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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Exploring the Uncharted Territory of Friendship to Romantic Feelings

    We’ve all heard the phrase “more than friends” when it comes to relationships, but what does that actually mean? Is there a way to tell if you’re more than just friends with someone? It can be very difficult to figure out whether your close friendship has the potential to bloom into something romantic. After all, friendships are often the foundation of any successful relationship. To that end, we’ve decided to explore the uncharted territory of a close friendship and the possibility of romantic feelings taking root.

    One of the first signs that your friendship might be more than platonic is if the two of you spend an incredible amount of time together. When two people are just friends, they usually don’t plan lots of activities or hangouts. But if you find that you’re always spending time with each other, that could be a sign that something special is there. You might go for dinners or watch movies, play board games or take walks together – whatever it is, devoting a good amount of quality time towards each other indicates a higher level of connection beyond a casual friendship.

    Another sign that you may have feelings for each other is if you find yourselves talking about serious topics or life goals. When we feel comfortable around someone, those deeper conversations tend to come about naturally. Specifically, if the two of you brainstorm or inspire each other on future projects and plans, perhaps it is indicative of something more than just friendship. Or, if you find yourselves being much more candid than usual and share things that you don’t tell other people, that could be an indication of a reciprocal relationship between the two of you.

    A third sign to look out for is if you two show quick bursts of enthusiasm around each other. We all know what it’s like to be truly excited around someone, perhaps even feeling butterflies in our stomachs! If you find yourself feeling this way when you’re with your friend, it’s possible that you have potential romantic feelings for them.

    It’s also important to keep an eye out for unexpressed body language and non-verbal cues. Often, we forget to pay attention to physical subtlety, but it can be a good indicator as to whether feelings are mutual or one-sided. For instance, if your friend’s posture is always open and inviting whenever you’re around them (as opposed to being closed off and guarded) that could be an indication that you both feel something for each other on a subconscious level.

    Finally, a last sign that your friendship may have the potential to be something more is if you both go out of your way to comfort, protect, respect, and support each other. Beyond the average limits of a friendship, if you find yourself wanting to go the extra mile for your pal, then that could mean that your relationship has deeper levels of chemistry.

    It’s not easy to parse out friendships with deeper emotional implications, particularly since the transition between working on individual aspirations to focusing on connecting with one another can be confusing. On top of this, friendships bear many more risks than romantic relationships because of their longevity and history – approaching a person who you already have a close bond with can be harder than tearing down the walls in a new relationship. We hope our exploration into “more than just a friends” helps guide you as you navigate through this unique relationship scenario, and wish you all the luck as you go forward!

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