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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. This is a simple story of cheating and trusting which i am almost sure all of you have dealt with at one time or another. My girlfriend who i have been with for about a year and sixth months cheated on me in the first sixth months. Also at the beginning of our relationship I was so nice to her and treated her as if she were royalty, while I was yet not given the same respect. Also again a little of base, she has what you would say an undignified past. What I mean is she was a partier (Which I despise) who had many experiences. When she cheated on me she was away at a function. I suspected something while she was away and asked her repeatedly when she retearned. Very casually replying no for 4 months then coming clean she did cheat on me and said the reason she lied is becuase she knew that I would break up with her. I told her what she would have to do then, which was absolutely nothing what I mean is I made her call me she couldnt talk to anyone or do anything I had more survalence over her than an airport. I also slit the throat of the innocent and nice person I use to be. I am very stern with her now and she still complies with my very socialistic criteria, which she thinks is a method of gaining my trust. At the beginning of the relationship she lied a lot an after all of the things I have gone through with her about her cheating and her past I am rethinking our status as boyfriend and girlfriend. I would just like some advice as to what I should consider. Thank you for your time, Ryan
  2. Ok, I was in a relationship with a wonderful girl whom I loved with all of my heart, and I also know that she loved me very much. We had the best relationship that was better than any relationship we both had. Well recently I found out that she kissed another guy while she was out of town. It bothers me so much that did that becuase I was in the same situation before that and I turned the girl down. The reason I did was becuase I loved her so much and I had so much respect for her that I would never do anything to hurt her. It hurts me a lot that she would have no consideration of my feelings. I broke up with her a few days ago and she completey broke down and I think she likes me more than she did before but at that time our relationship was wonderful. She also lied to me everytime I asked her if she did anything while she was out of time in march. She lied to me for 4 months. A few days after we broke up we were talking becuase we both have very strong feeling for each other and she says that she will never hurt me again and be very close and dedicated. I still feel like I should not be with her just becuase she hurt me really bad. I love her with all of my heart but I feel like I just can't be with her. So i am asking you for your advice because i can trust you guys for your opinion, thanks Ryan G.
  3. This girl and I have been dating for about 11 months and I love her very much, and I know she loves me. But just recently I found out that she kissed another guy while she was out of town. I have given her my heart as well as my faithfulness in the relationship and I feel that she broke my heart by cheating on me and then she said kissing that guy made me realize how much I really love you. I asked her that right before she kissed him if she thought to herself Im doing this for Ryan(me). I still love her with all my heart and I know that she still loves me. I broke up with her tonight and she lost it she went histarical she couldn't breathe and that tells me she loves me but I just can't deal with the fact she kissed another guy but I still love her and I feel if we get back together that issue will be a big problem please help. Thanks a lot, Ryan
  4. Ryan

    I am but she's not

    im also 17 and I am in the same relationship you are. I have never even kissed a girl before my girlfriend who was wild and done so many things with other guys. All I do is think about the stuff she has done and I always bring it up and it is slowly deteriorating our relatioship. I feel the same way that I can't enjoy what I experience with her because she has experienced it with someone else and I have not. I also have not figured out what to do becuase I do love her but I don't think that I will ever get over her past. She also flirts a whole lot and is really nice to every guy she meets, which sort of irratates me. I feel for you though because I know exactly what your feeling. It feels like she cheated on you but she really hasnt she only experienced things with other guys..well thats how I feel at least and I have no Idea what to do about it if anyone has any input on our problems please help sorry I can't give any more help.
  5. Alright im 17 and my girlfriend is 17 as well. Before me my girlfriend was very wild like drinking with people in their 20's and doing stuff with them and not even knowing them. She has a huge history of stuff like this and I happen to have an empty past because I have always felt that I need to keep a high standard of integrity for myself and the person I eventually meet and I felt that they would do the same which means not wild and have a significantly small past and I just can't stop thinking about the stuff that happened in her past and bringing it up. Even though she has given all that up she still deep down has that wild side which I feel that I cannot deal with. We both have said we love each other which we very much do. Knowing that I am 17 and this is my first relationship of 10 months I don't know if I am over reacting or that how I feel a person should be until they find the one that they love. I would like to be with this girl but her past I don't think that I will ever be able to let go of. Also keep in mind that this is my first relationshiop and I am very young. I feel if I break up with her that I will regret it. She has been in many relationships and kissed many guys and that makes me feel like a am just another person in that on going trend and when I kiss her I always think of her past. Please help me and reply so I can find some closure please I have not been feeling very well because of all this for the past few weeks. thanks Ryan
  6. If this girl really loved do you think that she would cheat on you that many times? I would definetly end the relationship just because another guy had sex with her while she was with you!
