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Everything posted by DarkCh0c0

  1. Nope. He's an absolute waste of your time. You need to consider kicking him to the curb and recollecting your self worth. Good job on trusting your gut feelings. Don't buy any more of his BS lies. And ofc he denies the affair. He obviously only cares about himself and not your feelings. It's all about him keeping a certain image so that he doesn't sound like the bad guy here. It's the easier way out to gaslight or blame you.
  2. You don't need her in your life as much as you think you do. You need to start moving on. Chat with new women, hit up some events/meet ups, and mingle. Get her off your mind. She's history. She didn't want you. You should remind yourself that you are worthy of someone who wants you too without any hot/cold and push/pull behaviour. You are worthy of healthy love. You are worthy of better.
  3. Eeeeekk. Go!! He sounds like he likes you a lot. Enjoy it 😄😍
  4. Because this is who she is. This is how she is wired. That's why. Nothing you can do can change that. She revealed her true colours once you started getting attached and comfortable. It's a very common tactic by abusers.
  5. It's because she is like this. The headache just exacerbates her behaviour. OP her behaviour is not normal. Anger and manipulation do not equal love. These are not loving behaviour.
  6. This wouldn't fly where I live or where I'm from. I'd get some serious weird stares if I pull up an email. But I have given some men my whatssap number and rejected them there, so the purpose is the same. For dating purposes, definitely.
  7. So the honey moon stage is over (usually it lasts between 6-18 months), and you've been seeing her true colours. She is an abusive angry manipulative mess. PLEASE trust your feelings and judgements about this and take the necessary action. Otherwise, you're signing up for a life of instability and hell.
  8. Email!? Yikes. How do people respond to that? :/
  9. It differs from couple to couple. Some people are okay with that pace, and some like to have more frequent time together. I'd go with what you are comfortable with. Your feelings about this are very key. If you don't feel well with more visits, it's not well and pull the brakes to the relationship. If you feel happy, then proceed. If you feel somewhere in the middle, can you find a compromise?
  10. He won't. Proof is: It will be on you to pull the trigger when you want to break up. He won't do it. It could be for many reasons (he's too comfortable with you staying around knowing you're okay being taken for granted, and/or he genuinely thinks he is in it temporarily). If he keeps thinking it's temporary and won't seek any professional help, it'll be on you to decide what you deem is fair to yourself.
  11. I don't understand either haha. @catfeederwere you fishing intentionally for that type of content? 😂🎣
  12. Awww same ring from Tiffany, and in the apartment. How sweet! 🥰 You guys got me in a good mood today!!
  13. Eeek I remember your wedding story, but I don't remember the proposal one! Care to share yours? 🥰
  14. Awww he sounds like he has a good soul. Gotta give it to romantic people. They are good at sweeping others off their feet 🥰
  15. You could either ask for help from your mom, or definitely ask your family for help. It's okay to ask for help. That's what family is for. They also instructed you to do so, so take them up on their offer. The alternative is to let the cat suffer, but no empathetic human would do that, so feel absolutely no guilt in asking for help. You're a good kido. Let us know how it goes!
  16. @yogacat 🤧🤧 That's so romantic. I love that you were surprised. He's done a good job! I love your proposal story 🥰🌹🌹 Did you do anything afterwards? How was the ring? 💍
  17. 🤧 Can you tell us the engagement story? How did he surprise you?
  18. Gotcha. Thanks for initiating such debating topic. I enjoyed the threads. Agreed!
  19. Because courtship is related to marriage, divorce, and relationships. These topics spark so many controversies, and so many opinions were shared. As long as OP is fine with it, I don't see what's the problem.
  20. It's been already proven with research published that children with their parents together do far better in life than children who grow up in a single health. Specially in regards to mental health. This is, ofc, so long the parents are not abusive/toxic. @mylolitaso what would a woman married to an abusive person or in an unhappy marriage do if she doesn't work? These are situations where she'd need to. There's often no financial support from ex husbands to ex wives. Out of curiosity, do you dress in an eccentric way? Judging the way you write, you sound like a very free spirit irl 😊 almost like you hang out in retro style cafes with plenty of bookshelves. I could be totally wrong though....
  21. @mylolita in balling too 😂🌹 @Batya33 are you saying we all should head out to do our laundry in order to find love? Cause imma do mine right now if that's all it takes! 🏃‍♀️🏁 I love how you shared the story! 🥰
  22. Ugh... I don't get the negative opinions. She's 55. She's acting like someone who's been there, done that, and knows her comfortable pace. She's vocal about it. And it's fitting considering her age. Sounds great to me. No matter how it goes, enjoy! We want you happy and found 😊
  23. I think he has some maturing to do, and you two are not compatible. And that's okay. You need something different in a man. I know I would too. And I'm with everyone. There are so many men out there who would love to have an intelligent and mature woman like you. Trust your judgment and take the necessary actions. He might be your first break up, so it's normal to have doubts. You can do it.
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