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Everything posted by Betterwithout

  1. Realistic Everyday Adults Can Heal šŸ¤• STORM šŸŒ©ļø
  2. It's hard to work with the unknown in the early stages of dating with ghosting being so prevalent. It's easy fall into the analysis of "what ifs" For some, it starts to consume your every thought when you feel there is a strong connection and you really dig the other person. Just be prepared for the wind direction to change one way or the other. In the meantime, stay busy with your own life and next week when you are in the office together be your best self and fun and confident.
  3. You were well suited for the job and would have been a great fit. Someone else was just a shade different in some way. You will never know, so don't bother dwelling. I don't think it would hurt to send a follow up email in 3 months. (after the probationary period with the new hire is over) Maybe that person will not be a good fit for the company. There is also a lot of turnover in many companies, so might as well keep your name top of mind as candidate #2! In the meantime, dust yourself off, sharpen some skills and do some networking for another employer.
  4. Most know of Tinder as casual dating. Do you have long term relationship goals and does he? It's important your "goals" are aligned since you seem to be starting to show investment in a relationship.
  5. There are rare cases where exes can remain friends. It is only a matter of time where one of the people still have feelings and didn't want the relationship to end in the first place decides, "I want to still be friends". Later down the road they start sharing details of their new partners, and ultimately the other person wants to listen, but it also hurts their heart to hear of the details. It might look good on paper, but its quite possible that your friendship dynamic might have to end. It can been too painful and can also interfere with progressing with new relationships of your own. Are you dating others? Because this can help you move on and also bring closure to your relationship with her.
  6. He Accepts Valentine's Every Night šŸ’ šŸ’Œ ANGEL šŸ˜‡
  7. He Even Abandons Rational Thoughts šŸ™‰ SPEAK šŸ—£ļø
  8. Many of us put on masks and use "fake it till you make it" personality skills. This can work to a certain extent, but eventually as the relationship gets closer, the true colours shine through which is why it is so KEY to not "try" to be confident, but rather build a foundation of confidence and lots of self work to get there. We can learn from kids learning how to ride a bike. they can fall in front of people, scrape their knee and elbows and still have resilience to try it again until they get it. I had many relationship failures including my first marriage, but I knew it was just another failure that I had to overcome. The more I fail, the better equipped I am to handling the mistake. Are you currently in therapy for your social anxiety? Often we can't face stuff like this alone, and finding a good therapist can also be good. At the minimum they are a good person to open up to. I would also suggest journalling and writing down your thoughts, dreams aspirations. That along with therapy can be very helpful in moving forward.
  9. Hi bolt, Been there with those emails involving many people in the CC line. Hate it, along with the finger pointing and throwing others under the bus...makes me want to leave the corporate world all together! working from home has some pros and cons that's for sure. I have run into many people that don't apologize. I guess they see it as a hit to the ego or diminishes their worth somehow, especially in leadership roles. I openly and often apologize but that comes with self-awareness. My own wife rarely apologizes and it's frustrating AF. But I blame her Dad for passing it on, since he also doesn't apologize. Hopefully things smooth over soon for you.
  10. Sorry to hear of this. It's quite possible that your PTSD is instead a result of your very scary childhood. Your marriage is another matter. I would try two more times (try to find a calm moment together to broach the subject) to ask him to go to marriage counselling. If he says no two more times, then start calling lawyers about steps towards divorce. You both need to fight for the marriage, not just one of you.
  11. Hi OP. Thanks for opening up. Getting it all out on paper must help and it seems like you are pretty self-aware which is a good thing. I can relate to this, as I felt very unattractive when I was younger. It took many many years to develop confidence. I was horrible at sports, got bullied, my family moved many times when I was young and I found it difficult make friends being so transplanted. What worked for me was some inner work to develop a "it's ok to be different" and I eventually embraced my differences. I re-jigged my outward appearance several times as a teen and then again in my 20's. It was only in my early 20's that I felt confident and good in my own skin. Fortunately, around the same time college opened myself up to some really great friends. For the first time ever, I had made some strong real friends. Still friends decades later. Looking back, it was two things the contributed at this timeline to finding love... 1) I felt confident, loved, worthy 2) The 4 strong friendships I made. Without these two things, I was undatable. Of course many people find love just as easily with being in the right place at the right time, or being blessed with good looks and unshakable confidence, but that was my experience. I met some great friends of a friend before and they all met in a exercise spin class. They were really tight knit and I was actually surprised they only met that year, they acted like they were friends for decades. Is there something you can do to positively shake things up in your life to build confidence? Maybe a new hobby, sport, social group, etc. You'd be amazed how many connections with women you can make just doing great things with the guys. The world is yours, but you need to make that first step! Good luck!
