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  1. I am sitting here crying just reading this. The same exact thing happened to me. I am 18 years old and I was with my boyfriend for a year and 2 months. We spent everyday together & I basically lived at his house. I was so close with him and his family. We did everythign together and he was my best friend in the world. We did fight a lot, but I never thought he'd leave me. One night he just basically told me that we weren't meant to be and that I should go out and date other guys. I didn't understand at all. I thought he loved me. I didn't know how someoen could just stop loving someone so fast like he did. It's like the time we spent together didn't even matter. He just wanted "us" to end. ~It's been 3 months since that night and I am still heartbroken. I feel sick everytime I think about him. I feel as if I did something wrong, but I know I didnt. ~Things are meant to happen though...thats just what I keep telling myself. ~I've found someone new now. He is the sweetest person I've ever met. I still compare him to my old boyfriend though & I still miss my old boyfriend. It hurts so badly. You can't even describe the feeling. It feels like the end of the world. ~It will take some time to get over him, especially when you have to see him at school everyday....but you will get better and you will find someone better who loves you. Trust me! I hope you feel better soon. Just remember you are not alone out there. A million girls get their hearts broken everyday. You will make it thought it I promise Good luck hun
  2. Hey hun. Let me just tell you that you will get over it! I'm 18 years old & I remember the first time I was in love. The guy broke my heart and I thought I'd never ever be the same again. I was rude to my parents and my friends b/c of it. I blamed myself for being too fat, ugly, and stupid...which I am none of those things, but you tend to blame yourself when a guy leaves you. It's not your fault though. He doesn't deserve you and you will find someone soooo much better! Trust me! You are so young and you will have many more boyfriends and many more heartbreaks. Each heartbreak you have will make you stonger. Once you find your special someone, you will realize that you weren't even in love with this person. I konw you feel like the world is ending right now, but trust me life gets better. This was meant to happen. I hope you feel better. The best thing to do is to go out w/ friends and if you want...date other boys. Good luck! [/i]
  3. Wow the same thing happened to me. My boyfriend just wanted a "break" for no reason. I don't know what the hell I did to him. He just wanted to take a break & now we don't even talk anymore. We were together for over a year...and now we hate eachother. I don't know why things happen the way they do. ~I think your girlfriend just needs some time to think. If you were really good to her, then she will one day realize that. She will want to come back to you & it's your choice whether you take her back or not. If she does not come back, then it was not meant to be. You will find someone else that you love way more than her. It may take a long time to get over the heartbreak, but you will eventually. You will find someone who treats you better and accepts you for who you you...and doesn't get mad if you joke around....b/c that is who you are. You shouldn't have to change yourself for someone to accept and like you. Good luck though
  4. You are just really frusterated over all of this crap going on with your fiance. I'm sorry that this is happening to you. I hope things end up for the better. They will I'm sure. When my boyfriend and I were fighting a lot, I got really aggressive also. I just b*tched at everyone and I would get really bad road rage. I thought I was going psycho. I am now better though. I hope you get better too. You will. Good luck
  5. Hey hun. First of all....do you really love them or do you just have crushes on them. If you and your boyfriend just broke up, then it might be smart to just lay low for a bit. But if you want to start dating again...then go for it! Date the both of them and see which one you like better If you really really like both of them.....then you will just have to choose one. Don't play them whatever you do. You will end up losing both of them Good luck!
  6. From what I've read, it seems like she has some sort of feelings for you. When she talks to you is it a flirty way? or a "just being a friend" way? Try to figure that out. If you believe that she is flirting with you...then don't be afraid to ask her out on a date. Or just ask her if she wants to hang out sometime. some girls are really shy when they like someone and they will be too afraid to show it. The guy needs to make the first move If you ask her out and she declines, then just tell her "oh no i didn't mean a date...just to hang out as friends" so you don't lose her friendship.[/i]
  7. If she tells you that she loves you, then you must be doing a great job at being a good boyfriend. You can't really become a "better" boyfriend. Just be there for her when she needs you & care for her. Since it's your first girlfriend......you will probably be shy in front of her....DON'T BE! Tell her your feelings and if you are upset with something....don't be afraid to tell her. It seems like you are doing a great job already
  8. Hey hun. I know what you mean. I slept with my ex-boyfriend because I had the feeling that we would always be together....well he left me. I then slept with 2 other guys & now I feel horrible because it was just such a mistake. If you really like this guy....or love this guy, then I think you should consider it. You aren't being a slut or anything by sleeping with someone whom you love and care about. Making love is something you should do when you care about someone and he cares about you. If you don't feel like you are ready, then just tell him & hopefully he will understand.
  9. I have a problem. I am 18 years old & I am in love with my old teacher who is only 28 years old. He shows interest in me and I believe he feels the same way. Problem is....he is married. He doesn't have any children and I don't believe that he is happily married. I know that I am only 18 years old, but I know what love is. I can't stop thinking about him. I've tried to just block him out of my mind, but I can't! I feel like crying everytime I think about him. I just don't know what to do. I can't seem to get over him & I know I have to, but I can't! Help!
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