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Everything posted by kimberly31

  1. if nothing else works you could tell him about this web site and he may come here and even read others responses to other people and that could get the ball rolling for him and help him to feel that he's not alone
  2. it sounds like this guy does have a thing for you and he wont be the last. But here is my advice: Never date someone who leaves someone else to be with you for he will leave you to be with someone else. If you want to have a fling with him, this is your chance, but don't do anything you would regret because most guys that age are only after one thing and once they get it, they are gone. Look how he talks about his girlfriend, that could be how he'll talk about you. Good luck on figuring things out.
  3. If you have been together for 6 years and he's not sure about marriage, then he will never be. Sorry if this isn't what you want to hear but, you have life waiting out there for you. My advise would be to ask him if he ever plans on marrying you and get him to agree to some date, but if he won't then he will never committ to you. It may sound harsh and it will be very difficult, but I wasted some years of my life myself and am now happily married to the "right" guy.
  4. Try using "find a person" in search engine. It can usually give you location, name and phone number if your father doesn't have an unlisted phone number.
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