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Everything posted by single30

  1. Wanting to lose one's vigintity does not require losing one's integrity. She needs to wait for someone who makes her feel safe. Not cheap. Know anyone who has AIDS? I do? Know anyone who has had an STD? I do. Enough said.
  2. for your response. I really appreciate it. I don't know that my husband thinks we are "dating" per say. And he stated that he doesn't think that we should "make Love" again. I dont' want to pressure him, but I feel like I need to do something drastic. I'm afraid to lose him. I have hurt him so much that I think it is easier for him to shut me out.
  3. I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Things seem so much harder when you are younger. I can say this. He is not worth it. To walk downstairs and try the same thing on your friend is lame. Whether you "let" him do it or not. Spend some extra time with your friends...do some fun things for yourself. There will be someone else. I promise. Someonw who cares.
  4. My father died from alcoholism. My advice? Find out if you can have him court ordered into rehab. He does need help, he sounds sick. Not sure on what your state allows. Good luck.
  5. My advice? Move on. Stay friends, but move on. If he likes you he will come around and let you know. If he doesn't, then at least you would have moved on with your life. He may have been trying to protect you from feeling badly. : ) Good luck.
  6. This is my first time on here. I'm 30 years old. Have been "with" my husband for over a decade, yesterday was our 3 year anniversary and he wants a divorce. Understandably so. Our marriage was rocky at first, and I relied heavily on a good friend, who then became my lover. First time ever in our relationship. My husband and I have been separated for over a year... and are still very kind to one another. We made love last week, we are seeing eachother this weekend. We are going to therapy for "closure"...but I think there might be some hope.... but I don't want to force him. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm a good person, not prone to cheating...I think we still hae a chance. He hasn't filed yet, and I want to make the most of this time. Thank you for any advice.
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