  12. My apologies, please excuse my ignorance. the Homeschool recovery subject is brand new to me, I wasn't aware of it. I can see the damage it can cause. I am happy you are on your own now. Have you sought therapy as of yet? I hope you can find some new engaging social outlets soon, but it will take a lot to step outside of that comfort zone. That along with therapy seem to be the best tools for you moving forward.
  13. It can be confining having an upbringing like this, but know you are not alone. Many people from strict or strict and religious backgrounds want to protect their children. Your parents were doing their best to protect you, but perhaps it was a little much. Do you live on your own now? The solo trip could open up some doorways for you. Having a good circle of friends can also really help you forge new relationships.
  14. A sensitive topic indeed, but good for you in holding your ground and keeping your morals in check. Most guys would casually flirt about the idea, but it should in no way feel like pressure. Consensual sex is consensual. Besides there is a lot a fun to be had in 1st, 2nd and 3rd base anyway! Tell him you are firm with your decision, and if he can't live with it, that you guys can't continue.
  15. ^ The only perspective I was trying to open. I am also aware immigrating involves many steps and many emotional decisions. Just trying to be optimistic šŸ™‚
  16. I cannot find the original source, but I did a new search and found this link... https://www.worlddata.info/average-income.php on the above link, USA shows an average income of $70,000 Romania shows an average income of $14,000 Sorry I was doing my best to offer the OP some optimistic advice, however I am no economics major, I can only offer different perspectives. I am also aware and grateful that I live in a privileged country.
  17. Yikes! That man was clearly not ready to date. Stage 4 clinger. Ain't nobody got time for that. It gets used a lot, but there really is not better statement: you "dodged a bullet" Move on to someone well adjusted.
  18. The statements above opened my eyes. Those salaries are well below other countries. For instance, USA has average salaries of $8,000 a month. (7,500 Euros/Month). Would you consider moving to another country and continue schooling, building a new life there? Many people leave Eastern Europe every year for more opportunities in thriving countries. Incidentally, there are many projections for growth in psychotherapists and healthcare in general. You are still young enough to earn a new degree, and you could keep a regular job to pay the bills during school. I know of a Software Engineer who immigrated here from Romania and she is making well over $10,000 a month. I don't know what it's like to leave a country, but I can imagine it's a difficult decision, but fruitful at the end of the day. good luck!
  19. With all due respect, your post is all over the place and hard to understand. I know for me, I find it difficult to write when I am upset/crying, so maybe collect your thoughts some more and try to write another post? We're happy to help, but we'll need some clarity on your situation. Thanks
  20. Sounds like your high school girl brings something to the table that your current girlfriend doesn't. Monogamy feelings must align so perhaps you feel like you are "settling" for your current girlfriend. At 26, are you getting the "time to settle down vibe" yet? If so, you are going to have to dig deep to see if you can leave past feelings in the past and move forward with your current girlfriend. If the arguing and not getting along is beyond normal relationship bickering standards, might have to move on to someone else....and this doesn't mean falling back into the arms of your high school girlfriend. Someone new entirely. Good luck
  21. I think you did the right thing showing sexual restraint considering you only met 3 weeks ago. You have to really be careful of green lights and yellow lights at this stage. Do you think you are both interested in more than a hookup? Either way, keep things light and fun. Maybe things will progress sexually if you both want that, if not dial back and get to know each other first
  22. Good you got it off your chest....keeping feelings inside is detrimental to our health and compounds the anxiety. Thank you for sharing your story, which is heartbreaking. Please make the decision to see a qualified therapist with this sort of trauma. If you don't like the first therapist, try another until you find a good fit. In the meetings, be fully open and let yourself be vulnerable. That is where progress lies in therapy. Hugs
  23. THIS! ^^ Very good advice. I sold my original house and my wife kept her old house and rented it and we bought a new home together. Selling my house is my biggest financial regret, that decision lost me about $500,000 because of real estate appreciation of 10 years. But we're still together, and if things go South, she can still move back into her original house šŸ˜‰
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