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Is it too soon?


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Last year 2nd September i gave birth to a baby girl who was born 28 weeks into my pregnancy (actualy due in November). I had no amniotic fluid left when i went 4 my regular check-up and had to have an immediate emergency ceasar. She managed two weeks and passed away after that. It was a terrible time of healing with my operation, mourning my baby. I felt really very cheated! You are left with this scar, milk is still leaking from your breasts, nursery is ready and you have nothing to hold.

Then i just found out that im pregnant again! Im very excited but more so very worried it might happen again. Then i keep thinking that maybe my op hasnt healed internally properly to carry thru this preg. Any advise? is it too soon? Should i be worried?

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I am so sorry for your loss. I can not imagine the pain, and words can not relate. But know this, that Im here for you accross the miles.


Congratulations on your new pregnancy!


I have had three Csections, and from what I understand the problem isnt carrying the baby, but you may have thicker scar tissue down there and wont be able to deliver naturally and will need another Csection.


But if everything goes well, a planned Csection is totally different. Its kinda cool. You make an appointment and keep it. They give you good pain meds and you dont have to go through labor.


Keep us updated OK? I would like to know what your doctor says about it.

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my doctor is on holiday and will be back 20 march so im seeing her then.I cant see another doctor bc she knows my history so she needs to monitor it from then. I'll keep you updated and let you know what she has to say about this one! Thanks 4 the advise both of you. LOL

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I'm very sorry this happened the first time through. I think we're all hoping very much this won't happen again and you'll have a normal pregnancy.


Did your doctor tell you not to become pregnant again? Generally in this type of situation you will have been told up front not to have another child at that time. If this isn't the case, then your doc will likely think it's okay.


If the operation you're referring to is the C section then I think you will likely be okay. Of course though as others have pointed out, please check with your doctor!


With every new conception you grow a new placenta (it takes several weeks to form) so the newly conceived baby is in a whole new environment. Your uterus of course though has been affected but I would think you are fairly well lealed from that. Your stomach muscles may still be affected but I don't know if there is a risk due to that.


Likely what will happen is your doctor will recommend you have a C section for this next baby, and furthermore may want to go a week or two before your due date. You doctor will likely not want you to go into labour as there is a higher risk of rupture becaue of your previous section.


Again though, I'm in no way qualified to give any of this advice, so do see your doctor.


Best of luck this time through. You deserve it.

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First I'm sorry, to lose your child is a horrible thing. I don't know if its any consolation, and I don't want to make you sad, but in my religion when a baby dies its because we believe that their soul has reached a state of near perfection. They only need one last touch of humanity before they move on to the next plane. Your baby choose you to give her this last sweet touch.


Now, on to current business. I think that you have most likely healed enough to have another child. If your intent on waiting for your doctor, then take it as easy as you can. Limit your exercises so there is no rough activity. Consume a well-balanced diet with plenty of protein that will aid in healing and scar-reduction. If your scared, then until your doctor gets home, go to her colleague. Most doctors have at least one companion doctor with whom they work in concert with who can go over your records and suggest the best course of action for you.


Big hug/kiss!

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I was reading about hydramnios and oligohydramnios and I just wonder what causes too little amniotic fluid, other than a rupture in the membranes.


I'm sorry, Choco! I am excited for you also, though. YOu sound like you are very happy to have the opportunity again and since the doctors know of the complicated first pregnancy, they will likely monitor you much more closely and be able to assess your progress and look out for issues more than they were able the first time.



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That story brings tears to my eyes.


You may be worried throughout this whole pregnancy no matter what anyone tells you. But at least now that your doctor knows you are prone to premature births you will know the extra saftey measures you might have to take. You will be better prepared this time. Keep us posted Choco!

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Hi. I am very sorry to hear about your loss.


Here is a link where women talk about pregnancy after a c-section. From looking at the link- some women's doctor's told them they could get pregnant 3-6 months after their c-section, other's told them to wait a year or more.


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Opinions seem to vary from doctor to doctor. It also seems to be dependent on what kind of incision you were given (vertical or bikini)


I'm sure your doctor will watch you very closely. Let us know how you make out at your appointment.


I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,



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Hi, Choco...I too am very sorry about your loss. ((HUGS))


If it's any comfort, might the doctor be very prepared this time to head off any similar complications, or deal with them should they arise?


Also, I would think that you've had a good window of time to recover physically. Of course, emotionally you will always carry some of that pain with you. It will be natural for you to worry throughout this pregnancy, of course, but it will help if you try to take things one day at a time as much as possible.

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