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Trying too hard???


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A girl told me that the reason why I've never had a girlfriend is because I try way too hard.... I'm confused? I'm just acting myself!

ANd they say I'm an * * * * * * * to them!!!! I make them cry at night!?????

This sucks! What should I do!!!! SHould I just NOT TALK to people???

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if you act desperate like you need a gf or else the world will collapse, then generally people will try to stay away from you lol. BUT if you act: confident, happy with yourself, have other interests besides just thinking about girls and getting a gf, have fun with your friends, and generally content with your life and not dependent on others to make it better, then you shouldn't have any problems whatsoever. if all you do is: talk about your girl problems and how ur not good enough to get a good, then i can see why people would complain. but in general, don't worry about it....if the above doesn't apply

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How do you interact with women in general? The reason why women would have such a low opinion of you is if they interpret you as being reactive, needy, or hostile. One of my close friends gets a lot of hostile reactions from women even though he is a really good guy. The problem is the fact that women interpret his joking around and storytelling as obnoxious humor and bragging.


The problem isn't the fact that you are trying too hard. Instead, you are doing something incorrectly that makes women feel uncomfortable. It could be your sense of humor, your body language etc. Just last week, I got a very hostile reaction from some women I talked to in a lounge because I was anxious and talking too fast. The women perceived me as a "comedian" who was trying to use "lines" on them. As a long-term solution, look at the guys who are successful with women. Watch at how they move, and what they talk about whenever they are around women. These men can say some wild, outrageous things toward women without offending them because they have social intelligence and the right body language.

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If you live in a small community and then go around asking girls why you are not successful with them then you will be digging your own grave. You will have automatically created a reputation for yourself of being unsuccessful with women before you've even tried and they will view you as a loser. IMO, it's best not to ask women such question. Act confident and believe that women like you.You will be surprised how many women will actually think that you are successful with women, even before you have approached them.

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