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Everything posted by quirkyturkey

  1. it shouldn't be irregular because you've been getting estrogen. you will probably get your period on monday or tuesday. it takes about one day, but it depends at what time of day you take them. I take my inactive pills on sunday night and get my period tuesday morning. my period lasts exactly three days each time and is sooo much lighter than before I took bc (light and quicker, nice features!). whatever your time to take them is, you should expect to get your period the same time every month and know exactly when it's coming as long as you follow your schedule.
  2. yes I looked into that goat weed. They have it at the drugstores here to. and if we talk again (he has finally contacted me but we haven't talked yet) I will ask him if he wants to try it. now one web ad I saw said women can take it too, and others say it's a man's product. well I will experiment with it if he's willing and you you guys a full report. LOL. I bought some warming lubricant, anybody know if it's any good? I have been looking at sex products as well, but some of them seem to be a rip off, like oral sex candy, why couldn't I just use an Altoid or something and save 8 bucks? well anyways. I thought I was dumped, it's looks like he's wanting to talk, don't know if we are still dating or what. I just bought lingerie too, so i guess if not I use it on the next one! bye for now.
  3. hmm so maybe I should just scribble a little note and slip it in the mailbox. I like your choice of wording, I don't think I would've known what to say, thanks
  4. it seems like you are both saying I should break up with him, is that what you're saying? or is it more for saving face, or both? Jjasonn28: you said the same thing my guy friend (nobody my bf knows of course) said. The thing is he didn't express to me that he wanted to work out our problems, he expressed hopelessness and despair and he blamed himself for OUR problem. and if I could've gotten him to open up, I wouldn't be where I am now. how do you get a guy to talk?? the reason i think I'm dumped is because don't guys know, when you're intimate with a girl you have to call her every once in awile. 9 days is a long time, 5 is normal, 9 doesn't feel normal.
  5. I would like some opinions here. The guy I've been seeing, he left my place 9 days ago, we were having sexual problems (read the history of my other posts if you want) it wasn't until that weekend that I found out how much it bothered him. now it's at the surface. He left my place, we were not mad at each other, I thought everything was normal (normal for us), but it has been 9 days and he hasn't called, I have called 4 times, never left a message, but he has caller id. two times I know that someone was on the other line but didn't ansewer my call. so I think either I'm being avoided, or something bad has happened. anyways, it's like such agony to not know what is going on. I'm full of anxiety right now. so I am wondering, what do you all think? do you think I got dumped? should I stop calling? If I call anymore it'll just get embarrassing. should I write a letter? if I do he'll get it the next day.
  6. I think going away is a great idea. I am not sure if I can do that right now. we usually do it in bed. we both get excited in situations where we are "not supposed to" fool around, like while driving or if someone is in the room with us and leaves for a minute. he gets hot, but he can't actually go through with it because he's too shy. he won't even have sex if there are other people in the house because he gets nervous. so all those thrill seeking ideas go out the window, even though he likes the idea. Well at the moment, i'm still trying to figure out if we are even together anymore, because he hasn't returned my calls and I haven't seen or heard from him in over a week. I was going to try a female remedy they sell at drustores here (can't remember the name) I bought some cute lingerie, but then I got another infection! now I have to see a doctor again....nothing is working out grrrr. I agree with you that if I were to come he would probably start to come around better. I will try to find the horny goat weed. I will try anything at this point!! I have had some time to think about it, and I think it must be msotly a psycological prob for him because how come he can stay hard when masturbating for me and orgasm, he usually loses it when he tries to enter me. I think we need to have a good talk. just haven't figured out what to say. Thanks for replying
  7. you can find people who drink socially and not to get drunk. you can have different friends for different things. I think you are generalizing all people who don't drink unfairly, by assuming they are boring. you must have some other interests besides drinking. my advice is take some time to do something you like, like a hobby, or find a hobby. drinking can be fun, but after a while, you'll realize that you're having the same night over and over again and that nobody is having any real conversation, and then you'll realize that people who binge drink all the time are the ones who are boring, because they have no depth to their personality....hopefully you'll figure it out...lol. good luck and have some fun.
