had died last spring. So she and her husband ended up with a pair of lively kittens. She woke up this morning to find grapes on the floor all over her house! She had left them in a bowl on the counter and the kittens had a grand time playing with them all night. Too cute. She’ll probably find grapes for months.
  7. These antibiotics are brutal! He had me stop the chemo, so I have a reprieve from that set of side effects. But now I have new ones with the antibiotics! I’m not allowed dairy, yogurt, lactobacillus, green leafy vegetables, no vitamin supplements... And it is harsh on my stomach, as expected. Can cause sleep disturbances, abnormal heart rhythms, and torn tendons. Pharmacist said I’m not allowed to exercise for three weeks - even though it is only one week of pills. And the list is longer. Anyhow, I’m inching my way to feeling better. Not sure if it is just from stopping the chemo, or if it is from the antibiotics, or if it was a virus that ran it’s course. I’m rescheduled to see the doc next week.
  8. So, fever was mostly down for 5 days (mid 99s). Called yesterday morning to find that my COVID test was negative. I had some appointments lined up for today so I knew I could come. And then - the fever came back with a vengeance last night. I almost passed out! Called the nurse first thing this morning and then the doc called. Obviously I couldn’t go in for bloodwork to help them figure out what is wrong. And appointments were cancelled. He told me to stop the chemo and he ordered a really strong antibiotic that I’m not thrilled to take but hopefully it will help. I was so emotional this morning, just frustrated with my body and not knowing the cause of the fever. So I’ll try this and hope and pray I don’t get the serious side effects listed. Anyhow, even stopping the chemo seems to have helped. Fever was not as high (before I started the antibiotics). Wish me luck!
  9. OMG, bless that little boy and his family. I cannot imagine going through that as a parent?
  10. Fever is mostly down now- just at 99.3, which I have had since I had the first weird virus in January, and continued since the other weird virus in February. So back to “normal “ on that.
  11. Thank you for your thoughts, LikeWater. I actually DO have to stay home, because I am on chemo. So I am severely immunicompromised and it does have a lot to do with it. Because my body is working hard against the cancer (and that part is going well)., it is less able to handle other insults that come my way. I come from hearty stock (5 siblings) so I have always been able to fight off various viruses that have debilitated others around me. For now, those days are over - until I am able to dose down my meds. And yes, it could have been a “flu”. It also could have been an infection or something to do with my white blood cells. But first they have to rule out COVID so I can go in for my blood tests. And get my flu shot! And I have stayed home since mid February! I do have to go to the doctor bimonthly, but it is usually at a cancer center that instituted screening measures early on. All of the patients comply because we are all in the same boat. Unfortunately I had to go to the hospital to get a lengthy X-ray. My doc probably would have ordered things like that months ago but he was trying to shield me from COVID. But he needed the data, so I went. Which involves going in for a contrast shot, and back again for the X-ray 3 hours later. But I realize now that - for the first time since early February- I did also briefly go to Trader Joe’s. And it felt so good! I was only there for ten minutes. Everyone had masks and it was first thing in the morning. Both trips would be highly unlikely to result in COVID. For most people. I’m not worried what I had at this point, I’m mostly over it. I just want to get my treatment at the doctors, but cannot go in until I get the all clear. Yes, young people are often the culprits. I have one in that category (20). Since he has a mom with cancer and lives next door to his grandparents, he has been more cautious than most kids that age. Sweet boy. But - he almost went and moved in to his fraternity! He cancelled last minute! The frontal lobe is not fully formed until late 20s. Reasoning is not fully there... And then there are the adults, who apparently never fully developed their brains... That conversation could go on for pages. Anyhow, I’ll keep you posted on my results.
  12. Lol, you were a force to be reckoned with! So glad they finally did some work! Hope your office work goes well.
  13. That will come and go in waves, likely. And it cycles through the year - holidays, birthdays, other memories that come up. It has been more than a year from my dad’s passing. I miss him. Thinking of you!
  14. I had to get the X-ray though. And both places I went, everyone had masks. They also screened at the hospital before entry.
  15. Last week I came down with an unexpected fever on the night of the 14th. I felt great all day, went to bed, started shivering like crazy- and then the fever came on! It was over 102 for a few days and I was just toughing it out. I knew I should call the doctor but when you are that sick you aren’t rational. Plus I was trying to work on a time sensitive project. Partway through, my oncology pharmacist called me to check in. She insisted o call my doctor. I didn’t think it was COVID because I hadn’t been anywhere! My pharmacist was concerned about infection. So I called. My doctor wasn’t there that day (was on hospital rounds) so a general nurse spoke with me and decided I needed a COVID test. I was annoyed but in the end I realized that if I wanted to enter the building for bloodwork, they need to rule it out. I drove over to get the (outdoor) test, waited 1 1/2 hours until my turn, only to find that the orders hadn’t come through. So I had to do the same line the next day. Had the test. No results yet. But my fever is down (mostly) now. And then I went on to pay bills yesterday and I realized I HAD been a few places. And my chemo makes me susceptible. On the 4th I went for a 30 minute X-ray st the hospital. And on the 7th I couldn’t stand it so I went to Trader Joe’s for a ten minute (first thing in the morning) shopping trip! I came down with the fever on the 14th. So... who knows. But I seem to be recovering, albeit slowly. I’ve been very stiff and very fatigued. Sheesh. I guess I’ve learned my lesson. Since I’m immunocompromised, I cannot go anywhere! Ugh!
  16. It has been a frequent occurrence. And he is so proud!
  17. My son had just called to catch up, and I heard a muffled meow. My cat walked in with a rat in his mouth! I hastily hung up and I successfully shoved the cat out the door. Fortunately the rat was already dead so I gave it a proper burial into the garbage can. Sheesh! And then I called my son back and we had a nice talk. I told him all about the crazy week we had with the wildfires and emergency evacuation orders beeping loudly in my phone every hour. (I finally turned it off, but kept close watch. I would turn it back on if it was closer to me but it is not.) Work is keeping me busy. Meetings and training tomorrow. Then I have to figure out Google Classroom because some of my students’ classes are using that. Crash course for me! Ugh.
  18. Oh gosh, I saw pictures on the news! A few days ago it was exactly like that here. The particulate in the air is really very hazardous. My son lives in the Bay Area. I need to call him and see how he is doing. It was foggy and cooler here today and the wind has died down. So that helped things on this end, at least for today. So many people have had to evacuate in our state! School is now pushed out another week. But the good news - got the rest of my blood test results and they are showing strong progress.
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