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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Getting Over Her - How to Move On From a Bad Breakup

    How do you get over her? A bad breakup can lead to a whole host of emotions; heartache, disappointment, and loneliness can seem overwhelming and make you feel like you will never be able to move on. But however difficult it may seem, know that you can get through this and heal eventually.

    The pain of the breakup is real and valid, no corner should be cut when it comes to acknowledging and feeling your feelings. It’s important to take however time you need to grieve and process, without rushing yourself or bypassing an essential step in your healing process. Bad days are inevitable, but it’s important to remember that no matter how tough things may seem, time does help dull the sting of the hurt, so keep persevering.

    A great way to start the journey of getting over her is to face the reality of the situation head-on. This can be a long process, so it’s important to be kind to yourself during this process. Remember, the clichéd saying rings true; you must first heal yourself before you can take on healing anyone else. Spend quality time alone, whether reading or engaging in your favorite activities.

    In addition to spendig time alone, reach out to supportive friends or family members. You don’t have to go through this alone, there are people whom can be a comforting presence in your life and provide some much needed insight. They can be a source of wisdom and help in understanding why things didn’t work out, and will be able to advise you on the potential paths you could take.

    If the hurt is too great to bear and talking to friends or family isn’t enough, professional counselling could be an option for you. A good counsellor offers an impartial and confidential setting for you to express your emotions and tackle the painful aspects of the breakup with more control and accuracy.

    Looking after your physical and emotional wellness is essential during this time. Understand that you have a responsibility to yourself to take care of your basic needs - food, sleep, exercise and relaxation. Allowing yourself to take days off and unplugging from he world or even avoid media when possible is a great way to slowdown and press pause.

    The period following a breakup can be full of mixed emotions; sadness, anger and hurt, but there is the possibility that things will get better. Don’t forget, you can still seek happiness and put yourself out there again. It takes time and a lot of self-love and introspection, but learning how to love ourselves again and how to trust other people is key to our emotional well-being. Once you are ready, open your heart and mind to the possibility of new love and new connections. After all, the bravest thing we can ever do is stand up and start again.

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