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itsallgrand last won the day on October 30 2020

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  1. I agree with the others. This doesn't pass the sniff test.
  2. My honest reaction? Hell no. Get the f out of here with bruising and hands around the throat etc. Not cool! People can like whatever they like consensually but this dude is an oaf and he's not paying attention to the other person in the room YOU. I don't like to hear that you are worried about him getting bored or fed up. It makes me worried for you that you are putting too much focus on pleasing him.
  3. I think we are thinking similarly Lootie! This man is a connector type personality. Might be a good way to have opportunities to meet others you might not otherwise get much of a chance to. I'm sorry for his rudeness but there might be a bigger opportunity here.
  4. Catfeeder said what I wanted to say but more eloquently. Exactly - people who go around saying things like "go kill yourself" to people don't have the capacity to make good choices on the regular. They are stuck at the level of a lot of children. Even a teen is expected to have grown past that level of emotional flailing for the most part.
  5. Good for you, yoga! I'm happy for you. I don't have practical advice to give because I don't know the particulars of health care in the states. BUT. Its so awesome to see someone like you pursuing your passion and bringing so much to healthcare. There's such a great need for empathetic and skilled people in the healthcare field.
  6. Yes. This is what he wants. It's fine if you don't want that. In fact, I'd highly suggest you NOT do that. But the writing is on the wall here. He's being clear. It's on you to decide what you want for the future and if this lines up with it. An engagement, a ring on the finger, isn't going to change that you do not want the same things.
  7. He might simply feel he is too young to want to make that commitment, or not ready. If you want the guy who is eager to marry and have kids and secure a home, he's not it. There's lots of men out there who will marry in no time flat in their mid 20s. There are lots of people too who aren't there at that time or who like to take many years before a marriage. You are just on different time lines. There doesn't have to be anything wrong. Not everyone is so strongly marriage motivated as you.
  8. 20 C. Around 68 F. 🙂 My grass is already green and floofy which is earlier than a lot of years. BBQ and fiddleheads already!
  9. I think that's a great balanced approach. No matter what you do, he will finds flaws at a certain age lol. Then come back around to seeing how there is no perfect parent, impossible.
  10. Guidance is so important. My mom was a wonderful nurturing person, but she just didn't know as far as the nuts and bolts of pursuing a career. She was incredibly lenient - self start or die lol. My SO grew up somewhat opposite. All the $$ and guidance, but felt like his parents were less warm and lean on the acceptance side. I don't envy parents the job. It's a very wide breadth of skills you need to bring to the table to do it right. And even then, people ultimately do what they want!
  11. She sucks! I remember when I trained to do fill in for 3 -yes, 3! - different jobs in rotation over a summer because someone went on mat and the place was insane lol, well I got handed a crappy photocopied hand written instruction booklet of what to do and go! Here she has you on hand and she's squandering it. She can say what she wants about how great she is but she obviously needs the job or she wouldn't have taken it. She's digging her own grave and I look forward to the update. Entertainment u guess? Practice for loose cannon salon customers!
  12. Yeah reading the past thread, he likes following and liking women on Instagram. She doesn't like that. But going by what she's written, she's super active on Instagram too. I don't think it's a jump that if she's posting as she's described and taking money transfers, she probably has guys like her bf following and liking her. They are two sides to that coin and feeding into each other negatively.
  13. I think it's unprofessional to be posting like that while at work. Text a friend or family if you are bored, watch videos, whatever. It comes off like soft soliciting to me. I think both you and bf have some inappropriateness when it comes to social media. He very obviously has a jealous streak and reading that past thread, double standards at play. But no you shouldn't be posting like that and accepting money. If he had come and brought snacks, drinks, whatever to thank you that's fine. Just my opinion.
  14. Might not even be a woman lol. Essentially, scammers?
  15. Made me recall a cousin of my mom's. She married an alcoholic, had many children with him. He decided he needed to clean up for his kids, and got sober. Good, right?! She left him, he stayed clean. She married another alcoholic. She is still bouncing from alcoholic man to drug addled man to this day. Some people only feel comfortable when those around them are hot messes. They can focus on all the ways the other is messed up, and not have to look at themselves. A healthy person would challenge their own unhealthy behaviors.
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