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Everything posted by heatheRmal

  1. My boyfriend is like.. Wel I don't know how tall he is. But he's tall. And I'm only 5'0" A girl he dated before is only about 5'1", 5'2" I'm not sure if he cares about height, but I hate being short XD " But then again some of these girls end up gaining a lot of weight when their metabolism slows down. So I guess that's an advantage of being taller." DAMN YOU! Haha, i'll totally trade someday. I'd love to be AT LEAST 5'4"
  2. im glad youre here we barely hang out anymore which is EXTREMELY LAME but yeah as for this, me and him are good now. he's off.. er.. tokin up, for lack of a better word XD ahaha and he may stop by like he usually does
  3. Thank you Most people my age get so confused when I talk.. I'm so glad there's this forum where I can use words with more than four syllables and not get a response like "0mgz, wur lyk.. not in sk00l man u kn t0k normal" Which fules my hatred towards people in general, ahaha.
  4. Well, no that wouldn't exactally entitle you to it, but I believe that if you beielive it is the right thing to do, that you have the right to do it. Not telling you to kill me or anything O_o But if you had a good reason, and strongly believed it was for the good of the world, than I, even though being a vegitarian myself, would stand by your right to do so.
  5. Hahahaha. I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh at that. But this situation is quite different, seeing as I don't have a hatred towards the handicapped.
  6. I never meant to say that I was born that way. I know that is what I said, but I didn't mean to. What I meant was I was raised that way. Not by my parents, becasue my parents are totally not racist. My vegitarianism isn't changing much. It may save a few cows in my lifetime, but if I was a meat eater, the population of cows that are killed in my lifetime wouldn't inscrease by a significant amount. I'm sorry, but I still find it hard to believe that today one person alone could change the world. Homobphobes, and other discriminative people, prettymuch have the same views as me, just towards something different. I can understand why some homophobes are the way they are. Be it religion, personal experience, or just pure hatred towards same-sex relationships. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not here to change my views. Like I said 543543543 times before, this was a vent. Everyone needs to vent once in a while, right? Mine just ended up turning into an 11 page thread.
  7. Yes, I'm in highschool. Sometimes theres racial tension, but not very much. There's alot of jokes about race, but they're never really serious about it. Actually, I can't really recall any racial tension that I've seen in my highschool so far.. PS: I tried Wikipedia.. I probably know what socialism is, just not the name for it. I'm pretty much half asleep from boredom right now, so nothing is completely registering in my brain, haha. Which is also why I'm not responding as much in this thread.
  8. Eh, probably. Then again, just because theres some things I don't know about the subject, weather they're little or big things, doesn't mean I can't side with it. Even if I had no clue who Hitler was, I still would be a racist today.
  9. I'm not gonna lie, Scout, I'm not completely sure about the definition of socialism. If I could find a definition of it that made sense in my feeble mind, I could answer you on that one sorry. Itsallgrand My semi-similar views with Anarchists is that I believe in chaos, no government in the country I chose to live in. But in my case I'd rather there be some rules, and they apply to people not of that country. Like if I was 100% Canadian, and someone else with me was from another country, I would have the upper hand in everything. So kind of like.. Anarchy for whites? I don't know. it's probably nothing to do with Anarchy, I'm just relating it to it because of what I've been told anarchy was.
  10. This is the only forum-site I go on, hence the reason I posted here. I'm not ashamed of my beleifs, if the topic ever arises among peers, I will state my opinion.
  11. That's why I added the "kind of". I'm not an anarchist, I just believe in some of their views.
  12. I saw that movie. One of my favorites, actually. I'd also like to add, to the person saying I'm self-involved, blah blah blah.. I posted this as a vent. Case closed. I'm being repretative because I'm slowly getting tired of people asking the same questions in dfferent context. I'm becoming bored of this topic, because I got it off my chest and now don't really care if my responses satisfy you on this thread. I posted this to get it off my chest. I'm a racist. No matter what the reason, my background, my knowledge of Hitler, or any of that, I still am a racist.
  13. Daligal: I believe women are still sort of inferior because of what happened in the past, yes. Even though I am female, I still believe men are still kind of above me in society. southerngirl What I believe to be white is what I've been exposed to. Obviously, theres the skin color part of it, but it's also their attitude towards things such as music, politics, and all of that other stuff. As for what Hitler stood for, he wanted to prove that Germany was superior to other European countries. He believed that Jews were the reason for all evil in the world, and also the reason Germany was defeated in the war. He also identified certain forms of socialism and especially bolshevism as Jewish movements, mixing his anti-Semitism with anti-Marxism. He found culteral diversity as a conpiracy by the jews.. Wow I'm way too lazy for this. Sorry.
  14. Everything is much more media influenced these days isn't it? I mean, to my knowledge it is. These days, I don't think I can see one thing that isn't media based. Hitler was known for a reason. The people that kids my age worship these days is thin, beautiful, pop stars and all that. The people of today are most known for their entertainment values. Atleast the person I idolize had a cause, and made a change, rather than just a dusty Oscar in their multi-billion dollar mansion.
  15. Yeah but people only know of Paris Hilton because of the media, and how big it is these days.
  16. I respect others for voicing their opinions, too. I don't agree with them for the most part, but I do respect them for standing up for what they believe in. [Which is just the same as I'm doing.]
