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Everything posted by luminousone

  1. When I went to my doctor appointment last week, I asked him about going back to work next Fall in person. We will have that discussion closer to the Fall when we know more, but he did say it should be okay with a mask, a ventilation system, and an open window. I know they are putting in a wall to create a new office space for me, and also they will be installing new ventilation systems over the summer. So I think it will be okay since I’m vaccinated. Then, later in the appointment my doctor asked if I’ve been out and about in stores, now that I’m vaccinated. And I mostly haven’t. He sheepishly said that he has not set foot in a store yet, even though he is fully vaccinated. So, I guess he doesn’t follow his own medical advice. Haha! Honestly, he sees patients all day, so there is risk with that. That is my cancer doc. I think I will ask my Internist.
  2. I’m so glad your brother is feeling better!!! It sounds like what I had in January last year! I wonder if somehow he was exposed to a COVID variant when he went for the vaccine? They say incubation period would be between 4-10 days for the most part. Or - a friend of mine had already had COVID so when she got her first dose of the vaccine, her body really reacted. But - that was within a day or so. Whatever it was, I am so glad he is doing better!!
  3. Agreed. About 15-20 years ago some teens used to tear around the corner on our street in the middle of the night. Our front trees suffered all too often when they got hit. I have newer trees now - and those teens are grown and gone, but I guess this new generation of teens has a different way of being... Funny - in between those times my kids entered and left their teen years - my youngest is now 21! Hopefully my neighbors don’t have complaints from those years! Anyhoo, I guess I’m the “weird old lady” (from their imaginative perspective) on the block. Haha!
  4. 4 more weeks of school. Counting down. I need a break - not from the kids, but just a chance to recharge
  5. Yes - it really does help! I have heard of others that have discovered the same thing in this year of masks! And I’m Oregon, if you live in the valley, the pollen seems to be the worst. I wore one last week while mowing, and some teens stopped to film me while driving by. Lol. There is probably some Tik Tok or something like that out there. I think they thought I wore the mask because of COVID, but there was nobody else around and I’m vaccinated. When I turned to ask them, they swore at me and sped off. Sheesh.
  6. I did get out to mow the lawn but I wore a mask for that. Then I did a saline rinse when I came back in.
  7. Ugh. The pollen is crazy here and my allergies are really annoying! I’ve been coughing and wheezy for a few days now. But I have not been anywhere for a few weeks except for no contact grocery pickup in the grocery parking lot. So I know it is allergies. Plus, my temp is normal. A member of my Zoom book group was so miserable, complete with red nose from the symptoms.
  8. Yes, very sad. Sounded like a nice guy.
  9. Yes, my friend that had COVID had a reaction to the first shot but not much on the second. I had a mild reaction to the first one (sore arm, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, slight elevated temp). Then the second packed a wallop for me- fever for 36 hours, then boom - it was gone. However, combined with my cancer treatment, I had fatigue for 6 weeks. My coworkers didn’t though.
  10. Yes, he hinted at that when we had so few doses on hand, so we could get everyone at least partially vaccinated. But now he recommends both doses.
  11. I follow this guy too. I don’t always agree with him and I find him to be full of himself at times. He has at least changed his mind on some things as the science comes in, so I appreciate that about him. I’m thinking of introducing my son to his videos, because then at least my son would be exposed to real science. And I think he would appeal to my son... By the way, a friend of a friend is a nurse that worked with him and the nurses adore and respect him. Mrs Doctor ZDogg is also a physician.
  12. OMG Unfortunately I was so right on this! Many parts of Oregon have just entered into the Extreme status for COVID. So they are shuttering down places again. It doesn’t really change my habits - although I did order grocery pickup to get stocked up. Apparently it doesn’t change our school plans yet. I don’t think we have had any cases at the school, although I think they sent a few students home that were coughing or something like that. I would probably concern them too - something is blooming here today and I have been wheezy and coughing! (But I have not been anywhere so I know for sure it is allergies!) So glad it is the weekend.
  13. Oh shoot, I just read that he died. Ignore the joke. Sheesh! Very sad!
  14. And next you will be calling him Mary...
  15. My friend’s dog (who I used to walk with each week) was so excited to see me!!! She was thrilled! And kept coming over to see me. (C and I sat outside on the porch to chat for a few minutes).
  16. Just got back from delivering something to my friend C on the other side of town. I passed several “parties” out on the front lawns of various college age kids. No masks. Kiddie pools with unmasked college aged students. Kids hanging out with their red cups, having a great time. Watch the case rates in a week or so for Oregon. I bet they will be up! On the way across town, I counted 5 people with masks on. Out of about 80 people... The frontal lobes are not fully formed until people are in their late 20s.
  17. Haha, yeah... This decision happened last year and they had moved and boxed up my stuff last summer. I was part of the decision. In order to operate in person (and after 1 1/2 years of planning, we just now got permission to start a few weeks ago) each school in our state must satisfy 164 requirements. One of which was the “isolation room” Hopefully they will never need it.
  18. One of my (Zoom) students asked me what they have done to my old office. She tried to peek in there when she was on campus. It is the “isolation room” in case someone is not feeling well. Anyhow, that question told me that I am missed by at least that student! I had her tell me all about being there in person (since I can’t be there yet).
  19. It got up to 81 today! I worked inside all day and even had a space heater on this morning. This afternoon I knocked off work a bit early and went out and mowed the lawn. It was probably very good for me to get out in the sun and fresh air! I have been wearing a mask when I mow the lawn, in case a neighbor wanders over. I probably don’t need ur so much outside since I am vaccinated. But - I had started wearing it before the vaccine and I think it really helps with my allergies! So - I’ll continue wearing it for that reason. While I was out there, some middle school aged students walked by and rode by on their bikes. It occurred to me that they were probably going home from in-school instruction! They looked so happy! I have plenty more yard work to do, but I don’t have stamina these days. Maybe tomorrow I’ll do more. Had a great and productive week at work. I love my job (most of the time!)
  20. I was wondering if you had gotten an appointment- and you answered my question. Not sure why they are holding onto it right now? Something about concerns of blood clots like with the J and J vaccine? Except the blood clot issue is rare. Women are more likely to develop blood clots on oral contraceptives. I hope some Moderna or Pfizer come your way very soon! I had never heard a discussion on this here - but it makes sense to vaccinate active military members and their families for the safety of the country.
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