  8. no i am not trying to be motherly. that is part of the reason why i wanted him to come to me instead of me running after him to get him to talk about his feelings. if he wanted to talk, he would find me, right? it's just the waiting is painful. I don't know if this is a clue that he wants to break up. he knows i'm the mature one. i am not sure how to communicate concern (since I am more mature) in a way that doesn't sound like I'm telling him what to do. i am not trying to, but also it takes two to tango as they say. i have a right to communicate my feelings, but i don't want to if it's not something that is welcomed. that's why i posted on the communication board this time.
  9. you mean take the emotion out of it and speak succintly? that is what i was thinking. i am not embarrassed by our problem at all. i am the mature one in this relationship. part of the problem is that I don't know how to deal with his shame/embarrssment because I'm not embarrassed (well i am talking about it with doctors, not to him)
  10. you are lucky because you already know what you want, and you know what kind of people you want to be with. you don't have to drop your old friends completely, just try and find some others who you can spend time with. this is eaiser said than done, but i have been there! when you get to age 21-23, people focus on going out to the bar, they forget that there are other things to do, but most everyone will come around and realize they have other interests, as they get older, they spend their money on other things (possibly due to new obligations or interests) unless they become disfunctional alcoholics, and then it's not about having fun anymore, but rather feeding into a sickness. you already know that you are not a goodie goodie. what i am hearing from what you say is that you are afraid that you will be alone if you don't hang out with these people, but that is not true. you have to look at yourself, and see what your social skills are, and then you will realize that you are able to make friends in any situation, let me ask you a question: when you switch jobs, or schools, or the town you are living in, you always find some friends, right? I am sure the answer is yes, well you just have to remind yourself that you are fun and people like you. then let that be your guide.
  11. Thank you for your input. yes we both have problems, but the only thing is, i never had a prob before him, as you may have read, i wasn't with anyone sexually for a few years though, so I can't determine if my problem is with this guy or if it developed on its own. I am currently in therapy for other issues and have not brought this sexual issue up with my therapist. i agree that we should treat it as a medical problem, however, it is the psycological stuff (what it is doing to him) that is my pressing concern. his self esteem is so delecate, a guy with an average sized penis should not be ashamed, he should not feel like a failure if he can't have sex with a girl he is dating when the girl tells him she just enjoys his company no matter what they do. he shouldn't say, see there we just had sex and it wasn't that great, told ya i wasn't any good. that is what is bothering me. reassuring him doesn't seem to work. i told him i care about him and he said i don't see why. i think he feels he's not deserving of love, and I don't know what I can do for him. I don't know if i should make a move and call again, try to explain that things are ok, or if i should let him come to me when he is ready to talk. i don't know whta a guy would want. I know what a girl would want, girls always want to talk, guys don't.
  12. hey I posted a few days ago about me and my bfs sexual problems. well now things are even worse and I am so frustrated! he hasn't called me all week, it has been a week since we have seen or talked to each other. at first I didn't call him because I thought maybe he needed time to think and so I should give him space, but he didn't call me all weekend long and we usually spend the night together at least once during the weekend! well i called him twice last night and he didn't answer. it is very odd that he didn't call to make plans, and now i am so worried!! what if the sexual stuff is making him want to break up with me? like i said, i want to give him space if he needs it, and i think it would be a mistake to call again, because I don't want to chase after him. but i am also worried since he said doing drugs made him feel "normal" that he is out getting into trouble. the thing is that I have thought about ways to put the spice in our sexual life, and i really want to work things out, but he sounded so hopeless the last time we were together, and when we finally did have sex he said "see, i told you it was no big deal" and i wasn't even thinking that! he seems to think that i am not satisfied with him, but I like our time together! i accept his ED, i just want to work out our problems, but i think maybe he has given up and is being passive by not calling. I am so worried because i don't know what to do, I thought i was being supportive by telling him that he didn't have to go on Viagra unless he wanted to. I don't know what else I can say! he keeps telling me to go have sex with another guy, somebody that will please me, and it hurts to hear that because it seems like he's saying he doesn't care. i don't know if he's afraid i'll cheat or what, but I'm not even thinking like that!! i feel like he's punishing me for what some other woman did to him and it just isn't fair!
