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Everything posted by Hernj62

  1. You deserve someone who will give you the same love and respect! You were standing right infront of his face and he didn't want it. You've given him many chances and he made his decision. Don't jump into situations where it'll hurt yourself, whether it is a physical, emotional or mental hurt. Whoever conflicts that much pain for you to lose that much weight and feel like crap, is def not worth it. It'll be hard but def move on.
  2. My situation is complicated from the start. I have been screwed around with too many times by guys... Cheaters, liars, users etc. I've come to the point where I feel that ALL guys are the same yet I've always been in relationships. Ever since I was 14. I was single for a about 1 month. And these past relationships have been mostly long term relationships. So my problem now is that my heart tells me I have a really great boyfriend. We clicked instantly and we moved in together as if we knew eachother for years. Except he moved in with me. All his things were in storage. So it kinda felt like he was using me. I don't want him to go but a part of me feels like he won't commit. Recently he moved his things from storage into my apt but left them in boxes! It's like insulting to me! Plus I have a crazy issue that I can't see himself having a life outside of our relationship. i have had trust issues not only with bf's but with girlfriends too and I caged myself in for a while. When we met it was great bc we caged ourselves in. It was the best time but now he's asking for all this space. B/c i give him hell for going out b/c my mind is telling me I will get hurt. I'm in a rut b/c he presented me with an altimatum..which I knew it was coming. Either I let him do whatever he wants or he'll take his "packed" things and leave! I'm so torn b/c I feel like I can't help it. Its like a disorder or something! I wanna trust him and have a normal relationship but normal isn't me! What do I do?
  3. I'm guilty of charge. Your girlfriend and I would get along. I am the same exact way. No matter what extent my BF goes through to make me feel secure in the relationship, I always twist it,make it into a fight or push him away. I become very skeptical when he goes to the extreme bc then I think he's trying to hard, and he has to be hiding something. My major problem is past relationships. You must understand, girls can be broken for a very long time even though our hearts are in the most current place. Each and every heartbrake especially due to lack of trust, makes our expectations lower and lower. Sometimes we cant help to think that sooner or later something will happen that will hurt us no matter how much you try to tell them you won't. So by pushing away, she is trying to protect herself from the well known pain she has unfortunalty been affected by. Sometimes my boyfriend wants to give up on me, and I don't blame him bc who knows if it'll get better but I love my bf and he loves me just like you two and you sticking around for the madness does prove to her just that.
  4. Wow... I feel sorry for your family. I've been cheated on before and I felt like my world was turned upside down. You've made vows to this woman, made a baby with this woman... like all relationships, both of you have faced wonderful memories and have dealt with the bad. Of course there is ups and downs especially with a new change in both of your lives. My heart goes out to you because I know that if you really thought things through and you had faith that your bond will eventually grow stronger, you would have never jepordized so much of your life. You have alot to lose. You have made your decision; you placed your life in the hands of a tasteless act with a women you call a "fling", now your future lies in your wifes hands and I do hope everything works out for the best. But what I would love to know which nobody has asked you so far... What do you think you deserve? Do you deserve her forgivness? Would you forgive her? How would you cope with her sharing her smile, and her happiness and that special bond that comes with sex in marriage, with another man? If you picture it for a moment... I know you are sorry... but I think the best way to figure out what is best for your future, for her future and for your childs future is to try very hard to put yourself in her shoes. You owe her that much. And then you can be more at ease to know whether or not you feel if she deserves you or if your child deserves to call you a role model. But of course there you can rely on hope.. but despite these miracle relationships that you have read about, be prepared for some bad news becasue the odds are not looking to good for you. The only thing you can do is learn from your mistakes. I know I did.
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