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  1. you should have just told her that ;-) do you think it's too late now?
  2. i never knew about NC til i learned about ENA. is this concept found in relationship books? i want to know how to counteract NC. i mean, if a person is doing NC, what will you do? does it apply only to the dumpee? what if you dont get the results you want, do you still continue doing it? where can i find the old posts about NC? thanks a lot.
  3. hello verus! i understand how you feel, i felt the same way too. im glad i feel better now. just be strong, and i wish you the best. cheer up! im glad i've learned about this site. it's a great help to know people who care about you, who will listen and help you. i appreciate the wisdom of the posters.
  4. Great post, orlander! thanks for sharing that with us... may all of us have luck in life and love.
  5. markm believe everyone here, you are a great guy, you're nice, handsome.. you deserve someone better than her! what have you seen in her? why not lady bugg or natalie? im getting tired of your posts but i enjoy reading the thread anyway man: good luck (well, i must admit i seem crazy too.. i've my own drama.. lolz but im finally seeing the light)
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