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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Confused, Need Help? Unlock Your Inner Strength

    When we get stuck in life and feel ourselves grow confused and besieged by a situation, there may be only one way out. We must call within ourselves for courage and strength and search for answers that dwell within our very beings. It can be overwhelming to search and to find within the long depths of our own emotions.

    When we are swimming in a sea of doubt and confusion, and disorientation, it may seem like no one is near us that can assist us on our journey. It can be difficult and lonely. Yet, help does not necessarily have to come from outside ourselves. By seeking within, we can discover guidance and comfort.

    There is an unlimited resource within each of us – wisdom and intuition that we can draw on if we care to look. But just as the waters of the sea often appear too deep and dark to contemplate, so do our innermost thoughts and feelings appear inscrutable at times. It can be unnerving.

    At times, all of us run straight into a wall and become blind in our attempts to sort out the debris of our lives. We might be unclear whether to enter a new relationship, take a new job that appears to be offer more money and stability, or steer around difficult family issues. What should be done?

    The best advice is to pause and catch our breath. By taking a moment to simply settle into a quiet mindfulness, we can alleviate some of the stress and tension of the overlaying tasks and questions and turn inward. Here, we can answer even the most perplexing questions: Remain with the person you are with, leave the uncertain job offer, or attempt to build bridges between estranged family members.

    Instead of looking outward and relying on others, try looking within and touch on your inner sparks of wisdom. This way, you will recognize your insights and feelings as valuable. And rather than relying on someone else’s words, you can access your own personal truths.

    These questions can be posed to the depths of your consciousness. Can I stay in the current relationship? Is the job offer fair? Can the family be reunited? The answers may appear gradually, gently and silently, but diligently searching within these portals can foster greater understanding and meaningful resolutions.

    The answers may not always appear immediately and could require trial and error as you check in with yourself repeatedly. By cultivating a mindful stance, we can open up to them in due time. More importantly, we may treat ourselves with gentleness and faith.

    No matter how daunting and distressing the questions presented in life, when we remember to seek counsel within, we can transform difficulties into hope-filled directions and actions. For it is the serenity of the deep, inner fastness that allows us to detect a course of action that wil suit us best and ultimately see through the confusion. With this practice of self-exploration, the clarity and assurance we gain can provide the perfect remedy for doubt an confusion.

    Affirm to yourself that you can cope. You can make it through. Your inner strength will prevail.

    We owe it to ourselves to slay the bewilderment eventually and make positive strides toward a more balanced life. However, it is important for us to stay patient and encouraged as we embark on this intimate exploration and trust that we will uncover answers as time passes.

    Remember that life isn’t a single destination but rather a robust journey. When it brings troubles, its worth searching inside ourselves to discover the hidden paths towards a brighter destination. For when we reach within the hidden regions of our hearts, the wisdom and strength already present there can be boundless.

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