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  1. I need some ideas to get me modivated to get back into school. I've graded but want to take my nursing or speech therapy or pych. I want to go back to school so bad. moenys not an issue its jsut that I'm so scared of failing and doign somthing wrong that I cant get my self to go back to school. I need some tips on getting over my fear of classes and failing. And some ideas to get my modivated. Sorry if theres some spelling mistakes. I cant spell very well and have trouble learnign I learn slow. Is there any one out there with the same troubles who could give me some pointers. thanks so much for your time.
  2. hey I know its a scary situation, my really good guy friend and my best friend jsut had there baby. HE was horrable to her at first but then he changeed his whole life around. He works at a mill he only has high school ed they have a nice place and things worked out great for them. Her parents were upset and mad at her till the baby was born but who can reject a baby when there so cute. Everythign for them worked out in the long run. Just give it a real thought.
  3. OK hun If your only 13 thats a lil young to lose your v-card. I lost mine at 18 only becuase I didnt feel ready before. Also depends on where u live but all states and in Canada 13 is considered rape. before the legal consent AGE for sex. In B.C its 16, and if your dating a guy older then 15 and your 13 he can get charged with rape no mattter what. I think you should know 15 is a good age i think. But Dont let me tell u what to do. If you feel ready to have sex and as long as u dont slut it up or if u do dont mind getting called names then do whatever u think is right for you. Sorry if I sound rude but my lil brother lost his at 14 and got his 13yearold gf knocked up. So I'm against it so young. But good luck at whatever u chose to do. Also what did u mean u still think you have your v-card. well write me back
  4. HEy I'm not sure what u should do either but man its sounds like the gurls scared for one yea but also on a power trip of somesorce trying to control u when she wants u not really understanding or caring about your feelings.
  5. HEy I know what u went though and what your going though.I was abusied in every form from age 9 to 16 when the law finallyl took me out after i suffered a broken jaw form being hit with a phone. The pain and memories takea while to go away. i still am afrid of my step dad who did this all to me and the law never really thought it was him. I have gone to councleers and they haev helped to forget and move on even though I still haev nightmares, My bf of right now is very upset and wont even meet my step dad. i still cry myself to sleep somtimes but other then that i've gotten better,. But if u ever need to talk feel free to write me 8) 8)
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