  7. Me and my gf have been together for about 9 months. She use to be really wild before we were together and I don't care for that at all because i havn't done anything in the past. Recently she went on a trip for about a week and at the beginning of the week I could tell that we were very close and towards the end she was drifting away. All she would talk about was the guys that she met there and there was a dance at the end of the week. I know how she danced with those guys how they were all over each other and I don't care for that at all and I tell her that and she says im way out of context but I know that I would not dance like that if I was in that position because I don't feel that it is appropriate. She is also very flirtatious and I have trouble trusting her just for that reason please give me some advise on how I should handle this! thanks a lot!
  8. Alright, I have been dating this girl for about 8 months. We have become very close, and been very intimate. We have started to say that we love one another, which im a little skeptical about. In the beginning of our relationship she was very distant and flirtted a lot (to the point of hurting me, and don't ask me why I didn't break up with her). I am somewhat innocent when it comes to being wild and relationships. My girlfriend in her past was very wild (partying, fooling around etc.). Unfortunately I have heard a lot of stories about her from people about that stuff and now I have to live with knowing exactly what she has done. I feel like I have not experienced enough things in my life like going out with friends and having fun like that. Now that she is in my life we don't go out and I have lost all of my friends because of her ( time consuming). She doesn't understand the way I feel and I need some advise on what I should do. I really want to have fun and go out, but I don't think I want to settle down in a relationship like this yet. I really like her and If I break up with her I think I will regret it later on down the road please give me some advise about my problem. thanks a lot for your time Ryan G.
  9. Maybe she is just considering you a friend. She doesn't feel that you and her should be partners, but could be good friends. If this is the case then evaluate the situation, make sure you don't have feelings for her and she doesn't have feelings for you.
  10. Alright here we go.....I have been dating this girl for a while and everything is going great. At the beginning of our relationship she was very distant, while I was very close to her. That made me very skeptical about our future together. She also flirts a lot and I have asked her to stop many times and she says that she will but she never tries. She has a very notorious past which include drugs, alcohol, and lets say lots of experience. When were together we always have a lot of fun and enjoy being with each other, but recently i have just been thinking of all those negative things and it seems to me that those outweight the positives. I just think its hard for me to get close to her because I know that she didnt like me as much as I liked her at the beginning of the relationship, which makes me wonder if she even likes me as much now. Lately when im with her I can't stop thinking about all the things she has done in her past and feel like I can't trust her or that I am losing respect for her. I have always had a lot of respect for her and never cursed around her or treated people badly, while she is the opposite and makes me feel like she doesn't have the same amount of respect for me, but mabye thats just how I am. Even though I am evaluating our relationship which insn't good I still treat her the best I can and will always have a place for her in my heart no matter what happens. When She says I "love" you I repeat her but I dont know if I mean it or not. I would just like to know how I can tell if I truly love her enough to forget her past and create a future with her. thanks, Ryan
  11. ok here we go. I really like my girlfriend but i am very flustered at this particular moment in our relationship. See, my girlfriend has an undignified past, while I have what you would call a very innocent past. I know pretty much everything she has done before, and I can't stop thinking about it. Im having trouble getting close to her without thinking of all those things she has done. I have tried talking with her about it but all it does is make things worse, because she will ask me why I hold it against her and many other vague suggestions. Please give me your advice because I really love her, and at the begging of our relationship i gave her my heart while she was very distant. Being one of my first relationships I wasnt reletless enough to break it off. After a while she started being more affectionate. I have given her everything that i have to offer but sometimes I will hurt from how she was at the begging of the relationship. I would just appreciate some advice on how I should handle this situation. thanks a lot, Ryan thanks, Ryan
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