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  • kamurj

    4 Common Behaviors That Kill Relationships

    When it comes to long-term, successful relationships, it is often beneficial for both parties to be aware of what common behaviors kill relationships. While it might seem simple to maintain a healthy relationship, couples should always be wary of these underhanded tactics that can have lasting damage to their bond. If a person has noticed an unhealthy pattern emerging in any of their romantic relationships, identifying and changing the behaviors discussed below can help break the cycle and further foster the connection.

    1. Unresolved Conflict: Conflict is an unavoidable part of all relationships, but oftentimes, couples fail to properly deal with their issues. However, this lack of information can lead to a backlog of unresolved issues and strained emotions, creating a deeply toxic environment that can be difficult to escape from.

    In order to prevent this behavior, it is important to strive for constructive communication when discussing problems or disagreements. Even if emotions are running high, never lash out in anger, and instead allow yourself time to cool off before continuing the discussion. Also, avoid playing the blame game and focus on finding a specific solution to the issue.

    2. Lack Of Intimacy: Intimacy is the glue that keeps relationships together and when the spark fades, so too can the emotional connection between two people. Intimacy between partners might include physical activities, emotional support, psychological connection, and intellectual understanding.

    To reintroduce this vital quality back into your relationship, prioritize time for quality moments with your partner such as talking, cuddling, or engaging in a mutual activity that you both enjoy. Additionally, communicate your desires and thoughts to each other, especially during times when it feels like the gap between you is growing.

    3. Ignoring Boundaries: While it is important for couples to demonstrate love and consideration for each other, it is also necessary to cultivate self-awareness and learn how to respect one another’s boundaries. It might sound simple, but many relationships are destroyed when partners fail to understand and respect boundaries. Without clear lines in place, one party can feel entitled to “take over” decisions, controlling the other in a way that makes them feel disrespected.

    To help avoid this behavior, it is important to remember that healthy relationships require reciprocity and cooperation. Open communication about wants and needs is imperative for setting limits and keep both parties involved in the negotiation process.

    4. Jealousy: Jealousy can be present in even small amounts within relationships, acting as a warning system to pay extra attention to the relationship. However, left unchecked, jealousy can become a major relationship killer. This is because it expresses a lack of trust within the connection and can lead to arguments or heated debates.

    One way to reduce jealous feelings is to ensure that you are caring for yourself emotionally and psychologically. When a partner is confident and secure in themselves, they are better equipped to communicate openly and honestly with their partner and support their identity as an individual. In addition, couples should strive to discuss any underlying issues or insecurities that arise, with both parties having a chance to voice their feelings.

    By actively being aware of the 4 common behaviors that can kill relationships, couples who strive for a lasting bond will have more success in navigating the inevitable challenges that come. Remember that communication is key – by openly expressing your thoughts, feelings and desires, you will not only build trust with your partner but also have a better chance of developing a secure, loving relationship that can last for years to come.

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