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Everything posted by slash

  1. well crazy when girls usually respond the way you do i usually begin to think they are not interested...just wanted to warn you because you 'might' be giving him the vibe that your not interested. usually people can ramble on and on about their family i think family is a good subject to talk about. and depending on how old you are, maybe you can talk about school.....
  2. ahhh! I just realized your name was armygirl and not amygirl.........well armygirl your experiencing what many men(including myself) go through alot, NERVOUS AS A MOFO syndrome, welcome to the club, but if your a everyday hot gal I dont see why you would have any problems, try to find out something about this guy you could talk to him about maybe, does he play sports or is he in any clubs at school, i not a very good conversationalists, but im sure theres something you can think about.
  3. (from a guys perspective) B) because i think you can tell when women are interested when they will tell you abou themselves.
  4. you know your story reminds me of a friend of mine named ben. I was his only friend and all ben ever really did was go to work and play games on his computer(met him through the game). Well ben was 23 years old and he decided it was time to be more active so he joined the gym with me and a tennis league with me. I can tell he has so much more confidence and he feels ALOT better about himself because he told me he did. me and Ben still hang out once a week or so, but im not his only friend anymore because hes friends with my friends and more people he met at the gym and in the tennis league. get involved in something outside of work, gym sounds great, goodluck buddy!
  5. Stink, I always hear people talking about the way a girl looks at you, and I think its true that if you notice her smiling, than theres a greater possibility of her being interested
  6. well Amy if hes like me.... he might not have the confidence to come up and talk to you, I think this is the downfall of many mens 'secret crushes' i geuss you can call it, maybe try to find out something you have in common, maybe you have the same class as him
  7. i really love this girl and i recently havent had the funds to buy her anything or take her to nice places. I just wanna buy her a simple gift to remind her that i love her and was wondering if anyone could help me out on what gifts women really love? all and any suggestions are appreciated. thanks for anyone who makes a suggestion
  8. is it just me or when women are on their period and when they arent in pain at the time. are they easily turned on and show more affection???? well the question is are women on their period like to be more affectionate?????? (but without sex of course)
  9. bye........but theres a million more fish in the sea
  10. not knowing the answer or not taking the shot is the biggest mistakes i ever made when i really like a girl. go for it man knowing is better than not knowing
  11. learn the way i learned....face your fear the only thing bad that can happen is she will say no, and even if she does look at it as an accomplishment on learning to face that fear.
  12. girls are really feeling down? what do women wanna hear when they are feeling down? story: my g/f atheletic (the way i like them ) but shes feeling really bad because shes on a losing streak but i just wanna try and cheer her up without bringing her down more than she already is. any ideas on a quick way to put a good women in a good mood???
  13. thanks for everyone who voice their words because its going good dam good lol
  14. hehe well as far as i know i believe i did very well, heres the story. we were sitting on her couch at her house. ok she has this thing she told me that "if your nose itches someone wants to kiss you". we are holding hands looking at each other just talking about everyday things, then she says: "my nose itches" and i said, "wanna stop that itch". she blushes a bit then i touch her face and move in and she goes along with it *KISS* it was slow and passionate and it was a real confidence booster. thanx for the advice but i actually read your reply today but hell i think they do enjoy when you touch their face thank you mikeyc
  15. i just give them nicknames thats short of their name. ex-girlfriend examples: i called emily, "em" i called sabrina, "brina" i called courtney, "court" i called elizabeth, "lizzy" just things i always did do dunno y but it just seems to work for the both of us. good idea try it.
  16. we talk alot and sometimes the conversations are short because she always gives me short answers. i get frustrated and nervous when we are alone and have nothing to talk about.....i need help, i need some topics that might involve a lengthy conversation to go along with them.
  17. dam that sounds like a darn good idea ill have to write that one down for future use.......
  18. hey mike you got that same problem i "used" to have but i found out that the more open you are the less nervous you will be later on. also by facing my fears of telling girls i liked them i started having much better luck with them. because instead of hiding my crush to myself i opened up to them. trust me man the worst thing that can happen is she will say no, and it will hurt but theres plenty of fish in the sea! good luck
  19. it was veru interesting reading all the post about this because i consider myself one of the "nice guys", if i like a women i try to to to hard to make her happy sometimes i laugh at myself and have no idea why i do things the way i do. and i think "nice guys finish last" quote is only true with 50% of women, or just depends on the woman.
  20. I believe this girl likes me but i just get mixed up and confused. Sometimes, she mocks me in a joking way while blushing.... is that a good sign or bad? also I could use some help on topics to talk about, it seems our conversations are getting shorter everyday.
  21. well theres this girl that i met recently this year at my school(we've known each other for about 2 months). we are both on the tennis team (thats how we met) i recently got her number and asked her out(2 weeks of dating) and she seems to like me alot, and i really like her alot also. but what i wanna ask is if theres any suggestions on how i can get her in the mood before i make that first kiss and some steps on making it perfect for me and her. thanx to anyone that can help, slash
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