  13. you could use your surname for a middle name if you like it. my dad is named like that. it used to be common in the ol' days. otherwise I suggest Mae. or you could name her hailey jo also I like the name Joe for a boy.
  14. yes, the doctor did tell me to urinate before and after sex and to drink water before and after. I was just wondering if lack of lubrication could be due to dehydration, which could also be another factor causing the UTI. I never had these problems before him. I forgot to tell you, we have tried lube. the lack of spontaniety just kills it though, and then if I have to add drinking water, peeing, having sex, getting up to pee again and drink more water....I am not against any of these suggestions, i just don't understand how people stay in the mood. i wish we could do that.
  15. I wish I could just convince him to take it, but if he doesn't want to then I won't push it. the reason i told him I didn't care if he went on Viagra or not is because I don't want him to be ashamed, especially since his last girlfriend told him he had an inferior penis and to go on Viagra, if I said, yeah hon, you need that, I would be validating the inferiority in his eyes. I know it's rediculous, being the age we are, I am even too embarrassed to talk to my doc about some things, like i didn't tell the doc I went to for the UTI that I was having sexual problems....
  16. Both my bf and I are having problems with our sexual health, and it is ruining what could be a great relationship if only we could get it right! we are both in our mid twenties. The first time we were together was the first time I was with a guy in a few years. We started fooling around on our second date but were unable to have sex because I couldn't get wet enough. But he kept trying by rubbing my clitoris until I told him to stop because I was getting frustrated because nothing was happening. but he would've kept it up for hours he told me because he liked me. The second time we were together he couldn't keep an erection and I found out this was a "problem" he has had for awhile (not sure how long) all i know is that he used to do a lot of drugs and he also told me his last girlfriend told him he had a tiny penis (it is average 6 in is average, right?) and told him to get some viagra, and he was hurt by that. so I told him, if you want to do something about it, then get a prescription, i just want what you want either way, but he says he's too embarrassed because of his young age. well we are now 4 months into our relationship, and we have had intercourse 3 times for a total of probably two minutes! I get turned on but i get dry too soon and he can't keep his penis erect.and he thinks he has to make me come before we have sex by giving me oral sex or by masturbating me, but I never orgasm! I am starting to think that i won't have an orgasm. I explained to him that sex can still feel good to me without an orgasm but he is obsessed with giving me one. the last time we "tried" and failed he was really upset and said all these bad things about himself, and I was just trying to be supportive by saying "I just like being with you, no matter what we do" but I think he's really getting discouraged. then he finally disclosed to me that part of it is performance anxiety, he wants to impress me, and it bugs him that he can't make me come. but he also said that if he were back on drugs he thinks he could do it because he would feel more "normal". and I know that I am the only one he has ever been with sober. then he told me "you think I don't want a relationship, but I do, it's just that I can't do it, i'm not real, i'm not normal". Now I am just concerned and depressed because I don't know what to do! we started doing this thing where he masturbates for me and then he penetrates me afterwards (because when I masturbate him it doesn't work as well, and when i give him oral sex he doesn't come) . well the last time we had sex it was about 45 seconds long and the next day I got symptoms of a UTI, was diagnosed and am getting treatment right now! but then now I'm wondering, could my lack of lubrication and the UTI be related, since I could be dehydrated? so I think we have a twisted psycological and physical problem in our relationship...help!!! it's just that nothing is working out! I don't want to try another sex partner, but he has been telling me I should go find someone who can make me happy(with sex). but really I don't know if I am even able to be with anyone else because of my problem (or if it's just that we aren't compatable) I have no desire to be with anyone else right now so it really hurts having to go through all this.
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