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Everything posted by Rose1966

  1. I am 40 yrs old and let me tell you....simple and to the point.... People in relationships do not have any reason to be going out with people of the opposite sex. How do you think affairs start?
  2. I am a woman in a realtionship that is opposite of yours. I am 40 attractive in great shape and a very sexual person....I have been nicknamed a "man-magnet" I could have sex easily with just about any man in this town I want except the one i love......in my life I have had sexual relations with just 3 men... I view sex as a sacred act between 2 people and should never be abused... The man I live with is 43 and when we first started going together he was very sexual... We began to live together and I am lucky if I get any sexual contact even one a month and for me also, that is when I complain... I am so tired of hearing the words.... Leave me alone, I am watching this, not now, wait till the morning, you are making me hot etc etc ... he has an excuse everytime. Not only on the sex but even if I want to just lay next to him and watch tv. I am not even allowed in the morning to sit and have a cup of coffee with him. He is not cheating on me there is no other woman and that I know for sure. so thats not the problem... It has caused me to feel alone and sad and he doesn't talk about it and just like with with sex it is "not now" I am so tired of hearing those words .. they feel like little knives driving threw my heart. unfortunaletly these feeling have led to many fights... and now they have become violent.... I know after this one tongiht the relationship is over...I am here on this computer at 4:30 am aand he is in that bed sleeping with a clear head.... and that makes me very angry No I'm not going in there, I am just waiting for 5 am to come so I can go work-out...
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