  17. I wouldn't hurt one of my co-workers, or costomers, because of their race. I know the boss probably wouldn't believe me, but then again, the work I want to be in is Fashion Design or Photography. Look at Tommy Hillfigure. Wasn't he a racist? If so, look how big he got. As for CarnelianButterfly. I'm aware of all this. I'm not that idiotic. I know not everything has to do with white people, or white power. But where I live, the majoraty of it does. I said before, most of my beleifs are based on where I'm from.
  18. True enough. Eh, in my case, seeing as I'm athiest, the Jesus part doesn't appeal to me. Other than that, yes these were all famous people of history of other races, but from what I know about them, they havn't really influenced my life at all. Not to my knowledge, anyways. But in my naive, twisted mind, Hitler was one of the greatest leaders of all time. Although I don't completely approve of murdering the children, I still believe in what he stood for. Also. If you went up to someone on the streets and mentioned Ghandi, and Hitler, don't you think they'd know alot more about Hitler, than they would about Ghandi, or Hanibal, or Saladin? Or maybe that's just me. I don't know.
  19. Maybe so, but for the time being I'm happy at where my beleifs are. I rarely think about the future, other than school, and just go with my feelings that I have at the moment, not what may benefit me later on in life.
  20. Well said. Kudos on that. But I still believe that white people were extremely powerful, and that maybe some day we can be again. I'd love for it to be in my lifetime, but I highly doubt that's going to happen. Sorry my answers are getting rather dull, I'm pretty much just repeating everything anyways, because the same things are coming up. And I'm also not in a very creative mood to elaborate on how I feel at the moment
  21. southerngirl I actually agree with you. Not all of what parents do is right. My parents in this case aren't the same as me. How I was "raised" was that I grew up around kids always talking about race. Most weren't racist, but me and a few others were. I don't know why the topic ever came up, but it always seemed to as I was growing up. DN You know more than I do in this kind of thing, but we both have different views on the subject, and none of these posts, [yours and other peoples], will change my views on the subject. You do have a compelling story, but I still stand for what I believe.
  22. I just read all of the reicent replies. I may not answer everything that was said here, because there was alot of replies since I got back from school, so I'll just reply to what I remember reading. Someone said that I may be doing this for attention. I assure you, this is in no way a means for attention. I posted this solely to get it off my chest, so atleast someone, other than my two friends I mentioned before, would know. Not sure why, but I guess it's like, if you were gay, you'd want people to know, right? It wouldn't be for the attention, it'd be just for the afct of someone knowing. I'd like to get another thing straight. I'm aware of the holocaust, and all the other things that have happened due to Hitler and racism itself. Any further investigation would lead to deeper hatred towards other races. Before I looked up things about Hitler and the war and all of that, I was still racist, but I was more open minded about it. In this particular day and age, one person cannot change the world. In my opinion, anyways. The fact that I'm a vegitarian didn't stop the war on animal rights. The fact that I'm a racist didn't start WWIII. That's what I mean by changing the world. I know, I may change someones life because of my views on things, but I, myself, cannot change the world. "When push came to shove, Hitler crapped his pants and 'ran away'. Some hero, eh." Look how long he stuck it out for. Everyone's got to admit defeat sooner or later. Weather it be internally, or externally. He decided his time was up. Maybe he thought that if he killed himself, the war would grow stronger because they would avenge his death. "I'm just wondering what you would do if you had to work with a bunch of people that were a different color than you." I either wouldn't work there, or I'd suck it up and probably just ignore everyone. Or, you never know, maybe it would open my eyes to newer things and I'd become friends with some of them. But as of not, that situation doesn't apply to me, so I don't really think of it. "Actually, when it comes to Hitler, I am 100% sure that what he did in the holocaust was pure evil. How convenient for you that none of your family or friends were killed." I'm sorry if anyone in your family was killed due to Hitler. Maybe it is that I've never been exposed to a loved one dying, but as of right now, I don't really care why my views are this way, I just care that they are this way. "Hitler was an extremely powerful man, but do you really think that it was the color of his skin, solely, that did that for him? Or the fact that he was a charismatic leader who happened to be white?" Do you really think any of this would have happened if he were black, or asian, or another race, at that point in time in history? "However you must move away from thinking that just because something happened before in history, it is in some way sanctioned as right?" Personally, yes, pretty much. in this case, anyways. It's not solely the fact that it happened before, it's also the fact that it continued to happen all around the world, and is still happening, and will forever be part of our lives. Again, I'll say this. This post was not meant for attention. I needed a place to vent, as I posted in the original post, and I felt that here, of all places, would be somewhere to do so. I wanted to hear other peoples opinons on the matter, but in no way did I post this just for the attention. I actually thought this would get about 2 or 3 replys and then get deleted by the mod or something.
  23. Well, I sort of believe in anarchy in a way. So doing what you want because of what you believe in is my views on that kind of thing. I have to go to school.. I'll elaborate more afterwards XD
  24. I know he killed children, I know about the holocaust museums, I know about all that. That's just one of the things I kind of disagree about Hitler. You can't COMPLETELY, 100% agree with someone else's views. There's always going to be atleast one small, or maybe big, detail that you think a bit differently about.
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