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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Uncertain of the Future: Conflict and Decision-Making on Career and Relationships

    The prospect of life-altering decisions can be daunting and overwhelming. For some, these decisions may cause a person to experience distress and confusion when trying to determine the best course of action. This is especially true when it comes to choosing between one's career and relationships.

    One example of this is when a sailor must consider leaving the Navy to support their partner who is about to become a soldier. Such an undertaking could require a drastic transformation in lifestyle that could potentially leave the sailor feeling uncertain about their future and the impact of their decisions on their relationship. Not only this, but there can be a great deal of stress and anxiety that come with these decisions as they are pivotal points in a person's life.

    Fortunately, those feeling conflicted about their career and relationship choices do not have to go through this process alone. Seeking advice and support from family, friends, professionals, or even online communities can be invaluable in navigating the situation. Additionally, utilizing resources such as self-reflection can additionally be beneficial to gain clarity on oneself and what will lead to the best outcome for themselves and their relationship.

    Simple changes that can have a lasting positive effect may include taking breaks throughout the day to practice mindfulness, focusing on ways to relax and reduce tension, maintaining communication between both partners and expressing appreciation for one another, and developing self-care strategies such as regular exercise and healthy digestion. More involved conversations with a professional consulted to understand how to successfully manage the change are also beneficial to discuss any thoughts or emotions that arise.

    Furthermore, having the support of one’s community can be the best source of comfort while making difficult decisions. These individuals can provide validation and empathy while providing input on how to move forward. Removal from one’s familiar environment and being inspired by new possibilities and perspectives found within a supportive circle can also encourage individuals to find the courage to take risks and make decisions empowered by their own personal truth.

    It is important to remember that whatever path one chooses to take, their feelings matter. It is normal to feel uncertain and even scared, however, it is essential to recognize the strength of character it takes to make tough yet necessary choices in order to find peace and security in the long run. Through self-reliance, faith and honesty, anyone in this position can create a holistic life for themselves and maintain their relationship along the way.

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