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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Learning to Love Again: Moving On After Being Thrown Away by Someone Special

    Life is full of disappointments. At some point, we all have experienced someone special who hurt us deeply. Whether it was a wanton act of betrayal, the end of a beautiful relationship, or a unreciprocated love - being thrown away by someone you care about can be one of the most difficult experiences we go through.

    Those emotions can be overwhelming, leading us to feel a mix of both sadness and anger as well as confusion and loneliness. But no matter how hard it may be in that moment, it won't last forever. We mustn't remain stuck in that place, or else it might even paralyze us from feeling happy again. You must find a way to rise above and rediscover your capacity for love.

    The first step is recognizing that although this person has rejected you, their opinion of you does not define who you are. Don't waste time reliving unfortunate memories, constantly asking "what if" and trying to make sense of it all. These will only take you further away from the potential of real healing. Instead, allow yourself space an opportunity to recognize and accept that pain as a sign of strength and growth.

    It's essential to remember that while the experience of separation can be painful, it doesn't mean the end to such feelings altogether. By allowing the pain and suffering of this situation to shape your future, you are opening yourself to some of the best possibilities out there. It is important to remind yourself that you were brave enough to open yourself up to those possibilities, and that its never too late to do so again.

    Put your needs at the very top of your priority list. Dedicate some time each day to pamper yourself, reconnect with old hobbies, or even gain new experiences. Embrace moments of solace and peacefulness, whether they're spent journaling, listening to music, meditating, exercising, or laughing with friends. Take advantage of life's luxuries and treat yourself when possible; this is your reminder to never take yourself for granted.

    Always remain open to chances of meeting more people and going on new adventures. Don't be afraid to take risks, try something different, and discover new sides of yourself. When you let those walls down and make those genuine connections with people, you create new meaning in your life. Whenever you meet somebody who makes you smile and laugh, their presence has the power to eventually bring you back to the potential of loving again.

    Just remember - love is worth fighting for, but not if it comes at the cost of our well-being. Accept your situations for what they are, and move on with your head held high. We must learn to trust ourselves enough to pursue what makes us fulfilled and genuinely happy, regardless of any fear we may have.

    Learning to love again after being thrown away by someone you care about isn't easy - but it's possible. The most important step of all is recognizing that you have the courage within yourself to take control of your happiness, and that you are never alone.

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